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Intan Couple Dance Ball Configuration Card Manager

Please enter search term (may part of dance name, creator, animation name) below to find a configuration card for your dances/poses.

-JR- Making Love[Send to me]

by: Jaqueline Rau

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Fist Her FF-fisting-fistinggirl14-m,... FF-fisting-fistedgirl6,... Foreplay
Asslicking asslicking-sitzend-male-06,... asslicking-sitzend-girl-05-long,... Sex
Asslicking 3 asslicking-liegen-guy-02,... asslicking-liegen-girl-02,... Sex
AssFuckingWall 23-stayfuck-male-04,... assfucked-girl,... Sex

101 Delmations - Cuddle[Send to me]

by: Dellybean North

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Snuggle7 retrom3,... retrof3,... Cuddle
MassageBack mmassage2,... fmassage2i,... Cuddle
LoveSnuggle msnuggle1,... fsnuggle1,... Cuddle
RideCowboy mridebottom6a,... fridetop,... Sex
Bath1 mbath1,... fbath1,... Cuddle
Bath2 mbath2,... fbath2,... Cuddle
Snuggle2 msnuggle2,... fsnuggle2,... Cuddle
Backwash2 mbackwashg,... femalebackwash2d,... Cuddle
RugChat msweet1,... fsweet1,... Cuddle

3fx ClubDesign[Send to me]

by: Wild Moo

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LetItRain 15_letitrain_m_23.05 15_letitrain_f_23.05 Freestyle,Slow
FallingDeep 16_fallingdeep_m_20.07 16_fallingdeep_f_20.07 Freestyle
Two of us 14_twoofus_m_24.05 14_twoofus_f_24.05 Freestyle,Slow
EternalFlame 13_eternalflame_m_22.14 13_eternalflame_f_22.14 Freestyle
Jive Star 04_jivestar_m_20.03 04_jivestar_f_20.03 Jive,Freestyle
TeaseMePls 05_teasemeplease_m_19.11 05_teasemeplease_f_19.11 Freestyle
The Shag 03_theshag_m_20.03 03_theshag_f_20.03 Freestyle
Follow Me 01_followme_m_24.02 01_followme_f_24.02 Freestyle
Turn to you 02_turntoyou_m_23.04 02_turntoyou_f_23.04 Freestyle
1Moment 28_couple_dance_010_M(start_00.00)_duration_18.18 one Soul f Latin
HeartBeat 24_couple_dance_014_M(start_00.00)_duration_17.20 24_couple_dance_014_F(start_00.00)_duration_17.20 Latin
LikeTheSun 12_likethesun_m_20.12 12_likethesun_f_20.12 Freestyle,Slow
Butterfly 11_thebutterfly_m_19.10 11_thebutterfly_f_19.10 Freestyle
Memories 10_memories_m_24.11 10_memories_f_24.11 Freestyle,Slow
Bite Me 09_biteme_m_23.09 09_biteme_f_23.09 Freestyle
Love Fight 08_lovefight_m_24.02 08_lovefight_f_24.02 Freestyle
Final Step 07_finalstep_m_24.06 07_finalstep_f_24.06 Freestyle
What u got 06_whatyougot_m_24.12 06_whatyougot_f_24.12 Freestyle
FallInLove 26_FallinLove_m_18.18 26_FallinLove_f_18.18 Freestyle
Together 22_together_m_17.16 22_together_f_17.16 Latin
With Me 25_Withme_m_18.00 25_Withme_f_18.00 Freestyle
1LastDance 23_onelastDance_m_17.00 23_onelastDance_f_17.00 Latin
2night&4ever 20_Tonight&Forever_m_17.00 20_Tonight&Forever_f_17.00 Freestyle
Clap Step 18_ClapStep_m_18.00 18_ClapStep_f_18.00 Freestyle
1Soul 29_OneSoul_m_18.18 29_OneSoul_f_18.18 Freestyle
Our Love 27_ourLove_m_17.15 27_ourLove_f_17.15 Freestyle
2 Steps 19_2Step_M_18.00 19_2step_f_18.00 Freestyle
BeautifulDream 21_couple_dance_002_M(start_00.00)_duration_18.19 21_couple_dance_002_F(start_00.00)_duration_18.19 Freestyle
Evergreen 17_evergreen_m_1_24.13,... 17_evergreen_f_1_24.13,... Slow
Angel Eyes 30_angeleyes_m_1_24.13,... 30_angeleyes_f_1_24.13,... Slow
DancingQueen 31_dancingqueen_m_1_24.13,... 31_dancingqueen_f_1_24.13,... Tango
WhiteOrchid 32_white orchid_m_1_24.13,... 32_white orchid_f_1_24.13,... Slow
Moon Shine 33_Moon Shine_m_1_24.13,... 33_Moon Shine_f_1_24.13,... Slow
I Like 34_I Like_m_1_24.13,... 34_I Like_f_1_24.13,... Slow
HeartBreaker 35_Heart Breaker_m_1_24.13,... 35_Heart Breaker_f_1_24.13,... Freestyle
Ti Amo 36_Ti Amo_m_1_24.13,... 36_Ti Amo_f_1_24.13,... Slow
Love Doves 37_Love Doves_m_1_24.13,... 37_Love Doves_f_1_24.13,... Slow
Night Flight 38_Night Flight_m_1_24.13,... 38_Night Flight_f_1_24.13,... Latin

A&M MOCAP Animation Workshop[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Salsa *CD_08_Salsa - A *CD_08_Salsa - B Latin,Sexy
SalsaMagic *CD_09_SalsaMagic - A *CD_09_SalsaMagic - B Latin,Sexy
Lambada *CD_10_Lambada - A *CD_10_Lambada - B Latin,Sexy
Hip-Hop2 *CD_26_HipHop02 - A *CD_26_HipHop02 - B Club,Freestyle
Vertigogo *CD_28_Vertigogo - A *CD_28_Vertigogo - B Club,Retro
Bliss *CD_30_Bliss - A *CD_30_Bliss - B Slow,Sexy
Wavelength *CD_31_Wavelength - A *CD_31_Wavelength - B Slow,Sexy
Burgeoning *CD_32_The Burgeoning - A *CD_32_The Burgeoning - B Slow,Sexy
Evolution *CD_33_Evolution - A *CD_33_Evolution - B Club,Freestyle
Reggae 1 Reggae_Couple_1_M Reggae_Couple_1_F Club
Reggae 2 SL_Reggae_Couple_2 M Reggae_Couple_2 F Club
PSY GentlMan PSY_Gentleman Couple M PSY_Gentleman Couple F Club
Wedding Pair CD_38 Wedding Couple D_M CD_38 Wedding Couple D_F Ballroom,Waltz
Red Nose 1 CD_41 Red Nose - 1 - R CD_41 Red Nose - 1 - L Club,Freestyle
Red Nose 2 CD_42 Red Nose - 2 - B CD_42 Red Nose - 2 - F Club,Freestyle
CAN-CAN CD_46 French CanCan - R CD_46 French CanCan - L Club,Retro
SWING CD_51 Swing - M CD_51 Swing - F Club,Retro
Kizomba-1 CD_52 Kizomba-1 - M CD_52 Kizomba-1 - F Club
Kizomba-2 CD_57 Kizomba-2 - M CD_57 Kizomba-2 - F Club
W O P CD_55 WOP - A CD_55 WOP - B Club,Freestyle
Just Waltz CD_56 Just Waltz - A CD_56 Just Waltz - B Ballroom,Waltz
ElectroSwing CD_58 Electro Swing - L CD_58 Electro Swing - R Club,Freestyle
Vamp Diaries CD_59 Vampires-Diary - L CD_59 Vampires-Diary - R Ballroom,Waltz
What FOX Say CD_60 What FOX Say - M CD_60 What FOX Say - F Club
Booty Bump CD_61 Booty Bump - M CD_61 Booty Bump - F Club
Beef It Up CD_62 Beef It Up - R CD_62 Beef It Up - L Club
Medieval CD_63 Medieval - M CD_63 Medieval - F Ballroom
Romance1 *CD_01_Romantic - A *CD_01_Romantic - B Slow,Sexy
The Java *CD_02_Java - A *CD_02_Java - B Ballroom,Retro,Waltz
Dbl Down *CD_03_Double Down - A *CD_03_Double Down - B Club,Freestyle
Romance4 *CD_04_Romantic - A *CD_04_Romantic - B Slow,Sexy
Rock-n-Roll *CD_05_Rock-n-Roll - A *CD_05_Rock-n-Roll - B Club,Retro
Ragdoll *CD_06_Ragdoll - A *CD_06_Ragdoll - B Club,Freestyle
Frozen *CD_07_Frozen - A *CD_07_Frozen - B Slow,Sexy
Romance3 *CD_11_Romance - A *CD_11_Romance - B Slow,Sexy
Flamenco1 *CD_12_Flamenco - A *CD_12_Flamenco - B Latin,Ballroom
Flamenco2 *CD_13_Flamenco - A *CD_13_Flamenco - B Latin,Ballroom
Flamenco3 *CD_14_Flamenco - A *CD_14_Flamenco - B Latin,Ballroom
Flamenco4 *CD_15_Flamenco - A *CD_15_Flamenco - B Latin,Ballroom
HelloDolly *CD_16_Hello Dolly - A *CD_16_Hello Dolly - B Ballroom,Retro
Hip-Hop1 *CD_17_Hip-Hop - A *CD_17_Hip-Hop - B Club,Freestyle
DualPopping *CD_18_Dual Popping - A *CD_18_Dual Popping - B Club,Freestyle
IrishJig1 *CD_19_Irish Step - A *CD_19_Irish Step - B Folk,Retro
IrishJig2 *CD_20_Irish Step - A *CD_20_Irish Step - B Folk,Retro
Gangnam1 *CD_21_Gangnam Style - A *CD_21_Gangnam Style - B Club,K-Pop
Gangnam2 *CD_22_Gangnam Style - A *CD_22_Gangnam Style - B Club,K-Pop
A Rose... *CD_24_A Rose is a Rose - A *CD_24_A Rose is a Rose - B Slow,Sexy
Sappho's Dream *CD_25_Sapphos Dream - A *CD_25_Sapphos Dream - B Slow,Sexy
Flamenc5 *CD_27_Flamenco - A *CD_27_Flamenco - B Latin,Ballroom
Romance5 *CD_29_Romance 5 - A *CD_29_Romance 5 - B Slow,Sexy
SEvolution *CD_33_Evolution - A - S *CD_33_Evolution - B - S Club,Freestyle
IrishJig3 *CD_34_Irish Jig - A *CD_34_Irish Jig - B Folk,Retro
Friends M&R CD_39 Friends Routine - Ross CD_39 Friends Routine - Monica Club,Freestyle
Romance6 CD_40 Romantic06 - M CD_40 Romantic06 - F Slow,Sexy
I'm Slave 4U CD_43 A Slave 4U - R CD_43 A Slave 4U - L Club,Freestyle
Stroll OFF - 1 CD_44 Stroll Off 1 - R CD_44 Stroll Off 1 - L Club,Stroll
Stroll OFF - 2 CD_45 Stroll Off 2 - R CD_45 Stroll Off 2 - L Club,Stroll
LENKA CD_47 Lenka - Everything at Once - R CD_47 Lenka - Everything at Once - L Club,Freestyle
PonPonPon CD_48 PonPonPon - FRight CD_48 PonPonPon - MLeft Club,J-Pop
KIKI-2 CD_49 Kiki-2 Right CD_49 Kiki-2 Left Club,Freestyle
Bunny Hop CD_50 Bunny Hop - Right CD_50 Bunny Hop - Left Club,Freestyle
Stroll OFF - 3 CD_53 Stroll Off 3 - A CD_53 Stroll Off 3 - B Club,Stroll
MISS-A CD_54 Breathe - A CD_54 Breathe - B Club,K-pop
BB Oldcshool CD_64 BB Oldschool - M CD_64 BB Oldschool - F Club
Wedding-2 CD_65 Wedding_Couple-2 - M CD_65 Wedding_Couple-2 - F Ballroom,Waltz
BoogieWoogie CD_66 Boogie Woogie - M CD_66 Boogie Woogie - F Club,Retro

Abranimation[Send to me]

by: Abramelin Wolfe

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Funky Groove creeping forwardback creeping backforward Freestyle
Couple Nuzzle sinuous-couples-man Soft Wiggle Freestyle
Salsa 1old Salsa60-3-m Salsa60-3-f Latin
Salsa 2old Salsa60-2m Salsa60-2f Latin
Salsa 3old Salsa60-1m Salsa61-1f Latin
Salsa 4old Salsa60-4m Salsa60-4f Latin
Salsa 5old Salsa60-5m Salsa60-5f Latin
Salsa 6old Salsa60-6m Salsa60-6f Latin
Salsa 7old Salsa60-7m Salsa60-7f Latin
Salsa 8old Salsa60-8m Salsa60-8f Latin
Salsa 9old Salsa60-9m Salsa60-9f Latin
Salsa 10old Salsa60-11m Salsa60-11f Latin
Salsa 11old Salsa60-12m Salsa60-12f Latin
Salsa 12old Salsa60-14m Salsa60-14f Latin
Salsa 13old Salsa60-15m Salsa60-15f Latin
Salsa 1 Salsa 1 - M Salsa 1 - F Salsa
Salsa 2 Salsa 2 - M Salsa 2 - F Salsa
Salsa 3 Salsa 3 - M Salsa 3 - F Salsa
Salsa 4 Salsa 4 - M Salsa 4 - F Salsa
Salsa 5 Salsa 5 - M Salsa 5 - F Salsa
Salsa 6 Salsa 6 - M Salsa 6 - F Salsa
Salsa 7 Salsa 7 - M Salsa 7 - F Salsa
Salsa 8 Salsa 8 - M Salsa 8 - F Salsa
Salsa 9 Salsa 9 - M Salsa 9 - F Salsa
Salsa 10 Salsa 10 - M Salsa 10 - F Salsa
Salsa 11 Salsa 11 - M Salsa 11 - F Salsa
Salsa 12 Salsa 12 - M Salsa 12 - F Salsa
Salsa 13 Salsa 13 - M Salsa 13 - F Salsa
Salsa 14 Salsa 14 - M Salsa 14 - F Salsa
Slow 1 AB Slow Dance 1 m Slow Dance 1 f Slowdance
Slow 2 AB Slow Dance 2 - m Slow Dance 2 - f Slow
Slow 3 AB Slow Dance 3 - m Slow Dance 3 - f Slow
Slow 4 AB Slow Dance 4 - m Slow Dance 4 - f Slow
Slow 5 AB Slow Dance 10 - m Slow Dance 10 - f Slow
Club 1 Club Dance 1 Pt1 - M,... Club Dance 1 Pt1 - F,... Freestyle,Club
Club 2 Club Dance 2 - M b Club Dance 2 - F b Freestyle,Club
Club 3 Club Dance 3 - M Club Dance 3 - F Freestyle,Club
Club 4 Club Dance 4 - M Pt1,... Club Dance 4 - F Pt1,... Freestyle,Club
Club 5 Club Dance 5 - M Pt1,... Club Dance 5 - F Pt1,... Freestyle,Club
CheekySlow Slow Couples Dance - M Slow Couples Dance - F Slow
60s Medley 60s Medley - M 60s Medley - F Freestyle
FunkDuet 1 Funk Duet 1 - M Funk Duet 1 - F Freestyle
FunkDuet 2 Funk Duet 2 - M Funk Duet 2 - F Freestyle
LockHandsh Lockers Handshake - M Lockers Handshake - F Freestyle
MenInBlack Men In Black - M Men In Black - F Freestyle
Top Rock Street Dance Top Rock 1 - M Street Dance Top Rock 1 - F Freestyle
Dance Off Danceoff Background Dance-M,... Danceoff Background Dance-F,... Freestyle
Slow CD 1 Slow Dance1-M-Pt1 30.0,... Slow Dance1-F-Pt1 30.0,... Slowdance
Slow CD 2 Slow Dance2-M 29.4 Slow Dance2-F 29.4 Slowdance
Slow CD 3 Slow Dance3-M-Pt1 29.8,... Slow Dance3-F-Pt1 29.8,... Slowdance
Slow CD 4 Slow Dance4-M-Pt1 29.8,... Slow Dance4-F-Pt1 29.8,... Slowdance
Slow CD 5 Slow Dance5-M-Pt1 29.8,... Slow Dance5-F-Pt1 29.8,... Slowdance
Charleston1 Tandem Charlston 1-M 24.8 Tandem Charlston 1-F 24.8 Swing
Charleston2 Tandem Charlston2-M 25.1 Tandem Charlston2-F 25.1 Swing
Charleston3 Side Charlston1-M-Pt1 20.7,... Side Charlston1-F-Pt1 20.7,... Swing
Charleston4 Side Charlston2-M-Pt1 20.7,... Side Charlston2-F-Pt1 20.7,... Swing
Charleston5 Side Charlston3-M-Pt1 20.6,... Side Charlston3-F-Pt1 20.6,... Swing
Charleston6 Charlston 6-M 30 Charlston 6-F 30 Swing
ColleShag1 Collegiate Shag1-M-Pt1 24.8,... Collegiate Shag1-F-Pt1 24.8,... Swing
ColleShag2 Collegiate Shag2-M-Pt1 24.8,... Collegiate Shag2-F-Pt1 24.8,... Swing
ColleShag3 Collegiate Shag3-M 23.7 Collegiate Shag3-F 23.7 Swing
JazzSteps1 Jazz Steps-M 23.7 Jazz Steps-F 23.7 Swing
LindyHop1 Lindy Hop1-M-Pt1 29.8,... Lindy Hop1-F-Pt1 29.8,... Swing
LindyHop2 Lindy Hop2-Pt1-M 26.9,... Lindy Hop2-Pt1-F 26.9,... Swing
LindyHop3 Lindy Hop-3-Pt1-M 29.8,... Lindy Hop-3-Pt1-F 29.8,... Swing
LindyHop4 Lindy Hop4-M-Pt1 25,... Lindy Hop4-F-Pt1 25,... Swing
LindyHop5 Lindy Hop5-M-Pt1 25,... Lindy Hop5-F-Pt1 25,... Swing
LindyHop6 Lindy Hop-6-M 28.5 Lindy Hop-6-F 28.5 Swing
LindyHop7 Lindy Hop7-M 27 Lindy Hop7-F 27 Swing
LindyHop8 Lindy Hop8-M-Pt1 22.7,... Lindy Hop8-F-Pt1 22.7,... Swing
LindyHop9 Lindy Hop-M-Pt1 19.8,... Lindy Hop-F-Pt1 19.8,... Swing
LindyHop10 Lindy Hop-10-M-Pt1 16.4,... Lindy Hop-10-F-Pt1 16.4,... Swing
LindyHop11 Lindy Hop11-M-Pt1 30,... Lindy Hop11-F-Pt1 30,... Swing
SlowBlues1 Slow Blues1-M-Pt1 30,... Slow Blues1-F-Pt1 30,... Swing
SlowBlues2 Slow Blues2-M-Pt1 29.8,... Slow Blues2-F-Pt1 29.8,... Swing
Slow CD 6 Slow-Dance-6-Pt1-M 29.8,... Slow-Dance-6-Pt1-F 29.8,... Slow
Slow CD 7 SlowDance3-M-Pt1 29.8,... SlowDance3-F-Pt1 29.8,... Slow
Slow CD 8 Slow Dance 8 - M Slow Dance 8 - F Slow
Slow CD 9 Slow Dance 9 - M Slow Dance 9 - F Slow
Slow CD 10 Slow Dance 10 - M Slow Dance 10 - F Slow
Impress1 Impress-Her-M 28.6 Impress-Her-F 28.6 Fun,Freestyle
Impress2 ImpressHer2-M 30 ImpressHer2-F 30 Fun,Freestyle
WandHand1 WanderingHands1-Pt1-M 29.8,... WanderingHands1-Pt1-F 29.8,... Fun
WandHand2 WanderingHands2-M 30 WanderingHands2-F 30 Fun
Slow CD 11 SlowDance11-M 60 SlowDance11-F 60 Slow
Slow CD 12 SlowDance12-M 30.3 SlowDance12-F 30.3 Slow
CarryDance1 CarryDance1-M 46.4 CarryDance1 - F 46.4 Slow
CarryDance2 CarryDance2-M 42.2 CarryDance2-F 42.2 Slow
CarryDance3 CarryInArmsDance3-M 48.7 CarryInArmsDance3-F 48.7 Slow
Dance&Lift Slow DanceAndLift -M 49.7 Slow DanceAndLift -F 49.7 Slow
WandHand3 WanderingHands3-M 49 WanderingHands3-F 49 Fun
WandHand4 WanderingHands4-M 60 WanderingHands4-F 60 Fun
BallrTango1 BallroomTango1-M 53.9 BallroomTango1-F 53.9 Ballroom
Samba 1 Samba1-M 53.5 Samba1-F 53.5 Ballroom
Samba 2 Samba2-M 55.1 Samba2-F 55.1 Ballroom
ChaCha 1 ChaCha-M 55.9 ChaCha-F 55.9 Ballroom
ChaCha 2 ChaCha2-M Pt1 29.8,... ChaCha2-F Pt1 29.8,... Ballroom
FrenchJive1 FrenchJive1-M 58.4 FrenchJive1-F 58.4 Ballroom
FrenchJive2 FrenchJive2-M 59.8 FrenchJive2-F 59.8 Ballroom
FrenchJive3 FrenchJive3-M 50.3 FrenchJive3-F 50.3 Ballroom
FrenchJive4 FrenchJive4-M 56.4 FrenchJive4-F 56.4 Ballroom
FrenchJive5 FrenchJive5-M 60 FrenchJive5-F 60 Ballroom
ModWaltz 1 ModernWaltz1-M 57.4 ModernWaltz1-F(adjusted) 57.4 Ballroom
ModWaltz 2 ModernWaltz2-M 57.6 ModernWaltz2-F 57.6 Ballroom
ModWaltz 3 ModernWaltz3-M 51.6 ModernWaltz3-F 51.6 Ballroom
ModWaltz4 ModernWaltz4-M 59.7 ModernWaltz4-F 59.7 Ballroom
ModWaltz5 ModernWaltz5-M 51.5 ModernWaltz5-F 51.5 Ballroom
QuickStep1 QuickStep1-M 53.2 QuickStep1-F 53.2 Ballroom
QuickStep2 QuickStep2-M 59.8 QuickStep2-F 59.8 Ballroom
QuickStep3 QuickStep3-M 54.1 QuickStep3-F 54.1 Ballroom
SlowTango BallroomTangoArgentina-M Pt1 59.8,... BallroomTangoArgentina-F Pt1 59.8,... Ballroom
SocialFox1 SocialFoxtrot1-M 53.7 SocialFoxtrot1-F 53.7 Ballroom
SocialFox2 SocialFoxtrot2-M 46.1 SocialFoxtrot2-F 46.1 Ballroom
VienWaltz1 VienneseWaltz1-M 55.2 VienneseWaltz1-F 55.2 Ballroom
VienWaltz2 VienneseWaltz2-M 55 VienneseWaltz2-F 55 Ballroom

Abranimation - Making Love[Send to me]

by: Abramelin Wolfe,niknak Bugaboo

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Side Blowjob Blowjob from side - Male,... Blowjob from side - Female,... Foreplay
Breast Rub Rub Between breasts - Male,... Rub Between breasts - Female,... Foreplay
Breast Sex Breast Sex - Male,... Breast Sex - Female,... Foreplay
Licking Girl Kneel Licking girl - Male,... Kneel Licking girl - Female,... Foreplay
DeskChair Deckchair Position - male,... Deckchair Position - female,... Sex
Passionate Kiss Standing Passionate Kiss - Male,... Standing Passionate Kiss - Female,... Cuddle
Stand Blowjob standing blowjob - male,... standing blowjob - female,... Foreplay
69 GirlTop Girl on Top 69 - Man,... Girl on Top 69 - Woman,... Foreplay
ArchedKneel Arched Kneeling - Male,... Arched Kneeling - Female,... Sex
SpoonLA Spoon Leg Around - Male,... Spoon Leg Around - Female,... Sex
BlowjobFrSide manonback-blowjobfromside-m,... manonback-blowjobfromside-f,... Foreplay
LieBlowjob blowjob-lie-on-back-m,... blowjob-lie-on-back-f,... Foreplay
Cunni.Astride girl-ride-face-m,... girl-ride-face-f,... Foreplay
SixtyNiner 69-m,... 69-f,... Foreplay
Missionary Missionary-m,... Missionary-f,... Sex
HoldingKnees girl-on-back-legs-up-m,... girl-on-back-legs-up-f,... Sex
Spooning guy and girl on side- guy behind-m,... guy and girl on side- guy behind-f,... Sex
OnHerSide girl-on-side-legs-apart-m,... girl-on-side-legs-apart-f,... Sex
FrBehindLS behind-girls-legs-spread-m,... behind-girls-legs-spread-f,... Sex
SitOnLap girl-sit-on-guy-both-face-forward-m,... girl-sit-on-guy-both-face-forward-f,... Sex
KneelDoggy doggy-style-m,... doggy-style-f,... Sex
StandDoggy behind-over-bed-m-2,... behind-over-bed-f-2,... Sex
Ult.HugStand Ultimate Hug Standing -male,... Ultimate Hug Standing -female,... Sex
Mut.Masturbation mutual masturbation - Male,... mutual masturbation - Female,... Foreplay
ArchedFace Arched Face Ride - Male,... Arched Face Ride - Female,... Sex
Butterfly Butterfly - Male,... Butterfly - Female,... Sex
SixtyNiner2 69 - Male,... 69 - Female,... Foreplay
BehindLegSpread Behind Legs Spread - Male,... Behind Legs Spread - Female,... Sex
LegsAr.Her guyontop-womanlegsclosed-m,... guyontop-womanlegsclosed-f,... Sex
PassionateKneel Passionate kiss kneeling - Male,... Passionate kiss kneeling - Female,... Cuddle
Bdg.Relaxed Bodyguard Relaxed - Male,... Bodyguard Relaxed - Female,... Sex
ClimbTheTree Climb The Tree - male,... Climb The Tree - female,... Sex
on 1 Knee on one knee position - Male,... on one knee position - Female,... Sex
UrgentSpank Urgent Standing Spank - spanker,... Urgent Standing Spank - spanked,... BDSM
Lotus Lotus - Male,... Lotus - Female,... Sex
PileDriver piledriver - male,... piledriver - female,... Sex
RideTheBull ride the bull - male,... ride the bull - female,... Sex
Lay.Conver. laying in conver.m 1.0,... laying in conver.f 1.0,... Cuddle
180Position 180 position - Male,... 180 position - Female,... Sex
DoggyGHD Doggy Style - Girl head Down - Male,... Doggy Style Head Down - Female,... Sex
CowGirlOnFeet Cowgirl on feet - Male,... Cowgirl on feet - Female,... Sex
KneelMut.Mast. kneel mutual masturbation - Male,... kneel mutual masturbation - Female,... Foreplay
Rev.Missionary reclining reverse missionary - Male,... reclining reverse missionary - Female,... Sex
FacingPincers Facing Pincers - Male,... Facing Pincers - Female,... Sex
OppositeMissi. Opposite Missionary - Male,... Opposite Missionary - Female,... Sex
Missi.Anvil missionary anvil position - Male,... missionary anvil position - Female,... Sex
Accordian accordian - male,... accordian - female,... Sex
TakeFrBehind Take from behind standing-m,... Take from behind standing-f,... Sex
AgainstWallB against the wall (behind) - male,... against the wall (behind) - female,... Sex
AgainstWallF against the wall (facing) - male,... against the wall (facing) - female,... Sex
ConcealedDoor Concealed Door Position - male,... Concealed Door Position - female,... Sex
SleepingBeauty sleeping beauty - Male,... sleeping beauty - Female,... Sex
LieDownMirror Lie down mirror position - Male,... Lie down mirror position - Female,... Sex
ShoulderMassage Shoulder Massage - Male,... Shoulder Massage - Female,... Cuddle
Lay.Facing Laying Facing - male,... Laying Facing - female,... Cuddle
SpreadEagle Spread eagle on front - Male,... Spread eagle on front - Female,... Sex
WildDoggy Wild Doggy Style - Male,... Wild Doggy Style - Female,... Sex
Astride Passion Astride Passion - Male,... Astride Passion - Female,... Sex
SideMissionary Side Entry Missionary-m,... Side Entry Missionary-f,... Sex
Astride Astride - Male,... Astride - Female,... Sex
LegAroundOnTop Leg Around On Top - Male,... Leg Around On Top - Female,... Sex
LieDownBlow Lying Down Blowjob - Male,... Lying Down Blowjob - Female,... Foreplay
LayBlowjob Lay back blowjob - Guy,... Lay back blowjob - Girl,... Foreplay
WheelBarrow Wheel Barrow - Male Wheel Barrow - Female Sex
SitCrossedLegged Sit on Crossed Legs - Male Sit on Crossed Legs - Female Sex
UpsideDwnScissor Upside Down Scissors - Male Upside Down Scissors - Female Sex
ArchingBack Arching Back - Male Arching Back - Female Sex
Facing Hd2Toe Facing head To Toe - Male Facing head To Toe - Female Sex
OnSideCaressing On Side Caressing - Male On Side Caressing - Female Cuddle
Lovers.1 lye-and-caress-m,... lye-and-caress-f,... Cuddle
Cowgirl1 Cowgirl 1 - Male,... Cowgirl 1 - Female,... Sex
KneesBent With knees Bent - Male,... With knees Bent - Female,... Sex
LapBack2Chest girl-riding-guy-sitting-m,... girl-riding-guy-sitting-f,... Sex
CrisCrossed CrisCrossed Position - Male,... CrisCrossed Position - Female,... Sex
PassionateKiss passionate-kiss-standing-m,... passionate-kiss-standing-f,... Cuddle
LieDownBJ Lie Down Blowjob - Male,... Lie Down Blowjob - Female,... Foreplay
PenetrateEye penetrate the eye - male,... penetrate the eye - female,... Sex
MassageF massagefb,... massagefp,... Cuddle
69 GuyTop 69 Guy on top - Male,... 69 Guy on top - Female,... Foreplay
Bodyguard Bodyguard - Male,... Bodyguard - Female,... Sex
SquatDog Squatting Doggy - Male,... Squatting Doggy - Female,... Sex
KneelLotus Kneeling Lotus Position - male,... Kneeling Lotus Position - female,... Sex
astride astride - Male,... astride - Female,... Sex

Abranimation - Tinies[Send to me]

by: Abramelin Wolfe

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Tinies Salsa Tiny-Salsa-g Tiny-Salsa-f Tinies
Tinies Ballroom Ballroom-Tiny1 Ballroom-Tiny2 Tinies

Abranimation MultiAnimator[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
A-Slow slow-dance-standing-m slow-dance-standing-f Slow
Salsa-3 Salsa-3-m Salsa-3-f Latin
HugLegAround hug1b,... hug1g,... Cuddle
CarryInArms hug3b,... hug3g,... Cuddle
A-Kiss kiss-m,... kiss-f,... Cuddle
DipKiss dipkiss-m,... dipkiss-f,... Cuddle
HugLegs hug2b,... hug2g,... Cuddle
HugBehind hugbehind-m,... hugbehind-f,... Cuddle
KissButt kiss-butt-m,... kiss-butt-f,... Cuddle
Pounce pounce1,... pounce2,... Cuddle
CatchInArms jumpinarmscatch,... jumpinarms,... Cuddle
SwoonHug swoon-hug-hugger,... swoon-hug-hugged,... Cuddle
LeapFrog leapfrog2,... leapfrog1,... Play
Worship worship-king,... worship-worshiper,... Play
RagDollScrap rag-doll-scrap2,... rag-doll-scrap2b,... Play
KnockDown faetal-jump,... fallback,... Play
ExplodingHug explodinghug1,... explodinghug2,... Play
Kick kick1,... kick2,... Abuse
CrotchKick kick-in-the-goolies(kicker),... kick-in-the-goolies(reciever),... Abuse
CrotchKickHard kick-in-the-goolies(kicker),... kicked-in-groin-hard,... Abuse

Abranimations Sports[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
CloudHands Chi Gun Cloud Hands Chi Gun Cloud Hands Sports
GraspBirdTail Chi Gung Grasp The Birds Tail Chi Gung Grasp The Birds Tail Sports
Meditation Chi Gung Meditation Stance,... Chi Gung Meditation Stance,... Sports
SkyPushUp Chi Gung Push Up To The Sky Chi Gung Push Up To The Sky Sports
TaiChi Tai Chi Pt1,... Tai Chi Pt1,... Sports

Ace Hand-Made[Send to me]

by: Hanako Calamari

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
AceGrind1 male_grind_1 female_grind_1 Sexy
AceGrind2 male_grind_2 female_grind_2 Sexy

Action Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SitKiss sitkissm,... sitkissf,... Cuddle
Spoon spoonm,... spoonf,... Sex
RealismBJ BJM,... BJF,... Foreplay

Adagio Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LesbianGrind lesbiangrind,... lesbiangrind1,... Foreplay

AjaxGear[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Doggy AG dogggyM1,... doggyF1,... Sex

AK Creation[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
AK Polka Polka_Dance_DuoMM_M Polka_Dance_DuoMM_F Ballroom

Akeyo Dance[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Jay 1 JAY_Dance1_AKEYO JAY_Dance1_AKEYO Club
Jay 2 JAY_Dance2_AKEYO JAY_Dance2_AKEYO Club
Jay 3 JAY_Dance3_AKEYO JAY_Dance3_AKEYO Club
Jay 4 Face JAY_Dance4_AKEYO JAY_Dance4_AKEYO Club
Jay 4 Back JAY_Dance4_AKEYO JAY_Dance4_AKEYO Club
Breakdance BEN_01_dance_AKEYO BEN_01_dance_AKEYO Club
Jay Mixed 1 JAY_Dance4_AKEYO JAY_Dance2_AKEYO Club
Jay Mixed 2 JAY_Dance3_AKEYO JAY_Dance1_AKEYO Club

Allen Store[Send to me]

by: store Allen

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Slow 6013 SynDance_V6013man SynDance_V6013woman Slow
Slow 6014 SynDance_V6014man SynDance_V6014woman Slow
Slow 6015 Syn_V6015man Syn_V6015woman Slow

Allen Store Cuddle[Send to me]

by: store Allen

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Kiss 1743 KissPose_Male1743,... KissPose_FeMale1743,... Cuddle
Kiss 1746 KissPose_Male1746,... KissPose_FeMale1746,... Cuddle
Love 1701 LovePose_male1701,... LovePose_Female1701,... Cuddle
Love 1767 LovePose_male1767,... LovePose_Female1767,... Cuddle
Love 1772 LovePose_male1772,... LovePose_Female1772,... Cuddle
Love 1773 LovePose_male1773,... LovePose_Female1773,... Cuddle
Love 5001 LovePose_Male_S5001,... LovePose_Female_S5001,... Cuddle
Love 5002 LovePose_Male_S5002,... LovePose_Female_S5002,... Cuddle
Sweet6006 Syn_V6006man,... Syn_V6006woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6011 Syn_V6011man,... Syn_V6011woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6013 Syn_V6013man,... Syn_V6013Woman,... Cuddle
Pool 1601 Syn_1601Poolman,... Syn_1601PoolWoman,... Swim
Kiss 1745 KissPose_Male1745,... KissPose_FeMale1745,... Cuddle
Kiss 1747 KissPose_Male1747,... KissPose_FeMale1747,... Cuddle
Kiss 1748 KissPose_Male1748,... KissPose_FeMale1748,... Cuddle
Love 1716 LovePose_male1716,... LovePose_female1716,... Cuddle
Love 1749 LovePose_Male1749,... LovePose_FeMale1749,... Cuddle
Love 1753 LOVEPOSE_male1753,... LOVEPOSE_Female1753,... Cuddle
Love 1757 LOVEPOSE_male1757,... LOVEPOSE_Female1757,... Cuddle
Love 1758 LOVEPOSE_male1758,... LOVEPOSE_Female1758,... Cuddle
Love 1759 LOVEPOSE_male1759,... LOVEPOSE_Female1759,... Cuddle
Love 1761 LOVEPOSE_male1761,... LOVEPOSE_Female1761,... Cuddle
Sweet6020 Syn_V6020man,... Syn_V6020woman,... Cuddle
Special8 CoupleSpecialV8_MAN,... CoupleSpecialV8_WOMAN,... Cuddle
Sweet6008 Syn_V6008man,... Syn_V6008woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6004 Syn_V6004man,... Syn_V6004woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6010 Syn_V6010man,... Syn_V6010woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6012 Syn_V6012man,... Syn_V6012Woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6025 Syn_V6025man,... Syn_V6025woman,... Cuddle
Love 1710 LovePose_male1710,... LovePose_female1710,... Cuddle
Love 1774 LovePose_male1774,... LovePose_Female1774,... Cuddle
Sweet6002 syn_V6002man,... syn_V6002woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6003 Syn_V6003man,... Syn_V6003woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6005 Syn_V6005man,... Syn_V6005woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6009 Syn_V6009man,... Syn_V6009woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6017 Syn_V6017man,... Syn_V6017woman,... Cuddle
Sweet6024 Syn_V6024man,... Syn_V6024woman,... Cuddle
Kiss 1744 KissPose_Male1744,... KissPose_FeMale1744,... Cuddle
Love 1752 LOVEPOSE_male1752,... LOVEPOSE_Female1752,... Cuddle
Love 1760 LOVEPOSE_male1760,... LOVEPOSE_Female1760,... Cuddle
Love 1705 LovePose_male1705,... LovePose_Female1705,... Cuddle
Love 1750 LovePose_Male1750,... LovePose_FeMale1750,... Cuddle
Love 1765 LOVEPOSE_male1765,... LOVEPOSE_Female1765,... Cuddle
Love 1770 LovePose_male1770,... LovePose_Female1770,... Cuddle
Love 1703 LovePose_Male1703,... LovePose_FeMale1703,... Cuddle
Love 1738 LovePose_Male1738,... LovePose_FeMale1738,... Cuddle
Love 1739 LovePose_Male1739,... LovePose_FeMale1739,... Cuddle
Love 1741 LovePose_Male1741,... LovePose_FeMale1741,... Cuddle

Amethyst & Sensations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
DeepKiss DeepKissDag,... DeepKissDaf,... Cuddle
FrenchKiss FrenchKissSae,... FrenchKissDae,... Cuddle
HotKiss HotKissSad,... HotKissDad,... Cuddle
NeckKiss1 NeckFrontKissSag,... NeckFrontKissDag,... Cuddle
BobbyKiss BoobyKissSad,... BoobyKissDae,... Foreplay
DaddysRide daddysridedc,... daddysridesc,... Sex
PogoStick ridehimzbm,... ridehimzbfa,... Sex

Angellove Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
AAShelter shelter M,... shelter F,... Cuddle

Angueliques Poses[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
KissHer EC_Foreplay_A_Kiss,... EC_Foreplay_A_GetKissed,... Cuddle

Animate me[Send to me]

by: mikeD Streeter

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Slow 1 maledance1 femaledance2 Slow
Behind Dance Maleslow1 femaleslow1 Slow
LongPose male1,... female1,... Sex
BentOverLicked lick behind_v1,... belicked,... Foreplay
BathingWash bathback3,... bathfront3,... Cuddle
LickFeet1 69_M,... Lick Feet 1,... Foreplay
LickFeet2 Bondage 6,... Feet2,... Foreplay

AnimationGalaxy[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Blowjob_01 blowjob_01-m Galaxy,... blowjob_01-f Galaxy,... Foreplay

Animations & Arts[Send to me]

by: Didi Wunderle

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Rock'nRoll Rock 'n Roll 02 -m,... Rock 'n Roll 02 -f,... Freestyle
Rock2 Rock 'n Roll 05 -m Rock 'n Roll 05 -f Slow
Rock3 Rock 'n Roll 06 -m,... Rock 'n Roll 06 -f,... Freestyle
Hug&Kiss Hugging Slow Dance1 -m,... Hugging Slow Dance1 -f,... Slow
KissingSlow Kissing Slow Dance -m Kissing Slow Dance -f Slow
HuggingSlow Hugging Slow Dance1 -m Hugging Slow Dance1 -f Slow
DirtyDancing Dirty Dancing 01 -m Dirty Dancing 01 -f Slow

Animations Sensations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
TreatHer KS_TreatHer,... KS_TreatHer_Receive,... Foreplay
GrindHer Grind_2,... Grind_1,... Foreplay
ScissorGrind KS_Scissor_1T,... KS_Scissor_1B,... Foreplay
SpreadHer KS-SpreadEm_Eat,... KS-SpreadEm,... Foreplay
PleasureHer KS-FaceEating,... KS-SitOnFace,... Foreplay
AdoreHer1 KS_AdoreHer_I_G,... KS_AdoreHer_I_R,... Cuddle
AdoreHerScene KS_AdoreHer_I_G,... KS_AdoreHer_I_R,... Cuddle
DildoPleasure KS_DildoPleasure_Give,... KS_DildoPleasure_Receive,... Foreplay
Hand&Knees KS_HandsandKnees_G,... KS_HandsandKnees_R,... Foreplay

AnimaZoo[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
azVnWaltz AZ Viennese Waltz (AnimaZoo) m AZ Viennese Waltz (AnimaZoo) f Ballroom
azWaltz AZ Waltz (AnimaZoo) m AZ Waltz (AnimaZoo) f Ballroom
azBallJive AZ Ballroom Jive (AnimaZoo) m AZ Ballroom Jive (AnimaZoo) f Ballroom
azChaCha AZ Cha Cha Cha (AnimaZoo) m AZ Cha Cha Cha (AnimaZoo) f Ballroom
azRumba1 AZ Rumba part 1 m AZ Rumba part 1 f Ballroom
azRumba2 AZ Rumba part 2 m AZ Rumba part 2 f Ballroom
azSalsa AZ Salsa m AZ Salsa f Ballroom
azSamba1 AZ Samba 1 m AZ Samba 1 f Ballroom
azSamba2 AZ Samba 2 m AZ Samba 2 f Ballroom
azTango AZ Ballroom Tango m AZ Ballroom Tango f Ballroom
azPaso Doble AZ Paso Doble m AZ Paso Doble f Ballroom
azQuick Step AZ Quick Step m AZ Quick Step f Ballroom

Anomations[Send to me]

by: Cristiano Midnight

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Caliente caliente short caliente short Freestyle
Shadow Dance Shadow Dancing Shadow Dancing Freestyle
Stardust Stardust Dance Stardust Dance Freestyle
CoupleLatin caliente short caliente short Latin

Antiquity[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SensualShower mshower2aUntitled,... shower2,... Cuddle

Antonelli's Animation[Send to me]

by: Anti Antonelli

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Dance Close dance-close-m dance-close-f Slow
Cherish lying-hug-m,... lying-hug-f,... Cuddle
IndulgeMore indulge-more-m,... indulge-more-f,... Foreplay
Indulge indulge-m,... indulge-f,... Foreplay
Initiate initiate-m,... initiate-f,... Sex,Chair
Gaze gaze-m,... gaze-f,... Cuddle

ASK Poses[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
ASKLovers2 ASK_lovers_2_M,... ASK_P_lovers_2_F,... Cuddle
PussyLick ASK_k_43_M_(BA_bundle),... ASK_k_43_F_(BA_bundle),... Foreplay

AV Puli Animations[Send to me]

by: Pulaski Fizz

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
First Kiss M A Couple Kiss F A Couple Kiss Cuddle
HerPleasure M A Her Pleasure2 F A Her Pleasure Foreplay
SweetOnTop M A Pre On Top,... F A Pre On Top,... Sex
Lap Kiss M A Lap Kiss,... F A Lap Kiss,... Cuddle
StarGazers M A Star Gaze,... F A Star Gaze,... Cuddle
CoupleLay1 M A Couple Lay 1,... F A Couple Lay 1,... Cuddle
She'sOnTop M A On Top2,... F A On Top2,... Sex
LapRide M A Lap Sex,... F A Lap Ride fix,... Sex,Chair
SweetSeat M A Lap Kiss,... F A Lap Kiss,... Sex,Chair

B&F-Poseworx[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
HoldMe SofaM,... SofaF,... Cuddle
SweetTalk B&F-CPSweetTalkM,... B&F-CPSweetTalkF,... Cuddle
IntimateMom. lovescene,... lovescene 1,... Cuddle
TouchMe B&F-Touchme,... B&F-Touchme 1,... Cuddle
PassionateKiss B&F-Passionate Kiss-Male,... B&F-Passionate Kiss-Fem,... Cuddle

B-Dazzled Designs[Send to me]

by: Ric Dulce

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Hold on tight *BD Hold On Tight M *BD Hold On Tight F Cuddle
QuiteMoments *BD Quiet Moments,... *BD Quiet Moments 1,... Cuddle
Livin4You *BD Livin For You,... *BD Livin For You 1,... Cuddle
DanceWithMe Dance With Me M,... *BD Dance With Me F,... Pose
Whisper whispers M,... Whisper F,... Pose
Relax * BD Relax M,... *BD Relax F,... Cuddle
Soul Mates Soul Mates,... *BD Soul Mates F Animated,... Cuddle
RomanticEnc. *BD Romantic Encounters M,... *BD Romantic Encounters F,... Cuddle

BadAzz[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Gen3-Lick PSB KneelLick1,... PSB StandLicked,... Foreplay
Gen3-RoughSex PSB BedMFUX4piledriver,... PSB BedSuspFeetupFX2slow,... Sex

Bakalava Creation[Send to me]

by: Jonas Bakalava

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
EatGirlOnTop bGIRLSITTOP2,... gGIRLSITTOP2,... Foreplay
Foreplay3 jb foreplay series 3 final-boy,... jb foreplay series 3 final-girl,... Foreplay
Foreplay4 jb foreplay series 4 final boy,... jb foreplay series 4 final girl,... Foreplay
SkilletGrease greasing the skillet boy,... greasing the skillet girl,... Sex
Super69 super 69 semi 3 b,... super 69 semi 3 g,... Foreplay
SweetAss sweet chariot boy,... sweet chariot g,... Sex
WheelBarrow wheelbarrow ride-boy,... wheelbarrow ride-girl,... Sex
SkiSlopes ski slopes final-boy,... ski slopes final-girl,... Foreplay
FingeredGirl fingered boy,... fingered girl,... Foreplay
HelpingHand helpinghand2,... helpinghand1,... Foreplay
69er 69er final-boy,... 69er final-girl,... Foreplay
CliffHanger hot tub 18 full v2 b,... hot tub 18 full v2 g,... Sex
JB Doggie bdoggy1,... gdoggy1,... Sex
GirlOnTop porn queen b,... porn queen g,... Sex
WallGroove get ya wall groove on-boy,... get ya wall groove on-girl,... Sex
WetBuns bedzilla9 v4 g2,... bedzilla9 v4 b1,... Sex
CreamySaddle bedzilla11 v3 b1,... bedzilla11 v3 g2,... Sex
BurnOut hot tub 16 full b,... hot tub 16 full g,... Sex, Chair
JumpJiggle babe25 v10 g1,... babe25 v10 g2,... Cuddle
SilkenSlide babe26 down 15 g2,... babe26 down 15 g1,... Foreplay
LilDick babe 1 v5 g2,... babe 1 v5 g1,... Sex

Bella Divine Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
DoggyA1 thrustspank,... standfrbehfem,... Sex,Table
DoggyA2 thrustspank2,... standfrbehfem,... Sex,Table
DoggyA3 thrustspank3,... standfrbehfem,... Sex,Table
DoggyB1 thrustspank,... Clitplay2,... Sex,Table
DoggyB2 thrustspank2,... Clitplay2,... Sex,Table
DoggyB3 thrustspank3 Clitplay2 Sex,Table

Big Balls Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Missed You kiss-04m,... kiss-04f,... Cuddle

BIG BANG Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
BB SlowClose BB_slow_close_M BB_slow_close_F Slow
BB SlowInvert BB_slow_invert_M BB_slow_invert_F Slow
BB SlowZouk BB_slow_zouk_M BB_slow_zouk_F Slow
BB Kiss BB_kiss_M BB_kiss_F Kiss
BB KissHim BB_kiss_him_M BB_kiss_him_F Kiss
BB KissHer BB_kiss_her_M BB_kiss_her_F Kiss
BB KissHim 2 BB_kiss_him2_M BB_kiss_him2_F Kiss
BB KissHer 2 BB_kiss_her2_M BB_kiss_her2_F Kiss
BB Blowjob BB_BJ_M BB_BJ_F Foreplay
BB Blowjob2 BB_BJ2_M BB_BJ2_F Foreplay
BB Lick BB_Lick_M BB_Lick_F Foreplay
BB Lick2 BB_Lick2_M BB_Lick2_F Foreplay
BB PleaseHim BB_Please_him_M BB_Please_him_F Foreplay
BB PleaseHer BB_Please_her_M BB_Please_her_F Foreplay
BB RideHug BB_RideHug_M BB_RideHug_F Sex
BB Swing 2 BB_Swing2_M BB_Swing2_F Sex
BB Mission 2 BB_Mission_M BB_Mission_F Sex
BB Doggy 2 BB_Doggy2_M BB_Doggy2_F Sex
BB Kneeling 2 BB_Kneeling_M BB_Kneeling_F Sex
BB TakeHer 2 BB_TakeHer2_M BB_TakeHer2_F Sex
BB TakeHer 3 BB_TakeHer3_M BB_TakeHer3_F Sex
BB CarryHer BB_CarryHer_M BB_CarryHer_F Sex
BB CarryHer2 BB_CarryHer2_M BB_CarryHer2_F Sex
BB Massage1 BB_Massage_1_M BB_Massage_1_F Massage
BB Massage2 BB_Massage_2_M BB_Massage_2_F Massage
BB Massage3 BB_Massage_3_M BB_Massage_3_F Massage
BB Massage4 BB_Massage_4_M BB_Massage_4_F Massage

Bio VV Cuddles[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Kiss wall Kiss wall m Kiss wall f Cuddle
Love Love m Love f Cuddle
Shower Shower m Shower f Cuddle
Kiss sit kiss sit m kiss sit f Cuddle
Kiss Table Kiss table m Kiss table f Cuddle
Kiss vh Kiss vh m Kiss vh f Cuddle
Kiss Rainbow Kiss Rainbow m Kiss Rainbow f Cuddle
Kiss sb Kiss sb m Kiss sb f Cuddle
Kiss Passion Kiss Passion m Kiss Passion f Cuddle
Kiss norm Kiss norm m Kiss norm f Cuddle
Kiss orbit Kiss orbit m Kiss orbit f Cuddle
Kiss kr Kiss kr m Kiss kr f Cuddle
Kiss le Kiss le m Kiss le f Cuddle
Kiss Merry Kiss Merry m Kiss Merry f Cuddle
Kiss gu Kiss gu m Kiss gu f Cuddle
Kiss kn Kiss kn m Kiss kn f Cuddle
Kiss Fancy Kiss Fancy m Kiss Fancy f Cuddle
Yes and No yan 1 m,... yan 1 f,... Cuddle

Bio VV Dances[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Bell Bell m Bell f Freestyle
Hug Dance Hug Dance m Hug Dance f Slow
Slow Dance Slow Dance m Slow Dance f Slow
Ole Dance Ole m Ole f Freestyle
Take Me Take me m Take me f Slow
Dance Dream Dance Dream m Dance Dream f Slow
Magic Dance Magic Dance m Magic Dance f Slow
Dance I Dance I m Dance I f Slow
Dance II Dance II m Dance II f Slow
Dance III Dance III m Dance III f Slow
Dance III Slow Dance III Slow 1 m,... Dance III Slow 1 f,... Slow
Dance IV Dance IV m Dance IV f Slow
Slow Waltz Slow Waltz m Slow Waltz f Ballroom,Slow
Salsa Erotic Salsa Erotic m Salsa Erotic f Latin
Salsa Line Salsa Line m Salsa Line f Latin
Salsa Salsa m Salsa f Latin
Shake Shake m Shake f Freestyle
Into Into m Into f Freestyle
Swing Swing m Swing f Freestyle
Saturn Saturn m Saturn f Freestyle
Boogie boogie m boogie f Freestyle
Butt Butt m Butt f Freestyle
Kiss Dance Kiss Dance m Kiss Dance f Slow
Get get get Freestyle
Air Dance Air Dance for 2 m Air Dance for 2 f Freestyle
Night Dance Night Dance m Night Dance f Freestyle
Air Kiss Air Kiss m Air Kiss f Faerytale
Dance V Dance V m Dance V f Slow
Dance VI Dance VI m Dance VI f Slow
Dance VII Dance VII m Dance VII f Slow
Dance IX Dance IX m Dance IX f Slow

Bio VV Sex[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Lovely Life LL 1 man,... LL 1 fem,... Sex
xxx Behind xxx Behind m xxx Behind f Sex
Kiss Butt Kiss Butt m Kiss Butt f Sex
Looking Looking m Looking f Sex
Instinct ins 1 m,... ins 1 f,... Sex
Pleasure PL 1 1 m,... PL 1 1 f,... Sex
Sensual sen 1 m,... sen 1 f,... Erotic

Bits & Bobs Dance[Send to me]

by: Craig Altman

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Waltz Waltz - M Waltz - F Ballroom
Tango 1 Tango 1 - M Tango 1 - F Ballroom,Latin
Tango 2 Tango 2 - M Tango 2 - F Ballroom,Latin
Tango 3 Tango 3 - M Tango 3 - F Ballroom,Latin
Slow 3 Slow-dance v3 - M Slow-dance v3 - F Slow
Slow 4 Slow-dance v4 - M Slow-dance v4 - F Slow
Slow 5 Slow-dance v5 - M Slow-dance v5 - F Slow
Slow 6 Slowdance v6 - M Slowdance v6 - F Slow
Slow 8 Slowdance v8 - M Slowdance v8 - F Slow
Slow 9 Slowdance v9 - M Slowdance v9 - F Slow
Slow 10 Slowdance v10m Slowdance v10f Slow
Slow 12 Slowdance v12-1M,... Slowdance v12-1F,... Slow
Eclipse eclipsem eclipsef Slow
Slow 2 Slowdance v2 - M Slowdance v2 - F Slow
Slow 13 Slowdance 13m Slowdance 13f Slow
Eternal eternalm eternalf Slow
Becoming becomingm becomingf Slow
fait accompli d16m d16f Slow
Breathe breathem breathef Slow
Lost lostm lostf Slow
Slow 3 old Slow-dance v3 - MO Slow-dance v3 - FO Slow
Promise promisem promisef Slow
Slow 7 Slowdance v7-1M,... Slowdance v7-1F,... Slow
Storm stormm1,... stormf1,... Freestyle
Affinity affinitym affinityf Romantic
Loverdance ldm1,... ldf1,... Romantic
Ballroom2 ballroom2m1,... ballroom2f1,... Ballroom
Ballroom3 ballroom3m1,... ballroom3f1,... Ballroom
Lovrdance2 ld2m1,... ld2f1,... Romantic
Ballroom1 Ballroom 1 - M Ballroom 1 - F Ballroom
Flame flamem flamef Slow
Illusions illusionsm1,... illusionsf1,... Slow
Illusions2 illusions2m1,... illusions2f1,... Slow
Moondance moondancem1,... moondancef1,... Slow
Stay staym stayf Slow
Tryst-S trystm1speed1,... trystf1speed1,... Slow
Tryst-F trystm1speed2,... trystf1speed2,... Slow
Entwined entwinedm entwinedf Freestyle
Reckless recklessm recklessf Freestyle
LostSouls tlsm tlsf Slow

Bits & Bobs Kneel-Lay-Sit Cuddle[Send to me]

by: Craig Altman

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Cuddle 1 cuddle1m,... cuddle1f,... Cuddle
Cuddle 2 cuddle2m,... cuddle2f,... Cuddle
Cuddle 4 cuddle4m2,... cuddle4f,... Cuddle
Couch 2 cpose 2v3 m,... cpose 2v3 f,... Cuddle
Couch 3 cpose3v4 m,... cpose3v4 f,... Cuddle
Set 5 cpose 5 v2 m,... cpose 5 v4 f,... Cuddle
Set 7 couple pose 7 v4 M,... couple pose 7 v4 F,... Cuddle
Kiss 2 kiss2rev2v4m,... kiss2rev2f,... Cuddle
Kiss 5 kiss 5anim new rev 9 m,... kiss 5anim new rev 9 f,... Cuddle
Kiss 8 Kiss 8 - M,... Kiss 8 - F,... Cuddle
Lovers 2 lovers2v5m,... lovers2v4f,... Cuddle
Love Embrace LE M,... LE F,... Cuddle
Set 6 couple set 6 v5 M,... couple set 6 v5,... Cuddle
Set 9 LS 2 static M,... LS 2 static F,... Cuddle
Set 10 cpose10 v5 M,... cpose10 v6 F,... Cuddle
Set 11 couple pose 11 v2 M,... couple pose 11 F,... Cuddle
CoupleLay7 couple pose 7 v4 M,... couple pose 7 v4 F,... Cuddle
Set 4 cpose 4v7 m cpose 4v7 f Cuddle
Cross-legged kiss crossleggedkissmale,... crossleggedkissfemale,... Cuddle
Cuddle 3 cuddle3 rev 2 M,... cuddle3 rev 2 F,... Cuddle
FiresdToast Toast 1M,... Toast 1F,... Cuddle
Sleeping sleep m 120,... sleep 115 f 3,... Cuddle
Kiss 3 kiss3m,... kiss3f2,... Cuddle
Hold Him-Her cp11m cp11f Cuddle
Foot Massage M M5 09-05-08 F5 08-05-08 Cuddle
Closer m1,... f1,... Cuddle
ResolutionEX rexm1,... rexf1,... Cuddle
Resol.EX(pg) rexpgm1,... rexpgf1,... Cuddle
Unity unitym1,... unityf1,... Cuddle

Bits & Bobs Making Love[Send to me]

by: Craig Altman,Yoshimi Muromachi

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
FL 1 FL1 - M,... FL1 - F,... Foreplay
Initiative Initiative-1M,... Initiative-1F,... Foreplay
Kneel 1 kneel1 rev 2 retime to 33 v7 M,... kneel1 rev 2 retime to 33 F,... Foreplay
Kneel 2 Kneel 2 - M,... Kneel 2 - F,... Foreplay
Kneel 3 Kneeling 3 - M,... Kneeling 3 - F,... Sex
Massage 1 massage f 150 5 fps,... massage f 150 5 fps f,... Foreplay
Massage 2 Massage M2 - M,... Massage M2 - F,... Foreplay
Massage M2 massage m m,... massage m f,... Foreplay
Quite Good quite good remake v6 retime to 40 M,... quite good remake v2 retime to 40 F,... Foreplay
Resolution 2 Resolution part 2,... resolution part 2,... Foreplay
Resolution 3 Resolution Part 3,... resolution part 3,... Foreplay
TMD 2 TMD rev 2 MALE retime,... TMD rev 2 v2 FEMALE ONLY retime to 300 v2,... Foreplay
S.Indulgence SmallIndul-1M,... SmallIndul-1F,... Foreplay
L69 L69 anim retime v9 42 7f top,... L69 anim retime v9 42 7f bottom,... Foreplay
Shower Couple Shower - M,... Couple Shower - F,... Foreplay
Tummy Rub jazmina retime m,... jazmina retime v2 edit on f f,... Foreplay
TS 2 ts2m,... ts2v4f,... Sex
TS 3 TS3 - M,... TS3 - F,... Sex
Side 1 side 1 rev 2 anim retime 26 v4 M,... side 1 rev 2 anim retime 26 v4 F,... Sex
Sitting 1 sttingmale,... sittingfemale,... Sex
Bath Bath 1M,... Bath 1F,... Foreplay
Close Close 1M,... Close 1F,... Foreplay
Standing 1 standing2 rev 2 retime 14 male only v2 M,... standing2 rev 2 retime 14 F,... Sex
Two Two 11,... Two 12,... Foreplay
NS1 ns1m,... ns1f,... Sex
NS2 NS 2 - M,... NS 2 - F,... Sex
TMD 1 tmd1m3,... tmd1f,... Foreplay
Lovescene LS-1M,... LS-1F,... Sex
Lovescene2 L21M,... L21F,... Sex
TMD 1r3 TMD1rev2M,... TMD rev 2 v2 FEMALE ONLY retime to 300 v2,... Foreplay
Side1 side1v2m,... side 1 rev 2 anim retime 26 v4 F,... Sex
Standing1 standing1mrev2,... standing1frev2,... Sex
MD 1 md1 2m,... md1 2f,... Foreplay
Lovescene3 ls3m1,... ls3f1,... Sex
Lovescene4 ls4m1,... ls4f1,... Sex
FL 2 fl2m fl2f Foreplay
Lovescene5 ls5m1,... ls5f1,... Sex
Lovescene6 ls6m1,... ls6f1,... Sex
Lovescene7 ls7m1,... ls7f1,... Sex
Lovescene8 ls8m1,... ls8f1,... Sex

Bits & Bobs OnChair[Send to me]

by: Craig Altman,Yawneeb Grommet

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Brush Hair hair dressing retime 150 v3 F2,... hair dressing retime 150 f1,... Cuddle,Chair
LoversWhisper LWM,... LWF,... Cuddle,Chair
Chair 2 petgirl retime 41 v2 M,... petgirl retime 41 v3 F,... Foreplay,Chair
At Home 3 AtHome3-1M,... AtHome3-1F,... Cuddle,Chair
Chair 1 chair1v2m chair1v2f Sex,Chair
At Home athomev12m,... athomev8f,... Foreplay,Chair
At Home 2 At Home 2 - M,... At Home 2 - F,... Cuddle,Chair
Together poser together 4am,... poser together 7afof,... Cuddle,Chair
Devotion Devotion - 1M,... Devotion - 1F,... Cuddle,Chair
Lovers 3 Lovers 3 - M Lovers 3 - F Cuddle,Chair
Set 12 cpose 12 v2 M,... cpose 12 v2 F,... Cuddle,Chair
Set 8 couple pose 8 nn version M,... couple pose 8 nn version v4 F,... Cuddle,Chair
Kiss 9 kiss9m kiss9f Cuddle
Kiss 10 kiss10m kiss10f Cuddle

Bits & Bobs petite dances[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Ballroom1Petite ballroom1petitem ballroom1petitef Petite
FlamePetite flamepetitem flamepetitef Petite
BecomingPetite becomingpetitem becomingpetitef Petite
FaitaccompliPetite faitaccomplipetitem faitaccomplipetitef Petite
LostPetite lostpetitem lostpetitef Petite
IllusionsPetite illusionspetitem1,... illusionspetitef1,... Petite
Slow-2Petite Slowdance v2petitem Slowdance v2petitef Petite
Slow-3Petite slowdancev3petitem slowdancev3petitef Petite
Slow-9Petite slowdancev9petitem slowdancev9petitef Petite
Slow-12Petite slowdancev12petitem1,... slowdancev12petitef1,... Petite
Slow-13Petite slowdance13petitem slowdance13petitef Petite
Slow-10Petite slowdancev10petitem slowdancev10petitef Petite
Slow-8Petite slowdancev8petitem slowdancev8petitef Petite
Slow-6Petite Slowdancev6petitem Slowdancev6petitef Petite
Illusions2Petite illusions2petitem1,... illusions2petitef1,... Petite
EternalPetite eternalpetitem eternalpetitef Petite
StormPetite stormpetitem1,... stormpetitef1,... Petite

Bits & Bobs Standing Cuddle[Send to me]

by: Craig Altman

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Soul Intention Soul Intentions 1M,... soul intentions 1F,... Cuddle
Kiss 1 kiss1 rev2v3m,... kiss1 rev2v3f,... Cuddle
Kiss 4 kiss4v8animm,... kiss4v6animf,... Cuddle
Kiss 6 Kiss 6 - M,... Kiss 6 - F,... Cuddle
Kiss 6 Walk kiss 6 (Walk version) - M,... kiss 6 (Walk version) - F,... Cuddle
Kiss 7 Kiss 7 - M,... Kiss 7 - F,... Cuddle
Good Friend JustGoodFriend-1M,... JustGoodFriend-1F,... Cuddle
Lovers lov1v6m,... lov1f,... Cuddle
Resolution Resolution,... resolution,... Cuddle
Hold Hands side by side holding hands v2 no arm v3 m,... side by side holding hands v2 no arm v3 f,... Cuddle
Piggyback piggyback 1m1,... piggybackf,... Cuddle
Toast 2 toast 2 M arm lock,... toast 2 F arm lock,... Cuddle
ToastPose 2 person toast pose v4 M,... 2 person toast pose v4 F only,... Cuddle
BloodSeduction bloodseductionm1,... bloodseductionf1,... Cuddle
Moments momentsm1,... momentsf1,... Cuddle

Bits & Bobs Various[Send to me]

by: Craig Altman

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Marry Me? Marry Me?,... Yes Or No?,... Pose
PR Anim Him,... Her,... Pose
Meditation Meditation - M Meditation - F Meditation
Altar altar 1 version 2 M only,... cpose1 f,... Pose

Bliss Erotic[Send to me]

by: stephenpaul Bliss

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Grind 1 3x male 3x girl 2 Freestyle
Fellatio One blow job male,... blow job female,... Foreplay

BooPerFunk[Send to me]

by: Shukran Fahid

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
MakeOut makeout4m,... makeout4f,... Sex

Brainstorms[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Slowdance AUX_Dance 1 AUX_Dance 1 1 Slow
Slowdance1 AUX_Dance 2 AUX_Dance 2 1 Slow
Slowdance2 AUX_Dance 3 AUX_Dance 3 1 Slow

Carmen's Animation Dance[Send to me]

by: CarmenDance Watanabe

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Latin1 latin1-M latin1-F Latin
Latin2 latin2-M latin2-F Latin
Moody2 moody2-M moody2-F Slow
Moody3 moody3-M moody3-F Slow
Waltz1 waltz1-M(ver2) waltz1-F(ver2) Ballroom
Waltz2 waltz2-M waltz2-F Ballroom
Waltz3 waltz3-M waltz3-F Ballroom
Latin3 latin3-M latin3-F Latin
BoSlow1 BogartSlow1-M-1,... BogartSlow1-F-1,... Ballroom
BoQuick1 BogartQuick1-M BogartQuick1-F Ballroom
Latin4 latin4-M1,... latin4-F1,... Latin
Moody4 moody4-M moody4-F Slow
C-Tango2 tango2-M tango2-F Ballroom
Escort escort-M escort-F Ballroom
PasoDoble1 pasodoble1-M pasodoble1-F Latin
PasoDoble2 pasodoble2-M pasodoble2-F Latin
C-Tango1 tango1-M tango1-F Ballroom
VienWaltz1 vWaltz01-M(ver2) vWaltz01-F(ver2) Ballroom
Samba1 samba1-M samba1-F Latin
smooth1 smooth1-M smooth1-F Ballroom
Rumba1 rumba1-1-M,... rumba1-1-F,... Latin
C-Tango3 tango3-M tango3-F Ballroom
Moody1 moody1-M moody1-F Slow
NightClub1 nightclub1-M nightclub1-F Latin
PasoDoble3 pasodoble3-M pasodoble3-F Latin

Carmen's Animation Dance - Cuddle[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Sweet 1 sweet1-M,... sweet1-F,... Cuddle
Sweet2 sweet2-M sweet2-F Cuddle
Meditation Meditation-M Meditation-F Cuddle
Massage massage-M massage-F Cuddle
Cuddle01 Cuddle_01-M Cuddle_01-F Cuddle
Cuddle02 Cuddle_02-M Cuddle_02-F Cuddle
Cuddle03 Cuddle_03-M Cuddle_03-F Cuddle
Cuddle04 Cuddle_04-M Cuddle_04-F Cuddle

Cat Fashions[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
FirstKiss Fountain kiss,... fountain kiss woman,... Cuddle
GroundMachine Man backtrast,... backtrast woman,... Sex
Missionary2 missionary man,... missionary woman,... Sex
SexOnBed ground sex man,... ground sex,... Sex
WallSex man f,... new woman wall,... Sex
WomanAbove man,... woman on top,... Sex
WomanOnMan man,... woman work,... Sex

Chavo Animation[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
CR Dirty Dance dirty dance dirty dance Freestyle
Sensual 1 sensual1b-male,... sensual1b-fem,... Sex
Sensual 2 sensual2-male,... sensual2-fem,... Sex

Cherry's Spellbound Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Doggie SB doggie_M,... doggie_F,... Sex

ChibiTech[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
GrindAB Grind B,... Grind A,... Foreplay

Copa Design[Send to me]

by: Conni Voyager

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
EroticSlow1 Erotic-slow-dance v1m Erotic-slow-dance v1f Slow
EroticSlow2 Erotic-slow-dance v2m Erotic-slow-dance v2f Slow
Ballhaus Ballhaus_m1 Ballhaus_f1 Ballroom

Corf Few[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Spoon2 A spoon2b spoon2a Sex
Spoon2 B spoon2bfast spoon2afast Sex

Cozy Baby[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LayTogether LayNextA,... LayComfortBaby2,... Baby
SnuggleWithBaby MaleCuddleHBAnim,... FCHBAnim1,... Baby
QuietTime2 QuietTime2M2(Twin),... QuietTimeF2(Anim),... Baby

CUMon[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Bukkake1 jerk4,... bukkake6,... Bukkake

Cupids Animation - Making Love[Send to me]

by: Sweet Valentine, Matteo Harris

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Wall Doggy Wall_M Wall_F Sex

Cupids Cuddle[Send to me]

by: Sweet Valentine, Matteo Harris

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LickNipple Lick Nipples,... nipple play,... Foreplay
PussyWorship sex6m,... sex6f,... Foreplay
StrokeYourMan bedsnuggle,... strokingf,... Foreplay
FeelHerUp naughty2,... naughtyfem,... Foreplay
LetsGetNaughty jerkoff,... solo (playself),... Foreplay
SpreadWide sex7m,... sex7f,... Foreplay
CumOnMe jerkoff,... naughty pose 2,... Foreplay
BodyBumpin bodyhump,... Lay,... Sex,Chair
DoMeBaby Air Humping Dance,... squirm,... Sex
Stroke&Suck get blown,... suck dick,... Sex
Adored cuddle 1a,... cuddle 1,... Cuddle

Cupids PoseNAnimations[Send to me]

by: Sweet Valentine, Matteo Harris

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
C-Salsa 12 Cupids Salsa 12 Cupids Salsa 12 Latin
C-Salsa 13 Cupids Salsa 13 Cupids Salsa 13 Latin
C-Salsa 16 Cupids Salsa 16 Cupids Salsa 16 Latin
C-Salsa 18 Cupids Salsa 18 Cupids Salsa 18 Latin
L-Salsa 25 Latin Salsa 25 Latin Salsa 25 Latin
Jazzy Salsa Cupids Salsa 16 Cupids Salsa 16 Latin
Dirty Dancing bada bing bada bing Freestyle
Macarena Macarena - M Macarena - F Freestyle
Lambada Lambada Lambada Freestyle
Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Freestyle
Expresive Expressive Expressive Freestyle
Clubbin 2 clubbin 2 clubbin 2 Freestyle
The Bump dm 14 dm 14 Freestyle
Grind Him sandwich3.2 sandwich3.2 Sexy
Boogies Nites Boogies Nites M Boogie Nites F Freestyle
Slow Groove sensual 3 sensual 3 Freestyle
Slow Jive jive dance slow jive dance slow Freestyle
Pushin Pushin Pushin Freestyle
C-Salsa 1 Nsl1 Nsl1 Latin
Rio Dance New Rio Dance (Dance!) New Rio Dance (Dance!) Freestyle
Loop Salsa 1 Loop Salsa 1 Loop Salsa 1 Latin
SpinMe aerobicdance(looped) aerobicdance(looped) Freestyle
ShortLindy short lindy short lindy Freestyle
Grind Slow,... Slow,... Freestyle
LoversSlow slow2_m slow2_f Slow

Custom iNKZ[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
HoldingBaby holding baby M,... holding baby,... Baby

Cybernetic[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
TheCuddleScene inlove_male_1,... inlove_female_1,... Cuddle

D&M Collection[Send to me]

by: Daloona Milland

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LayPose01 LayPose01-male,... LayPose01-female,... Cuddle

Dalian Enterprises[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SAP-Embrace SAPmale1,... SAPfemale28,... Cuddle

DarkMoon Creations - Massages[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LFootMassage Foot,... Lie Front Foot (Left),... Massage
RFootMassage Foot,... Lie Front Foot (Right),... Massage
LCalfMassage Calf,... Lie Front,... Massage
RCalfMassage Calf,... Lie Front,... Massage
LThighMassage Thigh,... Lie Front,... Massage
RThighMassage Thigh,... Lie Front,... Massage
ChopMassage Chop,... Lie Front,... Massage
LEllbowMassage Elbow (Left),... Lie Front,... Massage
REllbowMassage Elbow (Right),... Lie Front,... Massage
ShoulderMassage Shoulder,... Lie Front,... Massage
BackMassage Back,... Lie Front,... Massage
LHandMassage Hand,... Sit Left,... Massage
RHandMassage Hand,... Sit Right,... Massage

Darkside Making Love[Send to me]

by: Parsalin Gullwing

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
PassionateKiss kissM kissF Cuddle
DS Missionary Missionary_M,... Missionary_F,... Sex
DS Ride A Ride_M,... Ride_F,... Sex
DS Ride B RideB_M,... RideB_F,... Sex
DS Ride C Ground_M,... Ground_F,... Sex
DS Cowgirl rub,... lay,... Sex
DS Doggy Doggy_M,... Doggy_F,... Sex
Wall 1 Wall_M,... Wall_F,... Sex
Wall 2 Wall2_M,... Wall2_F,... Sex
Chair Missi. Table_M,... Table_F,... Sex
DS Chair Chair_M,... Chair_F,... Sex
DS Taste Her taster,... tastee,... Foreplay
DS 69 69_M,... 69_F,... Foreplay
DS Blowjob BJ_M,... BJ_F,... Foreplay
DS BreastSex Breasts_M,... Breasts_F,... Foreplay

DD's Delights Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LickingPussy F2LickAnim2,... F1LickAnim1,... Foreplay
PussyNippPlay Lay_Back_002_2b!,... Lay_Back_002_1b!,... Foreplay
PussyLick !PUSSY_LICK_005_UP2,... !PUSSY_LICK_005_DN1,... Foreplay
SoftPussyPlay CPL_TOUCHING001_G1a,... CPL_TOUCHING001_G2a,... Foreplay
SensualKiss2 Sensual Woman Kiss 2-001,... Sensual Woman Kiss 2-002,... Cuddle
SensualKiss1 2G_KISS_002_G2,... 2G_KISS_002_G1,... Cuddle
ForcedWall Forced Wall Kiss-001,... Forced Wall Kiss-002,... Cuddle
SensNeckKiss NeckKissKnee2anim,... NeckKissKnee1anim,... Cuddle
Lick96 Lick96_001_UP2a,... Lick96_001_DN,... Foreplay
PussyPlay SitGroundM2G003-2A2_L,... SitGroundM2G003-2A1_L,... Foreplay

Debauchery[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Suck laybj1_m,... laybj1_f,... Foreplay
SuckFaster laybj5_m,... laybj5_f,... Foreplay
Handjob laybj2a_m,... laybj2b_f,... Foreplay
SuckThis laybj3c_m,... laybj3c_f,... Foreplay
SuckThat laybj4b_m,... laybj4d_f,... Foreplay

devPose Furs Animation[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Fisting fisting-2,... classicdp-1,... sex
Lazydoggy lazydoggy-2,... lazydoggy-1,... sex
Havehisway havehiswaym,... havehiswayf,... sex
Spitfuck spitfuck-2,... spitfuck-1,... sex
Takebehind takebehindv2,... doggyf,... sex
Spoonfuck spoonfuck-2,... spoonfuck-1,... sex
Humpnjerk humpnjerk-2,... humpnjerk-1,... sex
Backrub massage-1,... massage-2,... cuddle
Spoon spoon-m,... spoon-f,... cuddle
Bedkiss bedkiss-m,... bedkiss-f,... cuddle
Cuddle cuddle1m2,... cuddle1f2,... cuddle
Eatpussy eatpussy-1-2,... eatpussy-1-1,... sex
69 69-mf-m,... 69-mf-f,... sex
Ridehim ridehimv4-2,... ridehimv4-1,... sex
Missionary missionarym,... missionaryf,... sex

Dexter BG[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
KissBaby [Dexter BG] Daddy Kissing Mommy,... [Dexter BG] Mommy Being Kissed,... Baby

DictatorShop[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
MissionaryFuck MissionaryFuck1m,... MissionaryFuck1f,... Sex
ForcedMissy RoughMissionary1m,... RoughMissionary1f,... Sex
Brazil.BedLock BrazilianBedlock1m,... BrazilianBedlock1f,... Sex
DoggyStyle DoggyStyle1m,... DoggyStyle1f,... Sex
ForcedDoggy RoughDoggy1m,... RoughDoggy1f,... Sex
CowgirlStyle Cowgirl1m,... Cowgirl1f,... Sex
AnalFuck MissionaryFuck1m,... Anal1f,... Sex

djezebel animation[Send to me]

by: djezebel Drake

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
couple concert II cDance2_m cDance2_f slow

DMC - DarkMoon Creations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Capoeira DMC - Capoeira 1 DMC - Capoeira 2 Freestyle
Contemporary DMC - contemporary dance 2 DMC - contemporary dance 1 Freestyle
Combo1 DMC - Freestyle Hit DMC - Banner Dance Freestyle
Combo2 DMC - So Soo Cool DMC - Curly Whirly Freestyle
Combo3 DMC - Northern Soul DMC - So Cool Freestyle
Combo4 DMC - Freestyle Street Dance DMC - Club So Cool Freestyle
Combo5 DMC - So Cool It Hurts DMC - Sherbet Dip Freestyle

DragonFly Design[Send to me]

by: TOmmy Fairplay

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Love Bytes malekiss1 femalekiss1 Cuddle
Hold Me layM3 layF3 Cuddle
Feel As One malekiss001 femalekiss001 Sex
UpNArmsKiss malekiss1 femalekiss1 Cuddle
AllMine AllMineMmoving,... AllMineFmovin,... Cuddle
HoldingKiss malekiss002,... femalekiss002,... Cuddle,Chair
PlowingDeep MaleSex5,... FemaleSex5,... Sex
BlowHim malebj1,... femalebj1,... Foreplay
Rub&Fuck Wall_M,... Wall_F,... Sex
TableFuck Table_M,... Table_F,... Sex,Chair
BackDatAss MaleSex2Slow,... FemaleSex2Slow,... Sex
BentSex malesexs1,... femalesexs1,... Sex
FaceDown malesexlay3,... femalesexlay3,... Sex
PushIt malestandsex2,... femalestandsex2,... Sex,Chair
FeelsGood malesitsex2,... femalesexsit2,... Sex
GiddyUp malesexlay4,... femalesexlay4,... Sex
RockAway MaleSex8,... FemaleSex8,... Sex
Lean&Me malestandsex3,... femalestandsex3,... Sex
LeanBack malesexlay02,... femalesexlay2,... Sex
OpenWide sexMWide,... sexFWide,... Sex
TheCrab MaleSex7,... FemaleSex7,... Sex
Sweet malesitsex1,... femalesexsit1,... Sex,Chair
HeavenlyRide MaleSex3,... FemaleSex1,... Sex
SpiderSex MaleSex3Slow,... FemaleSex1,... Sex
LetHerRide MaleSex1,... FemaleSex1,... Sex
BunsHotDogging MaleSex4,... FemaleSex4,... Sex
CloserCouple cuddleM4,... cuddleF4,... Cuddle

EFR Design[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
BreakDance1 break1 break1 Freestyle
BreakDance5 break5 break5 Freestyle
BreakDance9 break9 break9 Freestyle
BreakRock break rock break rock Freestyle
Rave6 rave6 rave6 Freestyle
Rave1 dance_motion rave1 dance_motion rave1 Freestyle
Nigth10 night10 night10 Freestyle
Hiphop1 hiphop 1 hiphop 1 Freestyle
Tribal3 TRIBAL 3 TRIBAL 3 Freestyle
Night1 night1 night1 Freestyle
Hiphop! hiphop hiphop Freestyle
Sensual4 sensual4 sensual4 Freestyle
Sensual3 sensual3 sensual3 Freestyle
Sensual2 sensual2 sensual2 Freestyle
Moderne3 moderne3 moderne3 Freestyle
Sensual1 sensual1 sensual1 Freestyle
Bella! BELLA BELLA Freestyle
Euro Dance! EURO DANCE EURO DANCE Freestyle
Club Rock CLUB ROCK CLUB ROCK Freestyle
Pulp! pulp pulp Freestyle
Club Rock2 CLUB ROCK2 CLUB ROCK2 Freestyle
Bada Slut! BADA SLUT BADA SLUT Freestyle
Night2 night2 night2 Freestyle
Night3 night3 night3 Freestyle
Night4 night4 night4 Freestyle
Night5 night5 night5 Freestyle
Night6 night6 night6 Freestyle
Night7 night7 night7 Freestyle
Night13 night13 night13 Freestyle
Night14 night13 night14 Freestyle
Night15 night15 night15 Freestyle
Night17 night17 night17 Freestyle

Ego Boost[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LapKiss kisslapmale,... kisslapfemale,... Cuddle

Elite Animations[Send to me]

by: Ace Alvarado

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
The Kiss Mkiss,... F-kiss,... Cuddle
Kiss2 kiss2MFix,... kiss2Ffix,... Cuddle
Solace Solace M,... Solace F,... Cuddle
Finger Fun M Finger Fun,... F Finger Fun,... Foreplay
LapRide M lap ride,... F lap ride,... Sex,Chair

en:joy Animations[Send to me]

by: Paul Lobo

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
NipplePlay SKN6.1,... SKN6,... Foreplay
LayBack SKL5.2,... SKL5,... Cuddle
RubDown SKR7.1 SKR7 Foreplay
Finger skf9.1,... skf9,... Foreplay

Erotic Poses Catchy[Send to me]

by: Clintok Meyer

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SleepyFun2 SleepyFun2M,... SleepyFun2F,... Sex

Essensual Design[Send to me]

by: Ryoko Murasaki

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Sexy Dance Privdance - sexy (ugly) Privdance - sexy (ugly) Sexy
Lil Salsa A Lil Salsa A Lil Salsa Freestyle
Duo Salsa 8 latin salsa21 latin salsa21 Latin
Duo Salsa 10 latin salsa23 latin salsa23 Latin
Sensual Kiss SensualKiss_F2,... SensualKiss_F1,... Cuddle
GentleStroke GentleStroke_M,... GentleStroke_F,... Foreplay
FrenchLove ED_FrenchLove_M,... ED_FrenchLove_F,... Foreplay
MakeHerWiggle ED_MakeHerWiggleV2_M,... ED_MakeHerWiggleV2_F,... Foreplay
StandFellatio ED_StandingFellatioAnim_M,... ED_StandingFellatioAnim_F,... Foreplay
Kiss&Lick ED_Kissing&Licking_M,... ED_Kissing&Licking_F,... Foreplay
HipHop HipHop HipHop Freestyle
Tangled Kiss TangledKiss2,... TangledKiss1,... Cuddle
SlideInIt Slideitin_M,... Slideitin_F,... Sex
SweetLove ED_SweetLoveAnim_M,... ED_SweetLoveAnim_F,... Sex
Fondle Her FondleHer_F2,... FondleHer_F1,... Cuddle
Enjoy Her EnjoyHer_F2,... EnjoyHer_F1,... Foreplay
RubOnHer RubOnHer_TopF_5anim9.3,... RubOnHer_5Anim2.1,... Foreplay
GetFingered Fingerher2_anim,... Getfingered5.3anim,... Foreplay,Chair
SensualRub SensualRub_F1,... SensualRub_F2,... Foreplay
Tribadism2 ED_Tribadism2_F1,... ED_Tribadism2_F2,... Foreplay
PleaseHer ED_PleaseHer,... ED_GetPleased,... Foreplay
Watch&Tease Watching&Teasing_F2,... Watching&Teasing_F1,... Foreplay
PlayingFootsy PlayingFootsyF1,... PlayingFootsyF2,... Foreplay
Kneel&Eat ED_Kneel&Eat_M,... ED_Kneel&Eat_F,... Foreplay
SixtyNine SixtyNine_M,... SixtyNine_F,... Foreplay
PlayTogether PlayTogether_M,... PlayTogether_F,... Foreplay
Foreplay Foreplay_M,... Foreplay_F,... Foreplay
TheLunge TheLunge_M,... TheLunge_F,... Sex
IntimatePassion IntimatePassion_M,... IntimatePassion_F,... Sex,Chair
Give&Take ED_Give&TakeV2_M,... ED_Give&TakeV2_F,... Sex,Table
TongueSlip loungelick_M,... loungelick_F,... Foreplay
Fellation ED_Fellatio_M,... ED_Fellatio_F,... Foreplay
SlowlyBehind ED_SlowlyBehindV2_M,... ED_SlowlyBehindV2_F,... Sex
Caress&Kiss Caress&Kiss_M,... Caress&Kiss_F,... Cuddle
JustAKiss ED_JustAKiss_M,... ED_JustAKiss_F,... Cuddle
StandingMassage EDMassageGiver,... EDMassageReceiver,... Cuddle
Tribadism ED_Tribbing_F1,... ED_Tribbing_F2,... Foreplay
TouchTalk Touching&Talking_M,... Touching&Talking_F,... Cuddle
TenderKiss ED_TenderKiss_M,... ED_TenderKiss_F,... Cuddle
MakeOut ED_MakingOut_M,... ED_MakeOut_F,... Cuddle
Touch Her ED_TouchHer_M,... ED_TouchHer_F,... Foreplay
Tease Me couple stand male,... couple stand female,... Foreplay

ExTempore[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Hug 1 -ExTempore- The Hug M P4,... -ExTempore- The Hug F P4,... Cuddle
Hug 2 -ExTempore- Hug 2 M P4,... -ExTempore- Hug 2 F P4,... Cuddle

Fabomations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Drop It Grind grinding DropIt BackItUp by Fabomations Sexy
Make It Clap grinding Make Dat Ass Clap by Ghettomations Sexy
One Leg Up malegrind1 frontdance1 Sexy
Shake It Grind grinding wnth Sexy
Wall Dance Grind grinding walldancelonger Sexy
Side2Side newmaledance newfemaledance-done Sexy
Caliente caliente short caliente short Grind
Shadow Dance Shadow Dancing Shadow Dancing Grind
Ride His Lap malegrind1 frontdance3 Grind
WiggleNmove menwigglenmovefast1 wigglenmove Grind
WiggleNGrind malegrind1 wigglenmove Grind
CheckupOnIt maledance checkup on it -fast by fabomations Sexy

Franc Krams Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Rodin Kiss rodin m,... rodin f,... Cuddle,Chair

Group5[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
CatCuddle ncmanani,... ncwomanani,... Cuddle

Happy Dispatch[Send to me]

by: hiko Nino

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Spoon C3 f_Doing-it Sideways3,... f_Doing-it Sideways3 1,... Sex
Grind A1 e_Tripod M,... e_Tripod F,... Sex
Grind B2 Behind the Nock M,... Behind the Nock F,... Sex
Grind C3 f_The Reverse Piggy-Back M,... f_The Reverse Piggy-Back F,... Sex
Missionary seijyou M,... seijyou F,... Sex
Mission 2 seijyou2 M,... seijyou2 F,... Sex
Mission 3 seijyou3 M,... seijyou3 F,... Sex
Mission 4 seijyou4 M,... seijyou4 F,... Sex
Mission 5 seijyou5 M,... seijyou5 F,... Sex
Mission 6 seijyou6 M,... seijyou6 F,... Sex
Mission 7 seijyou7 M,... seijyou7 F,... Sex
Cowgirl2 A1 cowgirl2-1,... cowgirl2-1 1,... Sex
Cowgirl2 A2 cowgirl2-2,... cowgirl2-2 1,... Sex
Cowgirl2 A3 cowgirl2-3,... cowgirl2-3 1,... Sex
Cowgirl2 B1 e_cowgirl2-1,... e_cowgirl2-1 1,... Sex
Cowgirl2 B2 e_cowgirl2-2,... e_cowgirl2-2 1,... Sex
Cowgirl2 B3 e_cowgirl2-3,... e_cowgirl2-3 1,... Sex
Cowgirl2 C1 f_cowgirl2-1,... f_cowgirl2-1 1,... Sex
Cowgirl2 C2 f_cowgirl2-2,... f_cowgirl2-2 1,... Sex
Cowgirl2 C3 f_cowgirl2-3,... f_cowgirl2-3 1,... Sex
Spoon A1 e_Doing-it Sideways,... e_Doing-it Sideways 1,... Sex
Spoon B1 Doing-it Sideways,... Doing-it Sideways 1,... Sex
Spoon C1 f_Doing-it Sideways,... f_Doing-it Sideways 1,... Sex
Spoon A2 e_Doing-it Sideways2,... e_Doing-it Sideways2 1,... Sex
Spoon B2 Doing-it Sideways2,... Doing-it Sideways2 1,... Sex
Spoon C2 f_Doing-it Sideways2,... f_Doing-it Sideways2 1,... Sex
Spoon A3 e_Doing-it Sideways3,... e_Doing-it Sideways3 1,... Sex
Spoon B3 Doing-it Sideways3,... Doing-it Sideways3 1,... Sex
Grind B1 Tripod M,... Tripod F,... Sex
Grind C1 f_Tripod M,... f_Tripod F,... Sex
Grind A2 e_Behind the Nock M,... e_Behind the Nock F,... Sex
Grind C2 f_Behind the Nock M,... f_Behind the Nock F,... Sex
Grind A3 e_The Reverse Piggy-Back M,... e_The Reverse Piggy-Back F,... Sex
Grind B3 The Reverse Piggy-Back M,... The Reverse Piggy-Back F0 Sex
Missy A1 e_missionary,... e_missionary 1,... Sex
Missy B1 missionary,... missionary 1,... Sex
Missy C1 f_missionary,... f_missionary 1,... Sex
Missy A2 e_missionary2,... e_missionary2 1,... Sex
Missy B2 missionary2,... missionary2 1,... Sex
Missy C2 f_missionary2,... f_missionary2 1,... Sex
Missy A3 e_missionary3,... e_missionary3 1,... Sex
Missy B3 missionary3,... missionary3 1,... Sex
Missy C3 f_missionary3,... f_missionary3 1,... Sex
Cowgirl 2 kijyou2,... kijyou2 1,... Sex
Cowgirl 3 kijyou3,... kijyou3 1,... Sex
Cowgirl 1 kijyou,... kijyou 1,... Sex
Cowgirl 4 kijyou4,... kijyou4 1,... Sex
Cowgirl 5 kijyou5,... kijyou5 1,... Sex
Doggy 1 doggy,... doggy 1,... Sex
Doggy 2 doggy2,... doggy2 1,... Sex
Doggy 3 doggy3,... doggy3 1,... Sex
Doggy 4 doggy4,... doggy4 1,... Sex
LapDance A1 lapdance,... lapdance 1,... Sex
LapDance B1 f_lapdance,... f_lapdance 1,... Sex
LapDance C1 e_lapdance,... e_lapdance 1,... Sex
LapDance A2 e_lap2,... e_lap2 1,... Sex
LapDance B2 lap2,... lap2 1,... Sex
LapDance C2 f_lap2,... f_lap2 1,... Sex
LapDance A3 e_lap3,... e_lap3 1,... Sex
LapDance B3 lap3,... lap3 1,... Sex
LapDance C3 f_lap3,... f_lap3 1,... Sex
Fellatio A1 e_fellatio4 M,... e_fellatio4 F,... Foreplay
Fellatio B1 fellatio4 M,... fellatio4 F,... Foreplay
Fellatio C1 f_fellatio4 M,... f_fellatio4 F,... Foreplay
Fellatio A2 e_fellatio5 M,... e_fellatio5 F,... Foreplay
Fellatio B2 fellatio5 M,... fellatio5 F,... Foreplay
Fellatio C2 f_fellatio5 M,... f_fellatio5 F,... Foreplay
Fellatio2 A1 e_fellatio4,... e_fellatio4 1,... Foreplay
Fellatio2 B1 fellatio4,... fellatio4 1,... Foreplay
Fellatio2 C1 f_fellatio4,... f_fellatio4 1,... Foreplay
Fellatio2 A2 e_fellatio5,... e_fellatio5 1,... Foreplay
Fellatio2 B2 fellatio5,... fellatio5 1,... Foreplay
Fellatio2 C2 f_fellatio5,... f_fellatio5 1,... Foreplay
Kunni 1 kunnni,... kunnni 1,... Foreplay
Kunni 2 kunnni2,... kunnni2 1,... Foreplay
Kunni One kunnni3,... kunnni3 1,... Foreplay
Table A1 e_lady on the table,... e_lady on the table 1,... Sex
Table B1 lady on the table,... lady on the table 1,... Sex
Table C1 f_lady on the table,... f_lady on the table 1,... Sex
Table A2 e_lady on the table2,... e_lady on the table2 1,... Sex
Table B2 lady on the table2,... lady on the table2 1,... Sex
Table C2 f_lady on the table2,... f_lady on the table2 1,... Sex
Table A3 e_lady on the table3,... e_lady on the table3 1,... Sex
Table B3 lady on the table3,... lady on the table3 1,... Sex
Table C3 e_lady on the table3,... e_lady on the table3 1,... Sex
FellaIrruA1 e_fellatio sofa,... e_fellatio sofa 1,... Foreplay,Chair
FellaIrruB1 fellatio sofa,... fellatio sofa 1,... Foreplay,Chair
FellaIrruC1 f_fellatio sofa,... f_fellatio sofa 1,... Foreplay,Chair
FellaIrruA2 e_Irrumatio sofa,... e_Irrumatio sofa 1,... Foreplay,Chair
FellaIrruB2 Irrumatio sofa,... Irrumatio sofa 1,... Foreplay,Chair
FellaIrruC2 f_Irrumatio sofa,... f_Irrumatio sofa 1,... Foreplay,Chair

Henmations[Send to me]

by: Hendrik Schroeder

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Cool_Step Cool_Step_Male (mocap technology) Cool_Step_Female (mocap technology) Freestyle
Shake Ya Shake_Ya_Booty_Male (mocap technology) Shake_Ya_Booty_Female (mocap technology) Freestyle
Walzer hm_mocap_walzer-m hm_mocap_walzer-f Ballroom
Couple-22 2010-03-05_15-51-56_Take_43__BOY 2010-03-05_15-51-56_Take_43__GIRL Freestyle
Couple-32 take_56_male_SL take56_female Freestyle
Couple-33 take_1_male_sl take_1_female_SL Freestyle
Couple-34 take_9_male_SL take_9_female_SL Freestyle
Couple-35 take_10_male_SL take_10_female_SL Freestyle
Couple-36 take_14_male_SL take_14_female_SL Freestyle
Couple-37 take_52_male_SL take_52_female_SL Freestyle
Couple-38 take_53_male_SL take_53_female_SL Freestyle
Couple-39 take_57_male_SL take_57_female_SL Freestyle
Rumba01 rumba_01_m_29.898 rumba_01_f_29.898 Ballroom,Latin
Rumba02 rumba_02_m_27.680 rumba_02_f_27.680 Ballroom,Latin
Rumba03 rumba_03_m_26.080 rumba_03_f_26.080 Ballroom,Latin
Rumba04 rumba_04_m_28.300 rumba_04_f_28.300 Ballroom,Latin
Rumba05 rumba_05_m_24.320 rumba_05_f_24.320 Ballroom,Latin
Rumba06 rumba_06_m_28.400 rumba_06_f_28.400 Ballroom,Latin
Rumba07 rumba_07_m_25.840 rumba_07_f_25.840 Ballroom,Latin
Bachata00 bachata_00_m_30.000 bachata_00_f_30.000 Ballroom
Bachata02 bachata_02_m_29.700 bachata_02_f_29.700 Ballroom
Bachata03 bachata_03_m_29.700 bachata_03_f_29.700 Ballroom
Bachata04 bachata_04_m_30.000 bachata_04_f_30.000 Ballroom
Bachata06 bachata_06_m_27.600 bachata_06_f_27.600 Ballroom
Bachata07 bachata_07_m_23.000 bachata_07_f_23.000 Ballroom
Bachata08 bachata_08_m_21.267 bachata_08_f_21.267 Ballroom
Bachata09 bachata_09_m_25.840 bachata_09_f_25.840 Ballroom
Bachata05 bachata_05_m_27.120 bachata_05_f_27.120 Ballroom
Salsa 00 HM salsa_00_m_24.333 salsa_00_f_24.333 Latin
Salsa 01 HM salsa_01_m_23.840 salsa_01_f_23.840 Latin
Salsa 02 HM salsa_02_m_29.898 salsa_02_f_29.898 Latin
Salsa 10 HM salsa_10_m_24.640 salsa_10_f_24.640 Latin
Salsa 11 HM salsa_11_m_29.300 salsa_11_f_29.300 Latin
Jive 00 jive_00_m_29.799 jive_00_f_29.799 Freestyle
Jive 01 jive_01_m_26.000 jive_01_f_26.000 Freestyle
Jive 02 jive_02_m_27.280 jive_02_f_27.280 Freestyle
Jive 03 jive_03_m_26.880 jive_03_f_26.880 Freestyle
Jive 05 jive_05_m_29.100 jive_05_f_29.100 Freestyle
Lets Dance 01_Boy_Couple_KATE_01_02_duration_23.14 01_Girl_Couple_KATE_01_02_duration_23.14 Freestyle
Feel It 02_Boy_Couple_KATE_07_01_Duration_25.08 02_Girl_Couple_KATE_07_01_Duration_25.08 Latin
Latin Fever 03_Boy_Couple_KATE_02_02_Duration_18.10 03_Girl_Couple_KATE_02_02_Duration_18.10 Latin
Modern Salsa 04_Boy_Couple_KATE_04_01_duration_26.01 04_Girl_Couple_KATE_04_01_duration_26.01 Latin
Sexy Step 05_Boy_Couple_KATE_06_01_duration_26.12 05_Girl_Couple_KATE_06_01_duration_26.12 Latin
Tango Twist 06_Boy_Couple_KATE_08_02_Duration_24.00 06_Girl_Couple_KATE_08_02_Duration_24.00 Latin
Disco Turn 07_Boy_Couple_KATE_15_01_duration_23.08 07_Girl_Couple_KATE_15_01_duration_23.08 Freestyle
Twisting 2Step 08_Boy_Couple_KATE_23_01_duration_24.06 08_Girl_Couple_KATE_23_01_duration_24.06 Freestyle
HipHop Wave 09_Boy_Couple_KATE_11_01_duration_24.01 09_Girl_Couple_KATE_11_01_duration_24.01 Freestyle
Crazy Jive 10_Boy_Couple_KATE_13_01_duration_23.00 10_Girl_Couple_KATE_13_01_duration_23.00 Freestyle
Latin Spice 11_Boy_Couple_KATE_24_01_duration_24.10 11_Girl_Couple_KATE_24_01_duration_24.10 Freestyle
Sexy Slide 12_Boy_Couple_KATE_25_02_x2d 12_Girl_Couple_KATE_25_02_x2d Freestyle
The Windmill 13_Boy_Couple_KATE_22_01_Duration_24.01 13_Girl_Couple_KATE_22_01_Duration_24.01 Freestyle
Sensual Tango 14_boy_Couple_KATE_26_01_duration_24.08 14_Girl_Couple_KATE_26_01_duration_24.08 Freestyle
Slow Twist 15_Boy_Couple_KATE_31_01_duration_22.07 15_Girl_Couple_KATE_31_01_duration_22.07 Freestyle
Lets Rock 16_Boy_Couple_KATE_17_01_duration_24.08 16_Girl_Couple_KATE_17_01_duration_24.08 Freestyle
Club Curves 17_Boy_Couple_KATE_14_01_duration_24.06 17_Girl_Couple_KATE_14_01_duration_24.06 Freestyle
Sensual Grind 18_Boy_Couple_KATE_27_01_duration_23.09 18_Girl_Couple_KATE_27_01_duration_23.09 Freestyle
Love Grind 19_Boy_Couple_KATE_19_01_duration_26.12 19_Girl_Couple_KATE_19_01_duration_26.12 Freestyle
Black Latin 20_Boy_Couple_KATE_20_01_duration_24.08 20_Girl_Couple_KATE_20_01_duration_24.08 Freestyle
Lovely Tease 21_Boy_Couple_KATE_21_01_duration_24.07 21_Girl_Couple_KATE_21_01_duration_24.07 Freestyle
Sexy Battle male1 fem1 Freestyle
Swing Funk take3_male_SL take3_female_SL Freestyle
JumpandGrind take5_male_SL take5_female_SL Freestyle
Sexy Jump take6_male_SL take6_female_SL Freestyle
Disco Groove take7_male_SL take7_female_SL Freestyle
Circle Hand take55_male_SL take55_fem_SL Freestyle
Hot Rock take8_male_SL take8_fem_SL Freestyle
Grind Behind take11_male_SL take11_female_SL Freestyle
Groovy Shake take54_male_sl take54_Fem_sl Freestyle
Bachata01 bachata_01_m_25.360 bachata_01_f_25.360 Ballroom
Salsa 03 HM salsa_03_m_28.300 salsa_03_f_28.300 Latin
Salsa 04 HM salsa_04_m_28.100 salsa_04_f_28.100 Latin
Salsa 06 HM salsa_06_m_28.000 salsa_06_f_28.000 Latin
Salsa 09 HM salsa_09_m_24.960 salsa_09_f_24.960 Latin
Jive 04 jive_04_m_26.000 jive_04_f_26.000 Freestyle
Waltz 00 waltz_00_m_24.000 waltz_00_f_24.000 Ballroom
Waltz 01 waltz_01_m_29.400 waltz_01_f_29.400 Ballroom
Waltz 02 waltz_02_m_27.040 waltz_02_f_27.040 Ballroom
Waltz 03 waltz_03_m_29.799 waltz_03_f_29.799 Ballroom
Tango 00 tango_00_m_29.898 tango_00_f_29.898 Latin
Tango 01 tango_01_m_17.800 tango_01_f_17.800 Latin
Tango 02 tango_02_m_27.400 tango_02_f_27.400 Latin
Tango 04 tango_04_m_29.200 tango_04_f_29.200 Latin
Tango 06 tango_06_m_20.333 tango_06_f_20.333 Latin
Tango 08 tango_08_m_23.000 tango_08_f_23.000 Latin
Tango 09 tango_09_m_29.900 tango_09_f_29.900 Latin
Salsa 05 HM salsa_05_m_25.440 salsa_05_f_25.440 Latin
Salsa 07 HM salsa_07_m_21.840 salsa_07_f_21.840 Latin
Salsa 08 HM salsa_08_m_28.700 salsa_08_f_28.700 Latin
Tango 05 tango_05_m_26.240 tango_05_f_26.240 Latin
Tango 07 tango_07_m_22.467 tango_07_f_22.467 Latin
Tango 10 tango_10_m_29.799 tango_10_f_29.799 Latin
Tango 11 tango_11_m_24.160 tango_11_f_24.160 Latin

Henmations - Cuddles[Send to me]

by: Hendrik Schroeder

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
KissFloor hm-mocap_kissfloor_M hm-mocap_kissfloor_F Cuddle
CS 9 CS_9.0_m,... CS_9.0_F,... Sex
CS 12 CS_12.0_M,... CS_12.0_F,... Sex
Ero 1 ero_001_m,... ero_001_f,... Sex
Ero 2 ero_002_m,... ero_002_f,... Sex
MC001 CM_1_M,... CM_1_F,... Foreplay
Stand008 CS_8.0_M,... CS_8.0_F,... Foreplay
MC004 CM_4_M,... CM_4_F,... Foreplay,Chair
Erotic003 Animation Cycle12_M,... Animation Cycle12_F,... Sex
CM 6 CM_6_M,... CM_6_F,... Sex
MC008 CM_3_M,... CM_3_F,... Sex
CS 14 CS_14.0_M,... CS_14.0_F,... Sex
KamasutraSet3 CouplesStand_7.0_M,... CouplesStand_7.0_F,... Foreplay
CS 13 CS_13.0_M,... CS_13.0_F,... Sex
CS 15 CS_15.0_M,... CS_15.0_F,... Sex

High Hopes[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
MakeLick Make lick,... Lick,... Foreplay

Huddles Animation[Send to me]

by: Keiki Lemieux

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Embrace standing embrace 1b,... standing embrace 2b,... Cuddle
Nuzzle kp 2b,... kp 1b,... Foreplay

Humanoid[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
1 FrankeeAngie 01_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID m 01_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID f Freestyle
2 FrankeeAngie 02_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID m 02_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID f Freestyle
3 FrankeeAngie 03_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID m 03_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID f Freestyle
4 FrankeeAngie 04_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID m 04_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID f Freestyle
5 FrankeeAngie 05_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID m 05_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID f Freestyle
6 FrankeeAngie 06_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID m 06_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID f Freestyle
7 FrankeeAngie 07_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID m 07_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID f Freestyle
8 FrankeeAngie 08_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID m 08_Frankee_Angie_Couple_HUMANOID f Freestyle
1 DennisSteven 01_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID m 01_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID f Freestyle
2 DennisSteven 02_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID m 02_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID f Freestyle
3 DennisSteven 03_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID m 03_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID f Freestyle
4 DennisSteven 04_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID m 04_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID f Freestyle
5 DennisSteven 05_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID m 05_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID f Freestyle
6 DennisSteven 06_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID m 06_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID f Freestyle
7 DennisSteven 07_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID m 07_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID f Freestyle
8 DennisSteven 08_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID m 08_Dennis_Steven_Friends_HUMANOID f Freestyle

Infinity Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
RapeBJ rape bj1 m::11,... rape bj1 f::1,... Foreplay
PuchBJ rape bj1 punch m::12,... rape bj1 punch f::18,... Foreplay,BDSM
Slow Grind sg1m,... sg1f,... Freestyle
SlowGrind2 sg2m,... sg2f,... Freestyle

Intan - A&M MOCAP Dance Works.cfg v6.8[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Romance1 *CD_01_Romantic - A *CD_01_Romantic - B Slow,Sexy
The Java *CD_02_Java - A *CD_02_Java - B Ballroom,Retro,Waltz
Dbl Down *CD_03_Double Down - A *CD_03_Double Down - B Club,Freestyle
Romance4 *CD_04_Romantic - A *CD_04_Romantic - B Slow,Sexy
Rock-n-Roll *CD_05_Rock-n-Roll - A *CD_05_Rock-n-Roll - B Club,Retro
Ragdoll *CD_06_Ragdoll - A *CD_06_Ragdoll - B Club,Freestyle
Frozen *CD_07_Frozen - A *CD_07_Frozen - B Slow,Sexy
Salsa *CD_08_Salsa - A *CD_08_Salsa - B Latin,Sexy
SalsaMagic *CD_09_SalsaMagic - A *CD_09_SalsaMagic - B Latin,Sexy
Lambada *CD_10_Lambada - A *CD_10_Lambada - B Latin,Sexy
Romance3 *CD_11_Romance - A *CD_11_Romance - B Slow,Sexy
Flamenco1 *CD_12_Flamenco - A *CD_12_Flamenco - B Latin,Ballroom
Flamenco2 *CD_13_Flamenco - A *CD_13_Flamenco - B Latin,Ballroom
Flamenco3 *CD_14_Flamenco - A *CD_14_Flamenco - B Latin,Ballroom
Flamenco4 *CD_15_Flamenco - A *CD_15_Flamenco - B Latin,Ballroom
HelloDolly *CD_16_Hello Dolly - A *CD_16_Hello Dolly - B Ballroom,Retro
Hip-Hop1 *CD_17_Hip-Hop - A *CD_17_Hip-Hop - B Club,Freestyle
DualPopping *CD_18_Dual Popping - A *CD_18_Dual Popping - B Club,Freestyle
IrishJig1 *CD_19_Irish Step - A *CD_19_Irish Step - B Folk,Retro
IrishJig2 *CD_20_Irish Step - A *CD_20_Irish Step - B Folk,Retro
Gangnam1 *CD_21_Gangnam Style - A *CD_21_Gangnam Style - B Club,K-Pop
Gangnam2 *CD_22_Gangnam Style - A *CD_22_Gangnam Style - B Club,K-Pop
A Rose... *CD_24_A Rose is a Rose - A *CD_24_A Rose is a Rose - B Slow,Sexy
Sappho's Dream *CD_25_Sapphos Dream - A *CD_25_Sapphos Dream - B Slow,Sexy
Hip-Hop2 *CD_26_HipHop02 - A *CD_26_HipHop02 - B Club,Freestyle
Flamenc5 *CD_27_Flamenco - A *CD_27_Flamenco - B Latin,Ballroom
Vertigogo *CD_28_Vertigogo - A *CD_28_Vertigogo - B Club,Retro
Romance5 *CD_29_Romance 5 - A *CD_29_Romance 5 - B Slow,Sexy
Bliss *CD_30_Bliss - A *CD_30_Bliss - B Slow,Sexy
Wavelength *CD_31_Wavelength - A *CD_31_Wavelength - B Slow,Sexy
Burgeoning *CD_32_The Burgeoning - A *CD_32_The Burgeoning - B Slow,Sexy
Evolution *CD_33_Evolution - A *CD_33_Evolution - B Club,Freestyle
SEvolution *CD_33_Evolution - A - S *CD_33_Evolution - B - S Club,Freestyle
IrishJig3 *CD_34_Irish Jig - A *CD_34_Irish Jig - B Folk,Retro
Reggae 1 Reggae_Couple_1_M Reggae_Couple_1_F Club
Reggae 2 SL_Reggae_Couple_2 M Reggae_Couple_2 F Club
PSY GentlMan PSY_Gentleman Couple M PSY_Gentleman Couple F Club
Wedding Pair CD_38 Wedding Couple D_M CD_38 Wedding Couple D_F Ballroom,Waltz
Friends M&R CD_39 Friends Routine - Ross CD_39 Friends Routine - Monica Club,Freestyle
Romance6 CD_40 Romantic06 - M CD_40 Romantic06 - F Slow,Sexy
Red Nose 1 CD_41 Red Nose - 1 - R CD_41 Red Nose - 1 - L Club,Freestyle
Red Nose 2 CD_42 Red Nose - 2 - B CD_42 Red Nose - 2 - F Club,Freestyle
I'm Slave 4U CD_43 A Slave 4U - R CD_43 A Slave 4U - L Club,Freestyle
Stroll OFF - 1 CD_44 Stroll Off 1 - R CD_44 Stroll Off 1 - L Club,Stroll
Stroll OFF - 2 CD_45 Stroll Off 2 - R CD_45 Stroll Off 2 - L Club,Stroll
CAN-CAN CD_46 French CanCan - R CD_46 French CanCan - L Club,Retro
LENKA CD_47 Lenka - Everything at Once - R CD_47 Lenka - Everything at Once - L Club,Freestyle
PonPonPon CD_48 PonPonPon - FRight CD_48 PonPonPon - MLeft Club,J-Pop
KIKI-2 CD_49 Kiki-2 Right CD_49 Kiki-2 Left Club,Freestyle
Bunny Hop CD_50 Bunny Hop - Right CD_50 Bunny Hop - Left Club,Freestyle
SWING CD_51 Swing - M CD_51 Swing - F Club,Retro
Kizomba-1 CD_52 Kizomba-1 - M CD_52 Kizomba-1 - F Club
Stroll OFF - 3 CD_53 Stroll Off 3 - A CD_53 Stroll Off 3 - B Club,Stroll
MISS-A CD_54 Breathe - A CD_54 Breathe - B Club,K-pop
W O P CD_55 WOP - A CD_55 WOP - B Club,Freestyle
Just Waltz CD_56 Just Waltz - A CD_56 Just Waltz - B Ballroom,Waltz
Kizomba-2 CD_57 Kizomba-2 - M CD_57 Kizomba-2 - F Club
ElectroSwing CD_58 Electro Swing - L CD_58 Electro Swing - R Club,Freestyle
Vamp Diaries CD_59 Vampires-Diary - L CD_59 Vampires-Diary - R Ballroom,Waltz
What FOX Say CD_60 What FOX Say - M CD_60 What FOX Say - F Club
Booty Bump CD_61 Booty Bump - M CD_61 Booty Bump - F Club
Beef It Up CD_62 Beef It Up - R CD_62 Beef It Up - L Club
Medieval CD_63 Medieval - M CD_63 Medieval - F Ballroom
BB Oldcshool CD_64 BB Oldschool - M CD_64 BB Oldschool - F Club
Wedding-2 CD_65 Wedding_Couple-2 - M CD_65 Wedding_Couple-2 - F Ballroom,Waltz
BoogieWoogie CD_66 Boogie Woogie - M CD_66 Boogie Woogie - F Club,Retro

Jerry Oranos Poses[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
BreastKiss OJ-M1_him,... OJ-M1-Her,... Sex

Jesse Sexy Motion[Send to me]

by: Jesse Murdock, Digital Kaos

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
The Dip The Dip The Dip 1 Latin
Swingin swingin' swingin' 1 Latin
Swept Away Sweptaway Sweptaway 1 Latin
Sky Duet skyduet skyduet 1 Latin
Duet Deus duetdeus duetdeus 1 Latin
Salsa Duet salsaduetm salsaduetf Latin
Salsa Next salsa next salsa next 1 Latin
Hot Salsa Hot Salsa Hot Salsa 1 Latin
Salsa2nd salsa2 salsa2 1 Latin
Slow 0v0 Slow_dance_01_M Slow_dance_01_F Slow
Twin Charleston Twin Charleston Twin Charleston 1 Freestyle
Pole Dance 'Pole' Dance Sexy
So Hawt drop it M like it's hot Sexy
Wrap-it wrap_it_10_M_timed wrap_it_10_F_timed Sexy
Shake Nasty M F Sexy
Grind Thing male G 5.0 fem G 5.0 Sexy

Jesse Sexy Motion - DK Cuddle[Send to me]

by: Digital Kaos

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Missing You missing you m,... missing you f,... Cuddle
Deliquesce deliquesce pose_04 m,... deliquesce pose_04 f,... Cuddle
Another Kiss 1 another_kiss_M_04,... another_kiss_F_04,... Cuddle
Awaited Embrace awaited_embrace_M_B1,... awaited_embrace_F_B1,... Cuddle
Neck Kiss 2 neckkiss2_jmm,... neckkiss2_jmf,... Cuddle
Rapture 7 rapture_M_21,... rapture_F_4_10,... Cuddle
Deep Slow Kiss deeper m slower,... deeper f slower,... Cuddle
Deepest Kiss the deepest kiss_M_01,... the deepest kiss_F_01,... Cuddle
K Embrace kneel_behind_#1_m,... kneel_behind_#1_f,... Cuddle
Fate fate_M_03,... fate_F_03,... Cuddle
Massage massage_M_02,... massage_F_01,... Cuddle
Deep Hug Dip hug m,... Dip hug f,... Cuddle
In Arms in arms 5 m,... in arms 5 f,... Cuddle
Pin&Kiss pin&kiss m,... pin&kiss f,... Cuddle
Together in Arms In_my_arms_M_2,... In_my_arms_F_2,... Cuddle
Pin&Kiss2 him,... her,... Cuddle
Sit On Lap sitonlap,... sitonlap 1,... Cuddle
Make Out drmtccpl11mbp6,... drmcpl11ffmpbp8,... Cuddle
Tempting tempting_m_04,... tempting_f_04,... Cuddle
Here&Now2 Here&nowM,... HERE & NOW F,... Cuddle
Keeps keeps m,... keeps f,... Cuddle
Keeps-1.3 keeps m 1.3,... keeps f 1.3,... Cuddle
Just Us Just Us m,... Just Us F,... Cuddle
Together together_M_3_200,... together_F_3_200,... Cuddle

Jesse Sexy Motion - DK Making Love[Send to me]

by: Digital Kaos

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Ravish Her ravish her,... ravish me,... Foreplay
Wrap Lunch wrapped lunchm,... wrapped lunchf,... Foreplay
Ravish Him ravish_M_01,... ravish me,... Foreplay
BlowJob1 1 bj,... 1 bj 1,... Foreplay
Blowjob2 2 bj_1_24_m,... 2 bj_1_24_f,... Foreplay
Blowjob3 3 bj_1_30_m,... 3 bj_1_30_f,... Foreplay
Blowjob4 4 bj_1_80_3_m,... 4 bj_1_80_3_f,... Foreplay
Blowjob1.1 1 bj_1m,... 1 bj_1f,... Foreplay
Blowjob1.2 2 bj_1m,... 2 bj_1f,... Foreplay
Blowjob1.3 3 bj_1m,... 3 bj_1f,... Foreplay
Blowjob1.4 4 bj_1m,... 4 bj_1f,... Foreplay
RideShould1 1 rideshoulders m,... 1 rideshoulders f,... Foreplay
RideShould2 2 rideshoulders m,... 2 rideshoulders f,... Foreplay
RideShould3 3 rideshoulders m,... 3 rideshoulders f,... Foreplay
RideShould4 4 rideshoulders m,... 4 rideshoulders f,... Foreplay
Lix 1 1 lix m,... 1 lix f,... Foreplay
Lix 2 2 lixxer_2m,... 2 lixxer_2f,... Foreplay
Miss1.1 1 miss1m,... 1 miss1f,... Sex
Miss1.2 2 miss1m,... 2 miss1f,... Sex
Miss1.3 3 miss1m,... 3 miss1f,... Sex
Miss1.4 4 miss1m,... 4 miss1f,... Sex
Kneel1 1 kneelm,... 1 kneelf,... Sex
Kneel2 2 kneelm,... 2 kneelf,... Sex
Kneel3 3 kneelm,... 3 kneelf,... Sex
Kneel4 4 kneelm,... 4 kneelf,... Sex
SexU up1 1 M,... 1 F,... Sex
SexU up2 2 M,... 2 F,... Sex
SexU up3 3 M,... 3 F,... Sex
Squeeze1 1 squeezem,... 1 squeezef,... Sex
Squeeze2 2 squeezem,... 2 squeezef,... Sex
Squeeze3 3 squeezem,... 3 squeezef,... Sex
Squeeze4 4 squeezem,... 4 squeezef,... Sex
Spoon1.1 1 spoonm,... 1 spoonf,... Sex
Spoon1.2 2 spoonm,... 2 spoonf,... Sex
Spoon1.3 3 spoonm,... 3 spoonf,... Sex
Spoon1.4 4 spoonm,... 4 spoonf,... Sex
Spoon2.1 1 spoon2m,... 1 spoon2f,... Sex
Spoon2.2 2 spoon2m,... 2 spoon2f,... Sex
Spoon2.3 3 spoon2m,... 3 spoon2f,... Sex
Spoon2.4 4 spoon2m,... 4 spoon2f,... Sex
Side1.1 1 side1m,... 1 side1f,... Sex
Side1.2 2 side1m,... 2 side1f,... Sex
Side1.3 3 side1m,... 3 side1f,... Sex
Side1.4 4 side1m,... 4 side1f,... Sex
Behind1 1 behindm,... 1 behindf,... Sex
Behind2 2 behindm,... 2 behindf,... Sex
Behind3 3 behindm,... 3 behindf,... Sex
Behind4 4 behindm,... 4 behindf,... Sex
Twist1 1 twistm,... 1 twistf,... Sex
Twist2 2 twistm,... 2 twistf,... Sex
Twist3 3 twistm,... 3 twistf,... Sex
Twist4 4 twistm,... 4 twistf,... Sex
BJPushup1 1 blowpum,... 1 blowpuf,... Foreplay
BJPushup2 2 blowpum 2 blowpuf Foreplay
BJPushup3 3 blowpum 3 blowpuf Foreplay
BJPushup4 4 blowpum 4 blowpuf Foreplay
EatUnder1 1 eatunderm11,... 1 eatunderfmbp,... Foreplay
EatUnder2 2 eatunderm2,... 2 eatunderfmbp,... Foreplay
EatUnder3 3 eatunderm2,... 3 eatunderfmbp,... Foreplay
EatUnder4 4 eatunderm2,... 4 eatunderfmbp,... Foreplay
LuvHimGood1 1 luvimgood m,... 1 luvimgood f,... Foreplay
LuvHimGood2 2 luvimgood m,... 2 luvimgood f,... Foreplay
LuvHimGood3 1 luvimgood m,... 3 luvimgood f,... Foreplay
LuvHimGood4 2 luvimgood m,... 4 luvimgood f,... Foreplay
Ankles1 1 anklesm,... 1 anklesf,... Sex
Ankles2 2 anklesm,... 2 anklesf,... Sex
Ankles3 3 anklesm,... 3 anklesf,... Sex
Ankles4 4 anklesm,... 4 anklesf,... Sex

Jesse Sexy Motion - DK Making Love Part2[Send to me]

by: Jesse Murdock, Digital Kaos

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
HerOnTop1 1 herontopm,... 1 herontopf,... Sex
HerOnTop2 2 herontopm,... 2 herontopf,... Sex
HerOnTop3 3 herontopm,... 3 herontopf,... Sex
HerOnTop4 4 herontopm,... 4 herontopf,... Sex
Gimmie1 1 gimmiem,... 1 gimmief,... Sex
Gimmie2 2 gimmiem,... 2 gimmie f,... Sex
Gimmie3 3 gimmiem,... 3 gimmie f,... Sex
Gimmie4 4 gimmie m,... 4 gimmie f,... Sex
Gimmie5 5 gimmiem,... 5 gimmie f,... Sex
HairODog1 1 hair o the dog m,... 1 hair o the dog f,... Sex
HairODog2 2 hair o the dog m,... 2 hair o the dog f,... Sex
HairODog3 3 hair o the dog m,... 3 hair o the dog f,... Sex
HairODog4 4 hair o the dog m,... 4 hair o the dog f,... Sex
SuperDog1 1 superdog m,... 1 superdog f,... Sex
SuperDog2 2 superdog m,... 2 superdog f,... Sex
SuperDog3 3 superdog m,... 3 superdog f,... Sex
SuperDog4 4 superdog m,... 4 superdog f,... Sex
TightDog1 1 tightm,... 1 tightf,... Sex
TightDog2 2 tightm,... 2 tightf,... Sex
TightDog3 3 tightm,... 3 tightf,... Sex
TightDog4 4 tightm,... 4 tightf,... Sex
Str8Up1 1 str8upm,... 1 str8upbf,... Sex
Str8Up2 2 str8upm,... 2 str8upbf,... Sex
Str8Up3 3 str8upm,... 3 str8upbf,... Sex
Str8Up4 4 str8upm,... 4 str8upbf,... Sex
Hoover1 1 hooverm,... 1 hooverf,... Sex
Hoover2 2 hooverm,... 2 hooverf,... Sex
Hoover3 3 hooverm,... 3 hooverf,... Sex
Hoover4 4 hooverm,... 4 hooverf,... Sex
Rev.Hoov1 revhoovm2slow,... revhoovfslow,... Sex
Rev.Hoov2 revhoovm2,... revhoovf,... Sex
Rev.Hoov3 revhoovm2fast,... revhoovffast,... Sex
Rev.Hoov4 revhoovm2faster,... revhoovffaster,... Sex
Into1 1 Into,... 1 into,... Sex
Into2 2 into_m_b1_1med,... 2 into_f_b1_1med,... Sex
Into3 3 into_m_b1_1fast,... 3 into_f_b1_1fast,... Sex
Straddled1 1 straddled M,... 1 straddled F,... Sex
Straddled2 2 straddled_M_04_med,... 2 straddled_F_04_med,... Sex
Straddled3 3 straddled_M_05_fast,... 3 straddled_F_05_fast,... Sex
Phucked1 1 phucked,... 1 phucked 1,... Sex
Phucked2 2 phucked_M_med_1,... 2 phucked_F_med_1,... Sex
Phucked3 3 phucked_M_fast_2,... 3 phucked_F_fast_2,... Sex
RevLap2-1 1 revlapm2,... 1 revlap2f,... Sex
RevLap2-2 2 revlapm2,... 2 revlap2f,... Sex
RevLap2-3 3 revlapm2,... 3 revlap2f,... Sex
RevLap2-4 4 revlapm2,... 4 revlap2f,... Sex
RevLap3-1 1 reverselap3m,... 1 reverselap3f,... Sex
RevLap3-2 2 reverselap3m,... 2 reverselap3f,... Sex
RevLap3-3 3 reverselap3m,... 3 reverselap3f,... Sex
RevLap3-4 4 reverselap3m,... 4 reverselap3f,... Sex
Fold2-1 1 fold2m,... 1 fold2f,... Sex
Fold2-2 2 fold2m,... 2 fold2f,... Sex
Fold2-3 3 fold2m,... 3 fold2f,... Sex
Fold2-4 4 fold2m,... 4 fold2f,... Sex
Sifted1 1 sifted,... 1 sifted 1,... Sex
Sifted2 2 sifted_m_hard,... 2 sifted_f_hard,... Sex
Sifted3 3 sifted_m_fast,... 3 sifted_f_fast,... Sex
Sifted4 4 sifted_m_cum_01,... 4 sifted_f_cum_01,... Sex
Bangin-3 3 bangin_M_04_fast,... 3 bangin_F_04_fast,... Sex
Bangin-1 1 bangin_M_02,... 1 bangin_F_02,... Sex
Bangin-2 2 bangin_M_03_med,... 2 bangin_F_03_med,... Sex
Fold1-1 1 foldm,... 1 foldf,... Sex

Jesse Sexy Motion - MLP Bed[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Slow dance Slow_dance_m Slow_dance_f Slow
ShakeNasty shake_nasty_m shake_nasty_f Sexy
WrapIt wrap_it_m wrap_it_f Sexy
AnotherKiss another_kiss_M,... another_kiss_F,... Cuddle
AwaitedEmbrace awaited_embrace_M,... awaited_embrace_F,... Cuddle
Keeps keeps m 1.3,... keeps f 1.3,... Cuddle
OverOut over_out_m_03 over_out_f_03 Cuddle
Rapture rapture_M,... rapture_F,... Cuddle
Fate fate_M,... fate_F,... Cuddle
Here&Now Here&now M,... Here&now F,... Cuddle
JustUs just us- M,... just us- F,... Cuddle
Massage massage_M,... massage_F,... Cuddle
Blowjob1 blowj_1_1 m,... bj_1 f,... Foreplay
Blowjob2 bj_2 m,... bj_2 f,... Foreplay
Blowjob3 bj_3 m,... bj_3 f,... Foreplay
Blowjob4 bj_4m,... bj_4f,... Foreplay
Lixxer1 lixxer_1m,... taste_her fT,... Foreplay
Lixxer2 lixxer_2m,... lixxer_2f,... Foreplay
Ravish ravish_m,... ravish_f,... Foreplay
Bangin1 1 bangin_M,... 1 bangin_F,... Sex
Bangin2 2 bangin_M,... 2 bangin_F,... Sex
Bangin3 3 bangin_M,... 3 bangin_F,... Sex
Sex1 1 M,... 1 F,... Sex
Sex2 2 M,... 2 F,... Sex
Sex3 3 M,... 3 F,... Sex
Hoodie1 1 Hoodie m,... 1 Hoodie f,... Sex
Hoodie2 2 hoodie m,... 2 hoodie f,... Sex
Hoodie3 3 hoodie m,... 3 hoodie f,... Sex
Hoodie4 4 hoodie m,... 4 hoodie f,... Sex
Phucked1 1 phucked m,... 1 phucked f,... Sex
Phucked2 2 phucked_M,... 2 phucked_F,... Sex
Phucked3 3 phucked_M,... 3 phucked_F,... Sex
Straddled1 1 straddled M,... 1 straddled F,... Sex
Straddled2 2 straddled_M,... 2 straddled_F,... Sex
Straddled3 3 straddled_M,... 3 straddled_F,... Sex
Doggie1 dog m1,... dog f1,... Sex
Doggie2 dog m2,... dog f2,... Sex
Doggie3 dog m3,... dog f3,... Sex
Erratic1 1 erratic m,... 1 erratic f,... Sex
Erratic2 2 erratic_M,... 2 erratic_F,... Sex
Erratic3 3 erratic_M,... 3 erratic_F,... Sex
Erratic4 4 erratic_M,... 4 erratic_F,... Sex

Jesse Sexy Motion 2nd Part[Send to me]

by: Digital Kaos

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Behind M_behind_H1_05 F_behind_H1_06 Slow
Entice F M_getdownentice_01 F_getdownentice_03 Sexy
Wall Grind grinding walldancelonger Freestyle
So Hawt 2 drop it M_002 like it's hot_take_002F Sexy

Jesse Sexy Motion Triple2Couple[Send to me]

by: Digital Kaos

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Shake Front shake_nasty_v4_M_front shake_nasty_v4_F Freestyle
Shake Behind shake_nasty_v4_M_behind shake_nasty_v4_F Freestyle
Yo Ass Dance Yo ASS DANCE Freestyle
Yo Ass Off Yo ASS OFF Freestyle

Kabuki Creations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Doggy3 Hard hard hard 1 Sex
Doggy3 Gentle gentle gentle 1 Sex
DT Hard hard hard 1 Sex
Whisper M Whisper,... F Whisper,... Cuddle
DT Gentle gentle gentle 1 Sex
Care Kabuki Creations,... *** Care ***,... Cuddle
Eternity Kabuki Creations 1,... *** Eternity ***,... Cuddle
EndlessHold endlesshold,... endlesshold 1,... Cuddle
EndlessKiss endlesskiss,... endlesskiss 1,... Cuddle
ConquerKiss M Conqkiss R10a,... F Conqkiss R3a,... Cuddle
SweetLips1 *M SL R120,... *F SL R120R,... Cuddle
SweetLips2 *M Loveontheinside,... *F Sweetlips,... Cuddle
HoldMe4efer m hold1 f hold1 Slow
Always&Forever M always,... F always,... Cuddle
OneHeart M one heart,... F one heart,... Cuddle
LostInLove M LostinLove,... F LostinLove,... Cuddle
OneSweetDay M OSD,... F OSD,... Cuddle
Drowning1 drowning1,... F drw R3,... Cuddle
Drowning2 drowning2,... F drw R3,... Cuddle
PassionHer kissher-M,... kissher-F,... Cuddle
LoveInside *M loti 1R,... *F loti 1R,... Cuddle
WrittenInHeart M WIMH r3,... F WIMH r5,... Cuddle
MissYou M missyou,... F missyou,... Cuddle
MyLove1 M LOML R6,... F LOML R6,... Cuddle
MyLove2 *M LoveofMyLife,... *F LoveofMyLife,... Cuddle
GetCloser M closer i get,... F closer i get,... Cuddle
Touch *M T 2R2RR,... *F T R2,... Cuddle
Good4Christmas M I'llbegoodforChristmas,... F I'llbegoodforChristmas,... Cuddle,BDSM,Chair
Blowjob1 Gentle Blowjob1Gentle-M,... Blowjob1Gentle-F,... Foreplay
Blowjob1 Hard Blowjob1hard-M,... Blowjob1hard-F,... Foreplay
Taste1 Gentle Taste1Gentle-M Taste1Gentle-F Sex
Taste1 Hard Taste1Hard-M Taste1Hard-F Sex
PassionHim kisshim-M,... kisshim-F,... Cuddle
NeverForget *M NF R2R *F NF R2R Cuddle
LoveStory1 animA,... animA 1,... Cuddle
ThinkLoveYou M WildThingIThinkILoveYou,... F WildThingIThinkILoveYou,... Cuddle
Forever M Forever,... F Forever,... Cuddle
Abs.OfFear M AbsenceOfFear,... F AbsenceOfFear,... Cuddle
Eternity2 Eternity2a,... Eternity2a 1,... Cuddle

Kami-Hitoe[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
KH SLow1 :KH: pair slow dance1 M :KH: pair slow dance1 F Slow

KH Creations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Be My Pole MALEPOLEok bemypole Sexy

LaBuhardilla[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SkyLove FKiss_A_03_Parte1_Male,... FKiss_A_03_Parte1_Female,... Cuddle

Life Your Fairytale[Send to me]

by: Jukka Wilkinson

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Air Dance fae couple M faecouple dance2F Faerytale
Handkiss handkissM7,... handkissF7,... Cuddle
MermaidDance merm2 merm2 F Mermaid
Slow.1.6 slowdance1.6M slowdance1.6F Slow

LionsBlood[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Caress Head 2s-cu-lela_m,... 2s-cu-lela_f,... Cuddle
Caress Him 2s-cu33_m,... 2s-cu33-f,... Cuddle
Deep Kiss deep-kiss_m,... deep-kiss_f,... Cuddle
Eyelook 2s-sor_m,... 2s-sor_f,... Cuddle
Hot Neckkiss 2s-cu-leg_m,... 2s-cu-leg_f,... Cuddle
Lap Sit lap-sit-male-1,... lap-sit-FEM1,... Cuddle
Lay Kiss laying-kiss_m,... laying-kiss_f,... Cuddle
Lean 2s-lean_m,... 2s-lean_f,... Cuddle
Lift Kiss lift-kiss_m_,... lift-kiss_f_,... Cuddle
Wrapped Kiss 2s-ki-wrapfac_m,... 2s-ki-wrapfac_f,... Cuddle
Sit Kiss 2s-sitt_m,... 2s-sitt_f,... Cuddle
Rom. Kiss rom-kiss_m,... rom-kiss_f,... Cuddle
On Top 2s-cuddle_backside_m,... 2s-cuddle_backside_f,... Cuddle

Ll-animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Ll-Jive Jive m Jive f Freestyle

Long Awkward Pose[Send to me]

by: Dove Swanson

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Adoringly lawncouplem1,... lawncouplef1,... Cuddle
CloudWatcher lawncouplem2,... lawncouplef2,... Cuddle
Piggyback piggycouplem1b,... piggycouplef1a,... Cuddle

Lost Dog - Cuddles[Send to me]

by: Ben Stravinsky

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Penance dd,... d,... Cuddle
SidewalkRomance Kiss,... Kiss1,... Cuddle
SnugCouple couplemkiss,... couplefkiss,... Cuddle
Celestial Rush - Kissing Animation,... kisssf,... Cuddle
Entrapment phot3,... phot4,... Cuddle
Ticklies lounge-male-4 lounge-female-4 Cuddle
Passion kissing2 kissing3 Cuddle
Chillout chillout M,... chillout F,... Cuddle
SugarLips rear kiss M,... rear kiss F,... Cuddle

Lost Dog - WickedWishMLP[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
WW-Relax relax M,... relax F,... Cuddle
WW-Kiss kiss M,... kiss F,... Cuddle
WW-69 69 M,... 69 F,... Foreplay
WW-Blowjob Blowjob M,... Blowjob F,... Foreplay
WW-Missionary Missionary M,... Missionary F,... Sex
WW-Riding Ridin M,... Ridin F,... Sex
WW-Doggy doggy M,... doggy F,... Sex
WW-Cowgirl Cowgirl M,... Cowgirl F,... Sex
WW-AllIn All-In M,... All-In F,... Sex

LostDog[Send to me]

by: Ben Stravinsky

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Salsa L-Dog male salsa 1 female salsa 1 Latin
Seduction Seduction 1 Seduction 2 Sexy

LostDog - Making Love[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
GoodGirl dessert M,... dessert F,... Foreplay
GoodBoy goodboy M,... goodboy F,... Foreplay
A-Train lean back M,... lean back F,... Sex
Gravity flat M,... flat F,... Sex
PayDay Sexual - M,... Sexual - F,... Sex
Elevation lifted M,... lifted F,... Sex
HoneyPot rear lick M,... rear lick F,... Foreplay
NaughtyGirl manspank,... womanspank,... BDSM,Chair

Lotsa Balls[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Eternal eternal-m eternal-f Slow
MagicMoment magicmoment-m magicmoment-f Slow
Two Step twostep-m twostep-f Country,Slow
Boot scoot bootscoot bootscoot Country
Tush push tushpush tushpush Country
Cherished cherished-m cherished-f Slow
SlowCountry countrydance-m countrydance-f Slow
Won.Waltz waltz-m waltz-f Ballroom
UnderYourSpell underyourspell-m,... underyourspell-f,... Slow

Lotsa Balls - Cuddles[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
WatchSunset watchingsunset-m watchingsunset-f Cuddle
MakeMemories makingmemories-m makingmemories-f Cuddle
Soulmates soulmate-m soulmate-f Cuddle
Resting rest-m rest-f Cuddle
LoversChat loverschat-m loverschat-f Cuddle
EmbraceHug embracehug-m embracehug-f Cuddle
Hold Me holdme-m holdme-f Cuddle
SpoonCuddle spooncuddle-m spooncuddle-f Cuddle
StraddleKiss straddlekiss-m straddlekiss-f Foreplay
Zen zen-m zen-f Cuddle
AtThePark atthepark-m atthepark-f Cuddle
You and Me youandme-m youandme-f Cuddle

Lotsa Balls - Making Love[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Caress Caress-m Caress-f Foreplay
1Missionary missionary1-m missionary1-f Sex
2Missionary missionary2-m missionary2-f Sex
3Missionary missionary3-m missionary3-f Sex
FromBehind frombehind-m frombehind-f Sex
YummyTreat yummytreat-m yummytreat-f Foreplay,Sex
PleasureHer pleasureher-m pleasureher-f Foreplay,Sex
Ass Fuck assfuck-m,... assfuck-f,... Sex
Gag Her gagher,... gagher-f,... Sex
Sitting BJ sittingbj-m,... sittingbj-f,... Sex

Love Fashion Love Creations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Amazed ground layMale,... ground lay2,... Cuddle

LoveMotif[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Top Down TopDown-Male TopDown-Female Sex
Worship Him WorshipHim-Male WorshipHim-Female Foreplay
Ride Him RideHim-Male RideHim-Female Sex
Scissor Scissor-Male Scissor-Female Sex
Close Caress CloseCaress-Male CloseCaress-Female Foreplay
Close Caress PB closecaress-him closecaress-her Foreplay
Breast Play PB Lovemotif - Hetero Breast Play Kneeling - Male Lovemotif - Hetero Breast Play Kneeling - Female Foreplay
BackCouch BackCouch-Male BackCouch-Female Sex
BackCouch PB backcouch-him backcouch-her Sex
Breast Play BreastPlayKneeling-Male BreastPlayKneeling-Female Foreplay

Luna Animations[Send to me]

by: Jennifer Brennon

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
NeckNibble LA Neck Nibbling (M),... LA Neck Nibbling (F),... Cuddle
KissPassionate LA Passionate Kiss (M),... LA Passionate Kiss (F),... Cuddle
LightKiss Light Kiss (M),... LA Light Kiss (F),... Cuddle
CuddleSit LA Cuddle Sit (M),... LA Cuddle Sit (F),... Cuddle
LegPet LA Cuddle LegPet (M),... LA Cuddle LegPet (F),... Cuddle
LapGrind LA Lap Dance Grind (M),... LA Lap Dance Grind (F),... Sex
LapEncounter LA Lap Encounter (M),... LA Lap Encounter (F),... Sex
ChestBalled LA Balled on Chest (M),... LA Balled on Chest (F),... Sex
LayCowGirl LA Laying CowGirl (M),... LA Laying CowGirl (F),... Sex
CowGirl LA CowGirl (M),... LA CowGirl (F),... Sex
CowGirl F LA CowGirl-fast (M),... LA CowGirl-fast (F),... Sex
Rev.CowGirl LA Reverse CowGirl (M),... LA Reverse CowGirl (F),... Sex
Doggie LA Doggie (M),... LA Doggie (F),... Sex
Doggie Deep LA Doggie Deep & Wide (M),... LA Doggie Deep & Wide (F),... Sex
Doggie Hard LA Doggie Hard (M),... LA Doggie Hard (F),... Sex
Doggie Wide LA Doggie Wide (M),... LA Doggie Wide (F),... Sex
Missionary LA Missionary (M),... LA Missionary (F),... Sex
Missi.Raised LA Raised Missionary (M),... LA Raised Missionary (F),... Sex
Missi.Fast LA Raised Missionary-fast (M),... LA Raised Missionary-fast (F),... Sex
Missi.LegUp LA Missionary 1 leg up (M),... LA Missionary 1 leg up (F),... Sex
Missi.LUFast LA Missionary 1 leg up-fast (M),... LA Missionary 1 leg up-fast (F),... Sex
Missi.Deep LA Missionary Deep (M),... LA Missionary Deep (F),... Sex
Wall Slow LA Behind Against Wall slow(M),... LA Behind Against Wall slow(F),... Sex
Wall Med LA Behind Against Wall med (M),... LA Behind Against Wall med (F),... Sex
Wall Fast LA Behind Against Wall fast (M),... LA Behind Against Wall fast(F),... Sex
SixtyNine LA SixtyNine (M),... LA SixtyNine (F),... Foreplay
Cunnilingus LA Cunnilingus (M),... LA Cunnilingus (F),... Foreplay
Cunniling. W LA Cunnilingus Wide (M),... LA Cunnilingus Wide (F),... Foreplay
Fellatio LA Fellatio (M),... LA Fellatio (F),... Foreplay
Face Sit LA Face Sit (M),... LA Face Sit (F),... Foreplay
1-Dog.DeepNWide LA_DoggyDeepNWide_21,... LA_DoggyDeepNWide_11,... Sex
2-Dog.DeepNWide LA_DoggyDeepNWide_22,... LA_DoggyDeepNWide_12,... Sex
3-Dog.DeepNWide LA_DoggyDeepNWide_23,... LA_DoggyDeepNWide_13,... Sex
4-Dog.DeepNWide LA_DoggyDeepNWide_24,... LA_DoggyDeepNWide_14,... Sex

M&P Animation[Send to me]

by: Phil Cinquitti

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Salsa A 60-01_02_01 61_01_02_01 Latin
Salsa B 60_02_04 61_02_03 Latin
Salsa C 60_03_01 61_03_01 Latin
Salsa D 60_04_01 61_04_01 Latin
Salsa E 60_05_01 61_05_01 Latin
Salsa F 60_06_01 61_06_01 Latin
Salsa G 60_07_01 61_07_01 Latin
Salsa H 60_08P1_03 61_08P1_03 Latin
Salsa I 60_08P2_03 61_08P2_02 Latin
Saksa J 60_09P1_02 61_09P1_02 Latin
Salsa K 60_09P2_01 61_09P2_02 Latin
Tango A 60_10_02 61_10_02 Latin
Tango B 60_11P1_02 61_11P1_02 Latin
Tango C 60_11P2_01 61_11P2_02 Latin
Tango D 60_12_01 61_12_01 Latin
Tango E 60_13_01 61_13_01 Latin
Tango F 60_14_01 61_14_01 Latin
Tango G 60_15_03 61_15_01 Latin
Slow 02 Slowdance02M02 Slowdance02F02 Slow

M&P Cuddle[Send to me]

by: Phil Cinquitti

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Deep Kiss A deep kiss (A)_M3,... A deep kiss (A)_F2,... Cuddle
Sweet Kiss A sweet kiss_M3,... A sweet kiss_F2,... Cuddle
Passion Kiss A kiss with passion_M2,... A kiss with passion_F1,... Cuddle
A Kiss 2 A Kiss - 2_M2,... A Kiss - 2_F1,... Cuddle
Caress her caress01_M5,... caress01_F3,... Cuddle
CaressLegs caress between legs m3,... caress between legs f3,... Cuddle
IntimateKiss bed12Anim440_M4,... bed12Anim440_F4,... Cuddle
SheClimbOnTop bed16Anim360_M2 bed16Anim360_F18 Cuddle
Cuddle&Kiss bed07Anim420_M2,... bed07Anim420_F1,... Cuddle
Carry&Kiss Carry&Kiss_M4,... Carry&Kiss_F1,... Cuddle
Kiss 01 kiss01_M4,... kiss01_F4,... Cuddle
Cuddle/03 Cuddle3_M8,... Cuddle3_F5,... Cuddle
Kiss Him kiss head m6,... kiss head f6,... Cuddle
Message4 Massage04_M5,... Massage04_F2,... Cuddle
CaressBehind caress behind_m7,... caress behind_f,... Cuddle

M&P Making Love[Send to me]

by: Phil Cinquitti

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
WidelyOpen widelyopen_m4,... widelyopen_f4,... Sex
Spoil Her spoil her_m,... spoil her_f,... Sex
Kneel&Worship take2_m,... take2_f,... Foreplay
MnPHandjob vm_bj05_M1,... vm_bj05_F3,... Foreplay
M&PMissi1 bb1205v1a2m01 bb1205v1a2f01 Sex
Miss2 miss2m001b miss2f002bbb Sex
CaressBreast caress breasts m4e,... caress breasts f4f,... Foreplay
Spoil Him Spoil Him24_M2,... Spoil Him24_F2,... Foreplay
Arch 2 Arch28_M2 Arch28_F2 Sex
Doggy Style doggy10_m1,... doggy10_f1,... Sex
Cowgirl Cowgirl36_M1,... Cowgirl36_F2,... Sex
Octopus Octopus22_M1,... Octopus22_F1,... Sex
Surprise1 Surprise(stand)16_M1_00,... Surprise(stand)16_F1_00,... Sex
Surprise2 Surprise(stand)16_M1_01,... Surprise(stand)16_F1_01,... Sex
Surprise3 Surprise(stand)16_M1_02,... Surprise(stand)16_F1_02,... Sex
Surprise4 Surprise(stand)16_M1_03,... Surprise(stand)16_F1_03,... Sex
Cello cello m3,... cello f3,... Sex
69 1 disi07_F2_03,... disi07_F1_03,... Foreplay
Enjoy 3 disi20_F1_03,... disi20_F2_03,... Foreplay
Sideways9 sideways09_m2,... sideways09_f1,... Sex
ReverseCG07 reversecowgirl07_m1,... reversecowgirl07_f1,... Sex
ReverseCG15 ReverseCowgirl15_M1,... ReverseCowgirl15_F1,... Sex

Maar Auer Animations[Send to me]

by: Maar Auer

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Slow One slow1-M slow1-F Slow
Menuet menuet-m menuet-f Historical
Chaconne chaconne_m chaconne_f Historical
ValseDeNuit valseM valseF Ballroom
Slindy Hop SLindyHop-m SLindyHop-f Swing,Freestyle
Charleston charleston-m charleston-f Swing,Freestyle
Foxtrot foxtrot-m foxtrot-f Ballroom
TangoPasion tango-m tango-f Ballroom,Freestyle

Maar Auer Dances Intan Compatibility Notecard[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
MojitoGroove MojitoGroove-M MojitoGroove-F Latin
Slow One slow1-M slow1-F Slow
Menuet menuet-m menuet-f Historical
Chaconne chaconne_m chaconne_f Historical
ValseDeNuit valseM valseF Ballroom
Charleston charleston-m charleston-f Swing,Freestyle
Slindy Hop SLindyHop-m SLindyHop-f Swing,Freestyle
Foxtrot foxtrot-m foxtrot-f Ballroom
TangoPasion tango-m tango-f Ballroom,Freestyle

Mall Doc Ashby[Send to me]

by: Doc Ashby

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Jam Dance Jam Dance Jam Dance Freestyle
New Cool New Cool Dance New Cool Dance Freestyle
Shake Dance Shake Dance Shake Dance Freestyle
Hug Couple hug-masculine,... hug-femanine,... Cuddle
Snuggle lovermale14,... lovefemale14,... Cuddle
Lagoon Kiss lagoon waterfall kiss male lagoon waterfall kiss femalerev Cuddle
lil Salsa Salsa Salsa Freestyle
Doc Slow Slow Dance Slow Dance Freestyle
PomPom pompom pompom Freestyle
Slow Sexy Slow sexy Slow sexy Freestyle
YMCA Abranimations - YMCA Abranimations - YMCA Freestyle
Macarena Macarena 1 Macarena 1 Freestyle

Mariana&Mino Design[Send to me]

by: Minotaurus Whitfield

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Romantic Dance RomanticDance_v1_M RomanticDance_v1_F Slow

Meike TM[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Slow2 V3 slow dance2 v3 slow dance1 v3 Slow

Meike TM Cuddle[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Int. Kiss intimate kiss m,... intimate kiss f,... Cuddle
ShoreCuddle waterside m,... waterside f,... Cuddle
Tangled Up TailWrapped m,... TailWrapped f,... Cuddle
Together holding hands stand1,... holding hands stand2,... Cuddle
HoldingHands holding hands1,... holding hands2,... Cuddle
Snuggle Up snuggle up2 m,... snuggle up1 f,... Cuddle
TangledLegs LegWrapped m,... LegWrapped f,... Cuddle

Mermaid's Dream[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Mer Hug Mer_Embrace_001M1,... Mer_Embrace_001F1,... Mermaid
Mer Kiss Mer_Kiss_001M,... Mer_Kiss_001F,... Mermaid
Mer Dance1 Mer_Dance2_001M,... Mer_Dance2_001F,... Mermaid
Mer Dance2 Mer_Dance2_002,... Mer_Dance2_002,... Mermaid
Mer Dance3 Mer_Dance2_003M Mer_Dance2_003F Mermaid

Mesmerized[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
TaiChi2 tai chiA900,... tai chiA900,... Sports
Craddle craddle m10 900,... craddle fem7 900,... Cuddle

Ministry of Motion[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Capoeira Capoeira 1 Capoeira 2 Freestyle
Contemporary contemporary dance (m) contemporary dance (f) Freestyle
MoMCombo1 Freestyle Hit Banner Dance Freestyle
MoMCombo2 So Soo Cool Curly Whirly Freestyle
MoMCombo3 Northern Soul So Cool Freestyle
MoMCombo4 Freestyle Street Dance Club So Cool Freestyle
MoMCombo5 So Cool It Hurts Sherbet Dip Freestyle

Ministry of Motion - Cuddles[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LovingHands Loving_hands(m) Loving_hands(f) Cuddle
Hug Behind hug_from_Behind_(M) Hug_from_Behind_(F) Cuddle
SilverEmbr Silver_Embrace(m),... Silver_Embrace(f),... Cuddle
SeatedLove Seated_Love_(m),... Seated_Love_(f),... Cuddle
ChocolHug Chocolate_sit_hug(m),... Chocolate_sit_hug(f),... Cuddle
BetwLegHug Between_Legs_ Hug_(M),... Between_Legs_Hug_(F),... Cuddle
EntaglEmbr Entangled_Embrace_(M),... Entangled_Embrace_(F),... Cuddle
Kneel Gaze Kneel_Over_Gaze_(M),... Kneel_Over_Gaze_(F),... Cuddle
Lying Lying_(m),... Lying_(f),... Cuddle
SidewayHug Sideways_Hug_(M) Sideways_Hug_(F) Cuddle
SitCupHug Sitting_Cup_Hug_(M),... Sitting_Cup_ Hug_(F),... Cuddle
BackMassa1 Back_Massage_1(M),... Back_Massage_1(F),... Massage
BackMassa2 Back_Massage_2(M),... Back_Massage_2(F),... Massage

Mony Lindman[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LickPussy2 male-bedlick-kk,... lick 2,... Foreplay

Motion Merchant Cuddle[Send to me]

by: Johan Durant

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Lay side laying_side_side_m,... laying_side_side_f,... Cuddle
Lay spoon laying_spoon_m,... laying_spoon_f,... Cuddle
Ground Kiss ground_kiss_m,... ground_kiss_f,... Cuddle
Lay Arm Cross laying_arm_across_m,... laying_arm_across_f,... Cuddle
Lay Kiss laying_makeout_m,... laying_makeout_f,... Cuddle
Lay Neck Kiss laying_neck_kiss_m,... laying_neck_kiss_f,... Cuddle
Lay Pinned laying_pinned_m,... laying_pinned_f,... Cuddle
Pinned Kiss laying_pinned_kiss_m,... laying_pinned_kiss_f,... Cuddle
Lay ArmProp laying_propped_arm_m,... laying_propped_arm_f,... Cuddle

Motion Merchants[Send to me]

by: Johan Durant

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
WC Swing wcswing_m wcswing_f Latin
MM Slowdance slow_m slow_f Slow
MM Waltz waltz_m waltz_f Ballroom

Mystic Motion[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
New Cool New Cool Dance New Cool Dance Freestyle

NC Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Grind Dance 3x male 3x girl 2 Sexy

Neva Naughty Design Cuddling Kiss[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
CuddlingKiss Kiss,... Kiss 1,... Cuddle

Neva Naughty Designs[Send to me]

by: Niccolo Neva,Ashley Neva

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Smooch Kiss Kiss 1 Cuddle

New Dance Shack[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
The Bump dirty3M dirty3F Sexy
The Bump2 dirtyM dirtyF Sexy
Dirty Dance dirty4M dirty4F Sexy
DownDirty dirty1M dirty1F Sexy
DownDirty2 dirty5M dirty5F Sexy
Back 2 Back dirty2M dirty2F Sexy
Friction dirty6M dirty6F Sexy
(Twisting) M Twist F Twist (Oldies)
(Jivin') M Jive F Jive (Oldies)
(Mash Potato) M Mashed F Mashed (Oldies)
(Swim) M Swim F Swim (Oldies)
(Monkey) M Monkey F Monkey (Oldies)
(Boogie) M Boogie F Boogie Oldies)
(Jammin') M Jam F Jam (Oldies)
(Groovin') M Grooving F Grooving (Oldies)

New Level[Send to me]

by: Himeroz Corleone

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
MouthMusic mouth musicm,... mouth musicf,... Cuddle
ThroatCheck throat checkm,... throat checkf,... Foreplay

Nuts and Bolts Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Couch BJ couch BJ7_m_couple,... couch BJ7_f_couple,... Foreplay
WallNormal cagefuck1_m,... cagefuck1_f,... Sex
WallHard cagefuck2b_m,... cagefuck2b_f,... Sex
WallNailed cagefuck3e_m,... cagefuck3g_f,... Sex
WallDeeper cagefuck4b_m,... cagefuck4b_f,... Sex
WallTorque cagefuck5b_m,... cagefuck5b_f,... Sex
WallSpank cagefuck_spank1b_m,... cagefuck_spank1b_f,... Sex
WallCum cagefuck_cs1h_m,... cagefuck_cs1f_f,... Sex
WallCum2 cagefuck_cs2_m,... cagefuck_cs2_f,... Sex

Nyterave Cuddle[Send to me]

by: Nytemyst Grace

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
CS Pose 3 R csmale3,... R csfemale3,... Cuddle
CS Pose 4 csmale4,... csfemale4,... Cuddle
Lover 12 lovermale12,... lovefemale12,... Cuddle
Lover 14 lovermale14,... lovefemale14,... Cuddle
Lover 20 lovermale20,... lovefemale20b,... Cuddle
MS Lover 26 mslmale26,... mslfemale26,... Cuddle
MS Lover 27 mslmale27,... mslfemale27,... Cuddle
MS Lover 28 mslmale28,... mslfemale28,... Cuddle
Lover 1 lovermale1,... lovefemale1,... Cuddle
Lover 2 lovermale2,... lovefemale2,... Cuddle
Lover 3 lovermale3b,... lovefemale3b,... Cuddle
Lover 4 lovermale4,... lovefemale4,... Cuddle
Lover 5 lovermale5,... lovefemale5a,... Cuddle
Lover 6 lovemale6b,... lovefemale6,... Cuddle
Lover 7 lovemale7e,... lovefemale7,... Cuddle
Lover 10 lovermale10,... lovefemale10b,... Cuddle
Lover 11 lovermale11,... lovefemale11d,... Cuddle
Lover 16 lovemale16e,... lovefemale16,... Cuddle
Lover 17 lovermale17,... lovefemale17,... Cuddle
Lover 18 lovermale18,... lovefemale18,... Cuddle
Lover 19 lovemale19d,... lovefemale19a,... Cuddle
MS Lover 16 mslmale16b,... mslfemale16d,... Cuddle
MS Lover 18 mslmale18a,... mslfemale18,... Cuddle
MS Lover 22 mslmale22a,... mslfemale22d,... Cuddle
MS Lover 23 mslmale23a,... mslfemale23b,... Cuddle
MS Lover 29 mslmale29,... mslfemale29,... Cuddle
MS Lover 14 mslmale14b,... mslfemale14b,... Cuddle
MS Lover 19 mslmale19c,... mslfemale19b,... Cuddle
Lover 15 lovemale15d,... lovefemale15,... Cuddle
Lover 8 lovemale8a lovefemale8 Cuddle

Oi-Ei Animations[Send to me]

by: fujio Squeegee

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
HugIntoHisArm hug tight m,... hug tight f,... Cuddle
HugLiftKiss hug kiss m,... hug kiss f,... Cuddle
Slap&MakeUp lay pu m,... lay punch f,... Cuddle
StealAKiss lay sub kiss m,... lay sub kiss f,... Cuddle

OmniPotent Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SmackThis1 VJ_SmackThisM_A,... VJ_SmackThisF_A,... Sex
SmackThis2 VJ_SmackThisM_B,... VJ_SmackThisF_A,... Sex
SmackThat1 VJ-SmackThatM01,... VJ-SmackThat F01,... Sex,Chair

Outrider Animations[Send to me]

by: Zach Wolfe

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Sangria Dance Latin Latin 1 Latin

Owl and Pussycat[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
DrtyDncg 1 Dirty Dancing m 01 Dirty Dancing f 01 Freestyle
HungryEyes hungryeyes m hungryeyes f Latin
Slow OnP 1 slow OnP 01 m slow OnP 01 f Slow
hug01 OnP hug 01 m hug 01 f Freestyle
kiss01 OnP kiss 01 m kiss 01 f Freestyle
JBug01 OnP jbug m OnP jbug f OnP Swing
Slow OnP 2 slow OnP 02 m slow OnP 02 f Slow

Page 3[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Lover's Hug lovers_hug1_m lovers_hug1_f Cuddle
Kneeling Hug kneelhug_m kneelhug_f Cuddle
Sensualkiss SensualKiss_M SensualKiss_F Kiss
Lover's Caress lovers_recline1_m lovers_recline1_f Cuddle
RIM Rim_M Rim_F Sex

PappStyle[Send to me]

by: Hans Papp

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LoveDance1 PS Lovedance v1 m PS Lovedance v1 f Slow
LoveDance2 PS lovedance v2 m PS lovedance v2 f Slow
Love Dance 1 PS Lovedance v.1 M PS Lovedance v.1 F Slow
Love Dance 2 PS Lovedance v.2 M PS Lovedance v.2 F Slow
DeepKiss4 PS deepkiss v4 m,... PS deepkiss v4 f,... Cuddle
DeepKiss6 PS deepkiss v6 m,... PS deepkiss v6 f,... Cuddle
LoveHome1 PS lovehome v1 m,... PS lovehome v1 f,... Cuddle
DeepKiss3 PS Deepkiss v.3 M,... PS Deepkiss v.3 F,... Cuddle
DeepKiss7 PS Deepkiss v.7 M,... PS Deepkiss v.7 F,... Cuddle
DeepKiss2 PS Deepkiss v.2 M PS Deepkiss v.2 F Cuddle
DeepKiss PS deepkiss m,... PS deepkiss f,... Cuddle
DeepKiss1 PS Deepkiss v.1 M,... PS Deepkiss v.1 F,... Cuddle
DeepKiss5 PS Deepkiss v.5 M,... PS Deepkiss v.5 F,... Cuddle
Love Dance 3 PS Lovedance v.3 M PS Lovedance v.3 F Slow

Paradise Blanket[Send to me]

by: October Brotherhood

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Twist ez twist ez twist Freestyle

Pascal Animaitons[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
KalyKiss Kaly Kiss MV3 M_11,... Kaly Kiss MV3 F_11,... Cuddle

Petra's Pleasure[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Dry Dry - m,... Dry - f,... Massage

Phobos Design Chaos[Send to me]

by: Ferran Brodsky

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
PD Slow 3 slow-dance-v3-m slow-dance-v3-f Slow

Pillow Talkers[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
InTheGarden in the garden male,... in the garden female,... Cuddle
Talk1a complete male,... complete female,... Cuddle
Talk1b complete 3M,... complete 3F,... Sex
Talk1c complete 4M,... complete 4F,... Cuddle
Talk2a guy 1,... lady 1,... Cuddle
Talk2b guy 2,... lady 2,... Cuddle

Play Sexy Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
PleaseHer Please Her M1,... Please Her F1,... Foreplay
PS Breast Breasts M1,... Breasts F1,... Foreplay
PS Stand 1 Sexy Standing M1,... Sexy Standing F1,... Sex
PS Stand 2 Sexy Standing M2,... Sexy Standing F2,... Sex
PS Grind 1 Sexy Grind M1,... Sexy Grind F1,... Sex
PS Grind 2 Sexy Grind M2,... Sexy Grind F2,... Sex
PS Grind 3 Sexy Grind M3,... Sexy Grind F3,... Sex
PS Grind 4 Sexy Grind M4,... Sexy Grind F4,... Sex
PS Spoon 1 Spoon M1,... Spoon F1,... Sex
PS Spoon 2 Spoon M2,... Spoon F2,... Sex
PS Spoon 3 Spoon M3,... Spoon F3,... Sex

PM Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
ForeplayF1 foreplayf001m2,... foreplayf001f,... Foreplay
Dog3 doghairmdonemani,... doghairf001,... Sex
Kiss1_F kiss001m kiss001f Cuddle

Primal Dreams[Send to me]

by: Synthia Gynoid

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
WrappedUp facing1,... facing2,... Cuddle
Gusher hj1_m,... hj1_f,... Foreplay
HappyFeet3 footjob3_m,... footjob3_f,... Foreplay
HoneyDipper dipper_m,... dipper2_f,... Foreplay
LetHerWatch jerklay_m,... jerklay_f,... Foreplay
PearlBurst facial1_m,... facial2_f_only,... Foreplay
PearlNecklace pearlnecklace_m,... pearlnecklace_f,... Foreplay
Ready!Aim aim_m,... aim_f,... Foreplay
Torrent jerksit_m,... jerksit_f,... Foreplay
Butterfly butterfly_m,... butterfly_f,... Sex
Cowgirl herontop_m,... herontop_f,... Sex
Doggie doggie1_m,... doggie1_f,... Sex
Furrow furrow3_m,... furrow3_f,... Sex
LikeAGlove rear1_m,... rear1_f,... Sex
Marinade doggie_down_m,... doggie_down_f,... Sex
Missionary mish_m,... mish_f,... Sex
ThePlough plough_m,... plough_f,... Sex
Adoration gaze_2,... gaze_1,... Cuddle
Shelter ontop_2,... ontop_1,... Cuddle
Devour bj1_m,... bj1_f,... Foreplay
Savor savor_m,... savor_f,... Foreplay
Massage massage1_m,... massage1_f,... Cuddle
Jack&Jill jerkforher_m,... jerkforher_f,... Foreplay
Ready...Aim aim_m,... aim_f,... Foreplay
HappyEnd1 happy_ending1_dom,... happy_ending1_sub,... Foreplay
HappyEnd2 happy_ending2_dom,... happy_ending2_sub,... Foreplay
HappyEnd3 happy_ending3_dom,... happy_ending2_sub,... Foreplay
Spanky adriana_pusspanking1bound_dom,... adriana_pusspanking1bound_sub,... Foreplay
LovePat spank_2,... spank_1,... Cuddle
Queening queening_m,... queening_f,... Foreplay
Mutual mutual_2,... mutual_1,... Foreplay
Tantalus jerktease_m,... jerktease_f,... Foreplay
Engulfed bj1_m,... bj1_f,... Foreplay
LickedRight 3some1_m,... 3some1_f1,... Foreplay
LickedLeft 3some1_m,... 3some1_f2,... Foreplay
In Charge chained_ontop_sub,... chained_ontop,... Sex,BDSM
Yin & Yin 69_yinyin_2,... 69_yinyin_1,... Foreplay
Elevated elevated_giver_10fps,... elevated_receiver_10fps,... Foreplay
Fulcrum fulcrum_M,... fulcrum_F,... Sex,Chair
Slowhand slowhand_M,... slowhand_F,... Foreplay
Seized seized_m,... seized_f,... Foreplay
SilkenTouch silkentouch_M,... silkentouch_F,... Foreplay
Scissors scissors2,... scissors3,... Sex
SittingPretty sittingpretty_M,... sittingpretty_F,... Sex

PurrPose[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Stargazer PURRpose stargazing (m),... PURRpose stargazer (f).,... Cuddle

R & R[Send to me]

by: RhiannonFardune Kuhn

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
R&R Slow 1 R&R Slow 1.2 (M) R&R Slow 1.2 (F) Slow

Ray Studio[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Kiss-9 kiss 9 M,... kiss 9 F,... Cuddle

Raymation[Send to me]

by: Owain Raymaker

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
The Lovers m2,... f2,... Sex
Slow Sensual sensual_dance_m_loop sensual_dance_f_loop Slow
JustForFun just_for_fun_m,... just_for_fun_f,... Foreplay
Shower shower_m_loop,... shower_f_loop,... Foreplay
Swing69 Swinging_69ers_M,... Swinging_69ers_F,... Foreplay
Spank spank_m_loop,... spank_f_loop,... BDSM
HerInControl in_control_m,... in_control_f,... Sex
LoveDance1 ld11M,... ld11F,... Sex
LoveDance2 ld21M,... ld21F,... Sex
Zouk Brazil brazilian_zouk_m brazilian_zouk_f Latin
Zouk2 brazilian_Zouk_m_V2 brazilian_Zouk_f_V2 Latin
MakingOut making_out_m,... making_out_f,... Cuddle
JustKissMe just_kiss_me_m,... just_kiss_me_f,... Cuddle
LoversEmbrace lovers_embrace_m_loop,... lovers_embrace_f_loop,... Cuddle
LeanClose&Kiss lean_close_and_kiss_m,... lean_close_and_kiss_f,... Cuddle
LeanBack&Relax lean_back_and_relax_m,... lean_back_and_relax_f,... Cuddle
Face2Face face_to_face_m,... face_to_face_f,... Cuddle
LieDown&Kiss lie_down_and_kiss_m,... lie_down_and_kiss_f,... Cuddle
KneelingKiss kneeling_kiss_m_loop,... kneeling_kiss_f_loop,... Cuddle
LoveDance2P1 love dancev2-12 m love dancev2-12 f Slow
SidewaysLiaison sideways_liaison_m,... sideways_liaison_f,... Sex
BathTime bath_m_loop,... bath_f_loop,... Cuddle
Seph'sFantasy sephs_fantasy_m,... sephs_fantasy_f,... Sex
FromBehind from_behind_m,... from_behind_f,... Sex
AgainstWall wall1_m,... wall1_f,... Sex
ReachBack reach_back_m,... reach_back_f,... Sex
Deep&Slow deep_m_loop,... deep_f_loop,... Sex
IndulgeHim indulge_him_m,... indulge_him_f,... Foreplay,Chair
PurposefulRide ride1_m_loop,... ride1_f_loop,... Sex,Chair
NoHandRiding riding_with_no_hands_m,... riding_with_no_hands_f,... Sex,Chair
ConfidenceRiding riding_with_confidence_m,... riding_with_confidence_f,... Sex,Chair
Nice&Easy nice_and_easy_m,... nice_and_easy_f,... Sex,Chair
LegsUpHigh legs_high_m_loop,... legs_high_f_loop,... Sex,Table
LoveDance1P1 love dance1_m love dance1_f Slow
FunFistfull fist_f1_loop,... fist_f2_loop,... Foreplay
MassageShoulder shoulder_massage_give,... shoulder_massage_receive,... Cuddle
Side69 69 - Sideways v2 m2,... 69 - Sideways v2 f1,... Foreplay
MassageChest massage_chest_receive,... massage_chest_give,... Cuddle
MassageFoot foot_massage_receive,... foot_massage_give,... Cuddle
MassageButtock buttock_massage_receive,... buttock_massage_give,... Cuddle
Jive Jive M Jive F Jive,Freestyle

Reel Expression[Send to me]

by: Luth Brodie

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Lindy Basic 00 lindy basic M 00 lindy basic F Lindy,Ballroom
Lindy Inside 01 lindy inside turn M 01 lindy inside turn F Lindy,Ballroom
Lindy Spin 03 lindy free spin M 03 lindy free spin F Lindy,Ballroom
Lindy Dip 05 lindy dip M 05 lindy dip F Lindy,Ballroom
Lindy Hand 06 lindy handchange M 06 lindy handchange F Lindy,Ballroom
Lindy Kick 08 lindy kick M 08 lindy kick F Lindy,Ballroom

Rhiannon Design[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SLow1 Slow 1.2 (M) Slow 1.2 (F) Slow
Dirty Dance Rhiannon Design/ Dirty Dancing (M) 2 Rhiannon Design/ Dirty Dancing (F) 2 Freestyle
Lambada Lambada (M)1 Lambada (F)1 Freestyle
RD Tango RD/Tango (M)1 RD/Tango (F)1 Ballroom
RD Salsa Rhiannon Design/ Salsa (M) Rhiannon Design/ Salsa (F) Latin
RD SLow2 Rhiannon Design/ Slow2(M) Rhiannon Design/ Slow2(F) Freestyle

Rickymations[Send to me]

by: Ricky Shaftoe

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Hokey Pokey hokey M hokey F Freestyle
Circling Slow Circle M Circle F Slow
Slow dance slow2_m slow2_f Slow
New Slow dance new slow 15FPS new slow F 15FPS Slow
The Chicken chick M chick F Freestyle
Front2Back FTB-M FTB-F Slow

Rickymations Making Love[Send to me]

by: Ricky Shaftoe

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
R-Blowjob BJ-M,... BJ-F,... Foreplay
LickHer Giver,... Receiver,... Foreplay
R-Doggie Doggie M,... Doggie F,... Sex
R-Mission lay,... lay_f,... Sex
Straddle top11_m,... top2_f,... Sex
FromBehind behind_m,... beh2_f,... Sex
Dine Dine_Giver Dine_Receiver,... Foreplay
R-69 69 Bottom,... 69 Top,... Foreplay
RideACowboy RevCow_M,... RevCow_F,... Sex
SaveAHorse CG_M,... CG_F,... Sex,Chair
Massage mass_m,... mass_f,... Massage

Risque Animations Making Love[Send to me]

by: Tink Buttercup

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
DeliciousDeep sexM1.3,... sexF1.3,... Sex
DeeplyYours2 tpm1,... tpf2,... Sex
Deep take down M1.1,... take down F,... Sex
Take Down TakeDown - M,... TakeDown - F,... Sex
LetItRide Let It Ride m,... Let It Ride f,... Sex
HoldOnBaby TableSexM,... TableSexF,... Sex
Strokin StrokeM,... Stroke,... Sex
Slow&Steady Slow & Steady m,... Slow & Steady f,... Sex
SideOrder2 spoon leg up m1.1,... spoon leg up f1.2,... Sex
ThatsTheWay tb,... tb,... Sex
Tap Dat v2 Tap That m,... Tap That f,... Sex
LoveCaress tb6a1,... tb5a,... Foreplay
Caress Me cm1a2,... cf1a,... Foreplay
GiveItGood give it good m,... give it good f,... Sex
Fill'er Full against wall M1.1,... against wall F1.1,... Sex
QualityTime chair him 1a,... chair her 1,... Sex
PumpThat 2 Pump That M,... Pump That F,... Sex
MakeHimQuiver Female Ride him Male 1.1,... Female Ride him1.1,... Sex
Let'sGoCrazy Lets Go Crazy m,... Lets Go Crazy F,... Sex
MakeHimTakeIt Make him take it m,... Make him take it f,... Foreplay
UnderTheHood msr3a,... fsr3a1,... Foreplay
Backdoor AG,... AR,... Sex
Ripe4Picking SSMa15,... SSFa15,... Sex
Yank! pinMA1,... pinFA,... Sex
SavageOne forced himA,... forced herA,... Sex
Rising2Occasion sexm2,... sexf2,... Sex
Pump Dat 1 Pump Dat 1 - M Pump Dat 1 - F Sex
SweetCaress dancehim1,... fs3a,... Cuddle
PassionEm3 dancehim2,... danceher2,... Cuddle
Kiss-5 cm1a2,... cf1a,... Cuddle
Kiss-8 pm1a,... pf1.1a,... Cuddle
Kiss-9 tb3,... tb4,... Cuddle
Kiss-Me cm4a1,... cf4a,... Cuddle
ImmortalBeloved receive kiss,... give kissa,... Cuddle
SeduceHim pm3,... pf3a,... Cuddle
Oh Yes Oh Yes - M,... Oh Yes - F,... Cuddle
VampireKiss vampmale1.2,... vampfemale1.2a,... Cuddle
SweptOfHerFeet Snuggle's Couple,... Snuggle's Couple 1,... Cuddle
Driven wild RCowgirl M.1,... RCowgirl F,... Sex
Quiver tpm,... tpf,... Sex
Bent over dBBMale,... dBBF,... Sex
Pumped Full taken from behind himA,... taken from behindA,... Sex
Push it CF1 dong 1 M2,... CF1 dong 1,... Sex
Blow Me Down bjm,... bjf,... Sex
EveryInch EFlat M,... EFlat F,... Sex
Unsustainable Unsustainable M1,... Unsustainable F1.1,... Sex
SatisfyMe SurpriseMbj,... SurpriseFbj,... Foreplay
DiveIn SurpriseMoral,... SurpriseForal,... Foreplay
SnackAttack oral,... TableOralF2,... Foreplay,Chair
DeeplyYours1 tpm1,... tpf1,... Sex
Savage2 sex MA12a,... sex FA12,... Sex
DriveItDeep ms2a,... fs2a,... Sex
HardFast&Slow sex m 3.1,... sex f 3.1,... Sex
Rocking2 Rockin 2 m,... Rockin 2 f,... Sex
Tight&Warm CowbabyM,... CowbabyF,... Sex
WhereHeBelong MastersMealM,... MastersMealF,... Foreplay
Savage4 savage4M,... savage4Fa,... Sex
Savage6 savagem6,... savagef6,... Sex
RoughBouncin StandSexM1,... StandSexF1,... Sex

RisqueAnimation[Send to me]

by: Tink Buttercup

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Elegance Elegance Elegance 1 Slow
The Brush The Brush The Brush 1 Slow
Embrace embracehima,... embracehera,... Cuddle
Couple3 ms3,... fs3a,... Cuddle
Kiss4 km3e,... kf3b,... Cuddle
SweptOff romantic dance him,... romantics dance hera,... Slow
KissingSlow carrykissm1,... carrykissf1,... Cuddle
MySoulMyLove KissM,... KissF,... Cuddle
PassEmbrace Passions EmbraceM Passions EmbraceF Cuddle

Romancier Lover[Send to me]

by: Trebbort Subagja

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
HardcoreFuck hardcorem1,... hardcoref1,... Sex
BackFucker Male Fucker 1,... Female Fucker 1,... Sex
StandFucker Male Fucker 2,... Female Fucker 2,... Sex
ScissorSex fuckM3,... fuckF3,... Sex
HardRam fuckMM6,... fuckF6,... Sex
Deep fuckM7,... fuckF7,... Sex
InHer fuckM8,... fuckF8,... Sex
Caress Caress_male,... Caress_female,... Cuddle,Chair
NaughtyKiss Naughy_kiss_male,... Naughty_kiss_female,... Cuddle

Rough Cupid[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
CockWorship Side Lick_M v3,... Side Lick_F v3,... Foreplay

S & S Design[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
tasteHer lick her lay on belly,... bond1,... Foreplay
rideHisFace ASK_k_43_M_(BA_bundle) 1,... Ride_F,... Foreplay
giveHand male fist,... bridge,... Foreplay

SCGDesign[Send to me]

by: SoCalGal Hope

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
BedCuddle SURREAL_ LIfe_HOUSE_OF_VENUS_BED_male sleeping,... SURREAL_ LIfe_HOUSE_OF_VENUS_BED_female sleeping,... Cuddle

SEmotion Studio[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SEnsation10 coupleSP10-M,... coupleSP10-F,... Cuddle
SEnsation9 coupleSP09-M,... coupleSP09-F,... Cuddle,Chair
SEnsation7 coupleSP07-M,... coupleSP07-F,... Cuddle
SEnsation8 coupleSP08-M,... coupleSP08-F,... Cuddle
SEnsation6 coupleSP06-M,... coupleSP06-F,... Cuddle
SEcuddle1 special-m01,... special-f01,... Cuddle
SEcuddle3 special-m04,... special-f04,... Cuddle
SEcuddle4 special-m05,... special-f05,... Cuddle
SEcuddle5 special-m06,... special-f06,... Cuddle
SEcuddle9 puff_m04a,... puff_f04a,... Cuddle
SEnsation4 coupleSP04-M,... coupleSP04-F,... Cuddle
SEnsation5 coupleSP05-M,... coupleSP05-F,... Cuddle
SEnsation3 coupleSP03-M,... coupleSP03-F,... Cuddle
SEnsation1 coupleSP01-M,... coupleSP01-F,... Cuddle
SEnsation2 coupleSP02-M,... coupleSP02-F,... Cuddle
SEintimate10 couplesit-3M,... couplesit-3F,... Cuddle,Chair
SEintimate4 puff_m09a,... puff_f09a,... Cuddle,Chair
SEintimate5 puff_m11a,... puff_f11a,... Cuddle,Chair
SEintimate2 puff_m05a,... puff_f05a,... Cuddle,Chair
SEintimate1 special-m03,... special-f03,... Cuddle,Chair
SEintimate3 puff_m07a,... puff_f07a,... Cuddle
SEintimate6 swing_m01a,... swing_f01a,... Cuddle,Chair
SEintimate7 swing_m02a,... swing_f02a,... Cuddle,Chair
SEintimate8 couplesit-1M,... couplesit-1F,... Cuddle,Chair
SEintimate9 couplesit-2M,... couplesit-2F,... Cuddle,Chair
SEcuddle2 special-m02,... special-f02,... Cuddle
SEcuddle8 puff_m03a,... puff_f03a,... Cuddle
SEpleasure1 couplePP01-M,... couplePP01-F,... Cuddle
SEcuddle6 puff_m01a,... puff_f01a,... Cuddle,Chair
SEcuddle7 puff_m02a,... puff_f02a,... Cuddle,Chair
SEcuddle10 puff_m08a,... puff_f08a,... Cuddle,Chair

Senseous[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Caress KS_Caress_I_R,... KS_Caress_I_G,... Cuddle

Sensual Designs[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SensualSlow male kiss,... female kiss,... Cuddle

Sexually Perfect[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Love Hold GIVE ME THRUST,... CARRIE ME,... Sex

sinamatic[Send to me]

by: Sin Toshi

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LoversHug1 ani_lovers_hug1_m,... ani_lovers_hug1_f,... Cuddle
LoversHug2 ani_lovershug2_m,... ani_lovershug2_f,... Cuddle
StandKiss2 standingkiss2_m,... standingkiss2_f,... Cuddle
LapKiss ani_lapkiss_m,... ani_lapkiss_f,... Cuddle
Recline ani_lovers_recline1_m,... ani_lovers_recline1_f,... Cuddle
ReclineBJ ani_reclinebj-m,... ani_reclinebj-f,... Foreplay
Cunni.1 ani_cunnilingus1_m,... ani_cunnilingus1_f,... Foreplay
Cunni.2 ani_cunnilingus2_m,... ani_cunnilingus2_f,... Foreplay
Missi.1 ani_missionary_m,... ani_missionary_f,... Sex
Missi.2 ani_missionary2_m,... ani_missionary2_f,... Sex
Deepstick ani_deepstick_m,... ani_deepstick_f,... Sex
Doggystyle ani_doggystyle_m,... ani_doggystyle_f,... Sex
Cowgirl2 ani_cowgirl2_m,... ani_cowgirl2_f,... Sex
Spider ani_spider_m,... ani_spider_f,... Sex
Wall ani_wall_m,... ani_wall_f,... Sex
Kiss2 ani_kiss2_m,... ani_kiss2_f,... Cuddle
LapKiss2 ani_lapkiss2_m,... ani_lapkiss2_f,... Cuddle,Chair
GroundLapKiss ani_lapkiss-ground_m,... ani_lapkiss_f,... Cuddle
CarriedHug ani_carriedhug_m,... ani_carriedhug_f,... Cuddle
Cuddle1 ani_cuddle1-ground_m,... ani_cuddle1_f,... Cuddle
KneelingHug ani_kneelhug_m,... ani_kneelhug_f,... Cuddle
FastBJ ani_blowjob_m,... ani_blowjob_f,... Foreplay
Cunnilingus ani_cunnilingus_m,... ani_cunnilingus_f,... Foreplay
Cowgirl ani_cowgirl_m,... ani_cowgirl_f,... Sex
Spank ani_spank_m,... ani_spank_f,... BDSM,Chair
StandKiss1 ani_MF Standing Kiss_m1,... ani_MF Standing Kiss_f1,... Cuddle
CuddleGround ani_MF Cuddle (ground)_m,... ani_MF Cuddle (ground)_f,... Cuddle
Spooning ani_MF Spooning_m1,... ani_MF Spooning_f1,... Cuddle
LapKissGround ani_MF Lap Kiss (ground)_m1,... ani_MF Lap Kiss (ground)_f1,... Cuddle
Reclining ani_MF Reclining Caress_m1,... ani_MF Reclining Caress_f1,... Cuddle
LayTogether ani_MF Lay Together_m1,... ani_MF Lay Together_f1,... Cuddle
LoversHug ani_MF Lovers Hug_m1,... ani_MF Lovers Hug_f1,... Cuddle
PassionKiss ani_MF Passion Kiss (couch)_m1,... ani_MF Passion Kiss (couch)_f1,... Cuddle,Chair
KneelHug ani_MF Kneeling Hug_m1,... ani_MF Kneeling Hug_f1,... Cuddle
Recline.BJ ani_MF Reclining BJ_m1,... ani_MF Reclining BJ_f1,... Foreplay
Anvil ani_anvil_m,... ani_anvil_f,... Sex
Missi-1 ani_MF Missionary_m1,... ani_MF Missionary_f1,... Sex
MIssi-2 ani_MF Missionary 2_m1,... ani_MF Missionary 2_f1,... Sex
Doggy ani_MF Doggystyle_m1,... ani_MF Doggystyle_f1,... Sex
Spanking ani_MF Spank_m1,... ani_MF Spank_f1,... BDSM,Chair
Cunni-2 ani_MF Cunnilingus_m1,... ani_MF Cunnilingus_f1,... Foreplay
KissFloor kiss-floor_m,... kiss-floor_f,... Cuddle
Carried Hug carried_hug_m,... carried_hug_f,... Cuddle
Seated.Kiss ani_MF Seated Kiss_m1,... ani_MF Seated Kiss_f1,... Cuddle
MakeOut ani_MF Makeout Kiss_m1,... ani_MF Makeout Kiss_f1,... Cuddle
Slow.BJ MF BJ(slow)_m1a,... MF BJ(slow)_f1a,... Foreplay
Fast.BJ MF BJ(fast)_m1a,... MF BJ(fast)_f1a,... Foreplay
Lap.Kiss ani_FF Lapkiss(gr)_f1,... ani_FF Lapkiss_f2,... Cuddle
KneelingKiss ani_kneelkiss_f1,... kneelkiss1a_f2,... Cuddle
KneelKiss ani_FF Kneeling Kiss_f1,... ani_FF Kneeling Kiss_f2,... Cuddle
SeatedKiss ani_lezseatedkiss_f1,... ani_lezseatedkiss_f2,... Cuddle
CaressBoob ani_FF Caress_f2,... ani_FF Caress_f1,... Cuddle
ReclineKiss ani_FF Reclining Kiss_f1,... ani_FF Reclining Kiss_f2,... Cuddle
Tittylation ani_FF Tittylation_f2,... ani_FF Tittylation_f1,... Cuddle
SpellBind MF VampireSpellbind_m1,... MF VampireSpellbind_f1,... Cuddle
Struggle ani_MF Vampire Kiss: Struggle_m1,... ani_MF Vampire Kiss: Struggle_f1,... Cuddle
Surrender ani_MF Vampire Kiss: Surrender_m1,... ani_MF Vampire Kiss: Surrender_f1,... Cuddle
BackRubHim Backrub(him) 3_m1a,... Backrub(him) 3_f1a,... Cuddle
Int.Caress FF Intimate Caress_f1a,... FF Intimate Caress_f2a,... Cuddle
Cunni_1 ani_FF Cunnilingus_f2,... ani_FF Cunnilingus_f1,... Foreplay
RustyTrombone ani_rustytrombone_m,... ani_rustytrombone_f,... Foreplay
AssLicking ani_gayasslick_m2,... ani_gayasslick_m1,... Foreplay
Pleasure.1 ani_lezrub1_f2,... ani_lezrub1_f1,... Foreplay
Pleasure.2 ani_lezrub2_f1,... ani_lezrub2_f2,... Foreplay
Pleasure.3 ani_lezrub3_f1,... ani_lezrub3_f2,... Foreplay
Lez69.1 ani_lez69_f1,... ani_lez69_f2,... Foreplay
Les69.2 ani_lez69-2_f2,... ani_lez69-2_f1,... Foreplay
StandLick.1 ani_standinglick1_f2,... ani_standinglick1_f1,... Foreplay
StandLick.2 ani_standinglick2a_f2,... ani_standinglick2a_f1,... Foreplay
StandLick-1 ani_FF Standing Lick_f2,... ani_FF Standing Lick_f1,... Foreplay
StandLick-2 ani_FF Standing Lick 2_f2,... ani_FF Standing Lick 2_f1,... Foreplay
AssLick ani_lezasslick_f2,... ani_lezasslick_f1,... Foreplay
Fisting ani_lesfist_f1,... ani_lesfist_f2,... Foreplay
FistHer ani_FF Fisting_f1,... ani_FF Fisting_f2,... Foreplay
Mut.Pleasure1 ani_FF Mutual Pleasure_f2,... ani_FF Mutual Pleasure_f1,... Foreplay
Mut.Pleasure2 ani_FF Mutual Pleasure(2)_f1,... ani_FF Mutual Pleasure(2)_f2,... Foreplay
KneelSpoonS MF KneelSpoon (slow)_m1,... MF KneelSpoon (slow)_f1,... Sex
KneelSpoonM MF KneelSpoon (med)_m1,... MF KneelSpoon (med)_f1,... Sex
KneelSpoonF MF KneelSpoon (fast)_m1,... MF KneelSpoon (fast)_f1,... Sex
AnalSex ani_analsex_m1,... ani_analsex_m2,... Sex
Sleepy ani_MF Sleepy_m1,... ani_MF Sleepy_f1,... Cuddle
BackrubHim Backrub(him)_m1a,... Backrub(him)_f1a,... Cuddle,Massage
BackRubM3 Backrub(him) 3_m1a,... Backrub(him) 3_f1a,... Cuddle,Massage
BackRubF2 Backrub(her) 2_m1a,... Backrub(her) 2_f1a,... Cuddle,Massage
BackRubF4 Backrub(her) 4_m1a,... Backrub(her) 4_f1a,... Cuddle,Massage
TenderKiss MF TenderKiss_m1,... MF TenderKiss_f1,... Cuddle,Chair
CuddleCouch ani_MF Cuddle (couch)_m1,... ani_MF Cuddle (couch)_f1,... Cuddle,Chair
Cuddle2Couch ani_MF Cuddle 2 (couch)_m1,... ani_MF Cuddle 2 (couch)_f1,... Cuddle,Chair
Cuddle3Couch ani_MF Cuddle 3 (couch)_m1,... ani_MF Cuddle 3 (couch) _f1,... Cuddle,Chair
Cunniling3 MF Cunnilingus 3_m1a,... MF Cunnilingus 3_f1a,... Foreplay
KissAllOver MF KissAllOver_m1,... MF KissAllOver_f1,... Cuddle
KneeledHug MF KneelHug2_m1,... MF KneelHug2_f1,... Cuddle
V.Struggle MF VampireStruggle_m1a,... MF VampireStruggle_f1a,... Cuddle
V.Seduction MF VampireSeduction_m1a,... MF VampireSeduction_f1a,... Cuddle
V.Satisfaction VampireSatisfaction_m1,... VampireSatisfaction_f1,... Cuddle
KissStand2 MF Standing Kiss 2_m1a,... MF Standing Kiss 2_f1a,... Cuddle
Infatuation MF Infatuation_m1,... MF Infatuation_f1,... Cuddle
LoversHug2a MF Lovers Hug 2_m1a,... MF Lovers Hug 2_f1a,... Cuddle

Sinewave Couple Dances[Send to me]

by: Easy Babcock

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Apple Apple Male Apple Female Ballroom
Orange Orange Male Orange Female Ballroom
Lemon Lemon Male Lemon Female Ballroom
Face Off Face Off Male Face off Female Freestyle
Desire Desire Male Desire Female Freestyle
Over & Out Over And Out Male Over And Out Female Freestyle
Suede Suede Male Suede Female Freestyle
Jail House Jail House Male Jail House Female Freestyle
Bowled Over bowled over m bowled over f Freestyle
Worship worship m worship f Freestyle
Push - Pull push me pull you m push me pull you f Freestyle
1-CloseCouples close couples m1 close couples f1 Freestyle
2-CloseCouples close couples m2 close couples f2 Freestyle
3-CloseCouples close couples m3 close couples f3 Freestyle
4-CloseCouples male1 female1 Freestyle
YouAndMe youandme_m_1,... youandme_f_1,... Freestyle
LiquidFelon liquid_m_1,... liquid_f_1,... Freestyle
cntr of attn attention_m_1,... attention_f_1,... Freestyle
too good too_good_m_1,... too_good_f_1,... Freestyle
GiveItBack giveitback_m_1 copy,... giveitback_f_1 copy,... Fun

Sissy's Animations Artisfacta[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
A2Blowjob BJ_MALE,... BJ_FEM,... Foreplay
Together 3 T3.12Looped,... T3.12FLooped,... Sex
Massage 4 get massage3,... massage4,... Cuddle
Massage 3 get massage2 massage3 Cuddle
Massage 2 get massage2,... massge2,... Cuddle
Massage 1 get massage,... massage1.1,... Cuddle
Together 1 Together1_,... Together1F_,... Cuddle
Together 2 Together2,... Together2F,... Cuddle
LoveKiss 3 LovekissM3 LovekissF3 Cuddle
A2RelaxChat Male1,... Female,... Cuddle
A2Relax a2_relax_M,... a2_relax_F.11,... Cuddle,Chair
LoveObscene syncBoy1.5,... syncGirl1.5,... Sex
A2Chatting a2_chatting_M,... a2_chatting1_F,... Cuddle
A2Kiss a2_kiss_M.2,... a2_kiss_F22,... Cuddle
A2SitCuddling a2_2_M,... a2_2_F.1,... Cuddle,Chair
NaugtyKiss Naughy_kiss_male,... Naughty_kiss_female,... Cuddle

Slounge Design[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SLow1 Slow 1.2 (M) Slow 1.2 (F) Slow
Dirty Dance Slounge Design/Dirty Dancing (M) 2 Slounge Design/Dirty Dancing (F) 2 Freestyle
Lambada Lambada (M)1 Lambada (F)1 Freestyle
SD Tango SD/Tango (M)1 SD/Tango (F)1 Freestyle

Speedwell's Animations[Send to me]

by: JoeyScott Speedwell

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Cuddle-5 cuddle5 m,... cuddle5 f,... Cuddle
Cuddle-1 Kiss m cud1 kiss,... f cud1 kiss,... Cuddle
TittyFuck titty fuck m,... titty fuck f,... Foreplay
TittySuck titty suck m,... titty suck f,... Foreplay

Steam Animations Making Love[Send to me]

by: Elboran Steamroller

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LiftLick LiftLickMale,... LiftLickFemale,... Sex
LiftBehind LiftBehindMale,... LiftBehindFemale,... Sex
LeanBack LeanBackMale,... LeanBackFemale,... Sex
BackWall BackWallMale,... BackWallFemale,... Sex
PushBj PushBJMale,... PushBJFemale,... Sex
RevRide RevRideMale,... RevRideFemale,... Sex
BJ BJMale,... BJFemale,... Foreplay
Handjob HandJobMale,... HandJobFemale,... Foreplay
LegsTight LegsTightMale,... LegsTightFemale,... Sex
LiftUp LiftUpMale,... LiftUpFemale,... Sex
Ride RideMale,... RideFemale,... Sex
SpankLab SpankLapMale,... SpankLapFemale,... BDSM
SpankSit SpankSitMale,... SpankSitFemale,... BDSM
TopFast TopFastMale,... TopFastFemale,... Sex

Strokerz Toyz[Send to me]

by: Stroker Serpentine

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Blowjob mbj6b,... fbj6e,... Foreplay
LickSet mlick2,... flick2,... Foreplay
Titfuck mtitty,... ftitty,... Foreplay
Legwide mlegwide2,... flegwide,... Sex

Sugabeans Pose & Animation[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Sgb Handjob handjob M,... handjob F,... Foreplay

SVU Intimate Animation[Send to me]

by: Mliss Ristow

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
MadStab Stab4_D,... Stab4_S,... Sadist
KickOver KickOver_D,... KickOver_S,... Sadist
TakeDownSex TakeDown1_D,... TakeDown1_S,... Sex

Sweet Animations[Send to me]

by: ginji Hax

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Love1 L1male,... L1female,... Cuddle
Love2 L2male,... L2female,... Cuddle
Love3 L3male,... L3female,... Cuddle
Love4 L4male,... L4female,... Cuddle
Love5 L5male,... L5female,... Cuddle
SweetSlow1 d1male d1female Slow,Sexy
SweetSlow2 d2male d2female Slow,Sexy
SweetSlow3 d3male d3female Slow,Sexy
SweetSlow4 d4male d4female Slow,Sexy
SweetSlow5 d5male d5female Slow,Sexy
SweetSlow6 d6male d6female Sexy
SweetSlow7 d7male d7female Sexy
SweetKiss1 K1male,... K1female,... Kiss
SweetKiss2 K2male,... K2female,... Kiss
SweetKiss3 K3male2,... K3female2,... Kiss
SweetKiss4 K4male,... K4female,... Kiss
Couple2 c2male c2female Cuddle

Sylva's Animation Factory[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
LapSit lapsitm1-1,... lapsitf1-0,... Cuddle,Chair
DommePlay2 domme-play-2-d,... domme-play-2-s,... Sex,BDSM
BottomsUp bottomsup-m,... bottomsup-f,... Sex
Blacksmith blacksmith-m,... blacksmith-f,... Sex
DommePlay1 domplay-dom,... domplay-sub,... Foreplay,BDSM
Bump&Grind facesit-top,... facesit-bottom,... Foreplay
LoverDance Dance-1 M Dance-1 F Slow
Intent intent-m-2,... intent-f,... Cuddle
Nuzzle nuzzle-m,... nuzzle-f,... Cuddle,Chair
Relaxed relaxed-m,... relaxed-f,... Cuddle
Intimate intimate-f1-295,... intimate-f2-295,... Cuddle
BedCuddle bedcuddle-1,... threesome cuddle-girl1,... Cuddle
Blowjob 3a blowjob-3-m-ab,... blowjob-3-f-a,... Foreplay,Chair
GivePleasure givingpleasure-1-m,... givingpleasure-1-f,... Foreplay,Chair
ABreast 2.1 nursem2-1,... nursef2-1,... Foreplay,Chair
ABreast 3 abreast-3-m-v2,... abreast-3-f,... Foreplay
DeepImpact deep-impact-m,... deep-impact-f,... Sex
WristFeeding wristfeeding-g*0,... wristfeeding-d*-0.5,... Cuddle
LoverLost Dance-1 (lover lost) M Dance-1 (lover lost) F Slow
Comfort Comfort-M,... Comfort-F,... Cuddle
Prized Prized-M,... Prized-F,... Cuddle
Blowjob 1 blowjob-1-m-507b,... blowjob-1-f-507,... Foreplay
BlowJob 3 blowjob-3-m-ab,... blowjob-3-f-b,... Foreplay,Chair
ThroatJob throatfuck-m1-0,... throatfuck-f1-0,... Foreplay,Chair
Determined Determined-MM-M2,... Determined-MM-M1,... Foreplay
DommeSit domme-sit-5-d,... domme-sit-5-s,... Foreplay,Chair
Furrow furrow-m,... furrow-f,... Foreplay
69Type4 69 type 4-m,... 69 type 4-f,... Foreplay
ChairBound5 Chair Bound-5-M,... Chair Bound-5-F,... Sex
Ride 3 ride-3-m,... ride-3-f,... Sex
Ride 3e ride-3e-m,... ride-3-f,... Sex,Chair
CouchRide Couch Ride-2-M,... Couch Ride-2-F,... Sex,Chair
Ottoman2 ottoman-2-m,... ottoman-2-f,... Sex,Chair
TBone t-bone-m-s,... t-bone-f,... Sex,Chair
Instigation Instigation-M,... Instigation-F,... Cuddle
Wrenching wenching-m,... wenching-f,... Cuddle
Passion Passion-M,... Passion-F,... Cuddle
Eagerness Eagerness-B-F1,... Eagerness-B-F2,... Cuddle
Reflection Reflection-M Reflection-F Cuddle
Consideration consideration-2,... consideration-1f,... Foreplay,Lez
Fingerplay fingerplay-2,... fingerplay-1a,... Foreplay,Lez
Considerations consideration-s-m,... consideration-s-f,... Foreplay,Lez
LongingM/F Longing Kiss-F1 Longing Kiss-F2 Cuddle
LongingF/F Longing Kiss-F1 Longing Kiss-F2 Cuddle,Lez
Sacred Sacred-F1 Sacred-F2 Foreplay,Lez
Fair Play Fair Play-F1 Fair Play-F2 Foreplay,Lez
Delight Delight-F1 Delight-F2 Foreplay,Lez
BumpGrind bump-n-grind-bottom bump-n-grind-top Foreplay,Lez
BlackSmith Blacksmith-M,... Blacksmith-F,... Sex
Acceptance Acceptance-M,... Acceptance-F,... Sex
Incline Incline-M,... Incline-F,... Sex
Tangle Tangle-M,... Tangle-F,... Sex
FaceRide Face Ride-M,... Face Ride-F,... Foreplay
ShelterT Shelter-M,... Shelter-F,... Cuddle
Grapes Grapes-M Grapes-F Cuddle
View View-M View-F standing,Cuddle
Smooch Smooch-M Smooch-F standing,Cuddle
Fireside Pair Fireside Pair-M Fireside Pair-F Kneeling,Cuddle
Sunset Sunset-M Sunset-F sitting,Cuddle
Ardor-G Ardor-G-M Ardor-G-F sitting,Cuddle
Nested-G Nested-G-M Nested-G-F Cuddle
Intimate-S-A Intimate-S-A-M Intimate-S-A-F Cuddle
Intimate-S-B Intimate-S-B-M Intimate-S-B-F Cuddle
Assent A Assent-A-M Assent-A-F sitting,Cuddle
Lapkiss-2A Lapkiss-2A-M Lapkiss-2A-F Cuddle
Straddle Cuddle Straddle Cuddle-M Straddle Cuddle-F Cuddle
Fireside-2 Fireside-2-M Fireside-2-F Cuddle
Fireside-3 Fireside-3-M Fireside-3-F Cuddle
Longing Kiss-2 Longing Kiss-2-M Longing Kiss-2-F Cuddle
Near Miss Near Miss-M Near Miss-F Cuddle
300 300-M 300-F Cuddle
Cuddle-2 Cuddle-2-M Cuddle-2-F Cuddle
Caress Caress-M Caress-F Cuddle
Slumber Slumber-M Slumber-F Cuddle
Inflamed Inflamed-M Inflamed-F Cuddle
Afterglow Afterglow-M Afterglow-F Cuddle
Safe Safe-M Safe-F Cuddle
Massage-3 Massage-3-M Massage-3-F lying,Massage,Cuddle
Massage-4 Massage-4-M Massage-4-F lying,Massage,Cuddle
Brushing Brushing-F2 Brushing-F1 Cuddle
Stargazing Stargazing-M Stargazing-F Cuddle
Boys Boys-M1,... Boys-M2,... Cuddle,Gay
Blowjob 6a Blowjob-6-M-A,... Blowjob-6-F,... Foreplay
GoingDown5 Going Down-5A-M,... Going Down-5A-F,... Foreplay
LoversBraid Lovers' Braid-M,... Lovers' Braid-F,... Foreplay
SteamyCaress Steamy Caress-M,... Steamy Caress-F,... Foreplay
ThroatJob2 Throat Job-2-M,... Throat Job-2-F,... Foreplay,Chair
Overload2 Overload-2-M,... Overload-2-F,... Foreplay
Missionary2 Missionary-2-M,... Missionary-2-F,... Sex
Lotus2 Lotus-2-M,... Lotus-2-F,... Sex
RoughRide Rough Ride-M,... Rough Ride-F,... Sex
HoggedUsed hogged-used-m hogged-used-f Sex
Mistletoe Mistletoe-M,... Mistletoe-F,... Cuddle
WatchCloudC Cloud Watching-M,... Cloud Watching-F,... Cuddle

Sylva's Cuddles[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
View View-M View-F standing,cuddle
Passion Passion-M Passion-F standing,cuddle
Smooch Smooch-M Smooch-F standing,cuddle
Fireside Pair Fireside Pair-M Fireside Pair-F kneeling,cuddle
Sunset Sunset-M Sunset-F sitting,cuddle
Ardor-G Ardor-G-M Ardor-G-F sitting,cuddle
Eagerness-B Eagerness-B-F1 Eagerness-B-F2 sitting,cuddle
Nested-G Nested-G-M Nested-G-F sitting,cuddle
Intimate-S-A Intimate-S-A-M Intimate-S-A-F sitting,cuddle
Intimate-S-B Intimate-S-B-M Intimate-S-B-F sitting,cuddle
Prized Prized-M Prized-F kneeling,cuddle
Reflection Reflection-M Reflection-F lying,cuddle
Assent A Assent-A-M Assent-A-F sitting,cuddle
Lapkiss-2A Lapkiss-2A-M Lapkiss-2A-F sitting,cuddle
Intimate Intimate-F1 Intimate-F2 sitting,f/f,cuddle
Straddle Cuddle Straddle Cuddle-M Straddle Cuddle-F lying,cuddle
Longing Kiss Longing Kiss-F1 Longing Kiss-F2 sitting,f/f,cuddle
Fireside-2 Fireside-2-M Fireside-2-F sitting,cuddle
Fireside-3 Fireside-3-M Fireside-3-F sitting,cuddle
Longing Kiss-2 Longing Kiss-2-M Longing Kiss-2-F sitting,cuddle
Near Miss Near Miss-M Near Miss-F sitting,cuddle
300 300-M 300-F sitting,cuddle
Cuddle-2 Cuddle-2-M Cuddle-2-F lying,cuddle
Caress Caress-M Caress-F lying,cuddle
Slumber Slumber-M Slumber-F lying,cuddle
Inflamed Inflamed-M Inflamed-F lying,cuddle
Relaxed Relaxed-M Relaxed-F lying,cuddle
Afterglow Afterglow-M Afterglow-F lying,cuddle
Safe Safe-M Safe-F lying,cuddle
Massage-3 Massage-3-M Massage-3-F lying,massage,cuddle
Massage-4 Massage-4-M Massage-4-F lying,massage,cuddle
Dance-1 Dance-1 (lover lost) M Dance-1 (lover lost) F dance,cuddle,slow

Tenaj Hoorenbeek[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Getting Tail mermanfuck merlegsup5 Mermaid
GetTail HM fuck merlegsup5 Mermaid
Eat Sushi HM piratesushi2a merlegsup5 Mermaid
Eat Sushi MM mermansushi2 merlegsup5 Mermaid

The Dance Shack[Send to me]

by: BigJack Rolls

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
The Bump dirty3M dirty3F Sexy
The Bump2 dirtyM dirtyF Sexy
Dirty Dance dirty4M dirty4F Sexy
DownDirty dirty1M dirty1F Sexy
DownDirty2 dirty5M dirty5F Sexy
DownDirty3 dirty5M dirty5F Sexy
Back 2 Back dirty2M dirty2F Sexy
Friction dirty6M dirty6F Sexy

The Dance Shack Oldies[Send to me]

by: BigJack Rolls

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Twisting M Twist F Twist Oldies
Jivin' M Jive F Jive Oldies
Mash Potato M Mashed F Mashed Oldies
Swim M Swim F Swim Oldies
Monkey M Monkey F Monkey Oldies
Boogie M Boogie F Boogie Oldies
Jammin' M Jam F Jam Oldies
Groovin' M Grooving F Grooving Oldies

The Merseum[Send to me]

by: Corkie Houston, Renato Surtees

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Mer Embrace Mer Embrace Mer Embrace Mermaid
MerPass.Kiss Standing Kiss v2mer v2,... standing kiss 2 -Fmer,... Mermaid
Until untilMerman1,... UntilMerF1,... Mermaid
SeaEmbrace Mer Cuddle Male 103,... Mer Cuddle Fem 101,... Mermaid
Mer Adore mer adore 2d,... adore fem b,... Mermaid
Embrace HM Embrace HM Mer Embrace -F Mermaid
Mer Gaze Mer Gaze Mer Gaze 1 Mermaid
Kiss HM Human Kiss Mer Kiss -F Mermaid
Kiss MM Mer Kiss-M Mer Kiss -F Mermaid
Surge crestM5 Crest5 Mermaid
Makin Waves merspoon outside9 v2 merspoon inside4v2 Mermaid
Until..HM until1 UntilMerF1 Mermaid

There in Spirit[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Waltz TIS Waltz TIS-M Waltz TIS-F Ballroom
Dont Cha Dont Cha TIS-M Dont Cha TIS-F Sexy
As One TIS As One TIS-M As One TIS-F Sexy
2Hearts TIS 2Hearts TIS-M 2Hearts TIS-F Sexy
All Yours All Yours TIS - M All Yours TIS - F Slow
Wont Cha Wont Cha TIS-M Wont Cha TIS-F Sexy
Off Ur Nut Off Ur Nut TIS-M Off Ur Nut TIS-F Club,Freestyle
Off Ur Rocker Off Ur Rocker TIS-M Off Ur Rocker TIS-F Club,Freestyle
Off Ur Trolley Off Ur Trolley TIS-M Off Ur Trolley TIS-F Club,Freestyle

TnT Corporation[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Adore AdoreM,... Laysidef,... Cuddle
BehindKiss BehindkissM,... BehindkissF,... Cuddle
LayOnChest LayonchestM,... LayonchestF,... Cuddle
Understanding DeM,... DeF,... Cuddle
Hold Holdher,... Holdhim,... Cuddle
LayKiss LayKM,... LayKF,... Cuddle
LayTop laytopM,... laytopF,... Cuddle
PassionKiss SideKissM,... SidekissF,... Cuddle
TalkHug sithug,... sithugF,... Cuddle

Trosca Digital & Design[Send to me]

by: Tali Rosca, Cracker Hax

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
FirstKiss kiss1,... kiss1f,... Cuddle

Virtual Artwork[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Standing BJ Standing BJ(man),... Standing BJ(woman),... Foreplay
KneelingBJ1 Kneeling BJ M 1,... Kneeling BJ F 1,... Foreplay
KneelingBJ2 Kneeling BJ M 2,... Kneeling BJ F 2,... Foreplay
KneelingBJ3 Kneeling BJ M 3,... Kneeling BJ F 3,... Foreplay
KneelingBJ4 Kneeling BJ M 4,... Kneeling BJ F 4,... Foreplay
Tit2Mouth1 Tit 2 Mouth Balls M1,... Tit 2 Mouth Balls F1,... Foreplay
Tit2Mouth2 Tit 2 Mouth Balls M2,... Tit 2 Mouth Balls F2,... Foreplay
Tit2Mouth3 Tit 2 Mouth Balls M3,... Tit 2 Mouth Balls F3,... Foreplay
Tit2Mouth4 Tit 2 Mouth Balls M4,... Tit 2 Mouth Balls F4,... Foreplay
Tit2Mouth5 Tit 2 Mouth Balls M5 SB,... Tit 2 Mouth Balls F5 SB,... Foreplay
FingerLick1 Finger & Lick M1,... Finger & Lick F1,... Foreplay
FingerLick2 Finger & Lick M2,... Finger & Lick F2,... Foreplay
FingerLick3 Finger & Lick M3,... Finger & Lick F3,... Foreplay
FingerLick4 Finger & Lick M4,... Finger & Lick F4,... Foreplay
Face2FaceHug Face2Face Hug (man),... Face2Face hug(female),... Cuddle
VAW KIss kiss man,... Kiss Woman,... Cuddle
KneelDoggie kneeling doggie(male),... kneeling doggie(Female),... Sex
PushPound1 Push & Pound M2,... Push & Pound F2,... Sex
PushPound2 Push & Pound M3,... Push & Pound F3,... Sex
PushPound3 Push & Pound M4,... Push & Pound F4,... Sex
XTCDoggie1 XTC Doggie Combo M1,... XTC Doggie Combo F1,... Sex
XTCDoggie2 XTC Doggie Combo M2,... XTC Doggie Combo F2,... Sex
XTCDoggie3 XTC Doggie Combo M3,... XTC Doggie Combo F3,... Sex
XTCDoggie4 XTC Doggie Combo M4,... XTC Doggie Combo F4,... Sex
BehindHer1 Behind Her M1,... Behind Her F1,... Sex
BehindHer2 Behind Her M2,... Behind Her F2,... Sex
BehindHer3 Behind Her M3,... Behind Her F3,... Sex
BehindHer4 Behind Her M4,... Behind Her F4,... Sex
DomDoggie1 Dom Doggie M1,... Dom Doggie F1,... Sex
DomDoggie2 Dom Doggie M2,... Dom Doggie F2,... Sex
DomDoggie3 Dom Doggie M3,... Dom Doggie F3,... Sex
DomDoggie4 Dom Doggie M4,... Dom Doggie F4,... Sex
DomDoggie5 Dom Doggie M5,... Dom Doggie F5,... Sex
FaceDown1 Face Down M1,... Face Down F1,... Sex
FaceDown2 Face Down M2,... Face Down F2,... Sex
FaceDown3 Face Down M3,... Face Down F3,... Sex
FaceDown4 Face Down M4,... Face Down F4,... Sex
LayBackBj1 Lay Back BJ M1,... Lay Back BJ F1,... Foreplay
LayBackBj2 Lay Back BJ M2,... Lay Back BJ F2,... Foreplay
LayBackBj3 Lay Back BJ M3,... Lay Back BJ F3,... Foreplay
LayBackBj4 Lay Back BJ M4,... Lay Back BJ F4,... Foreplay
MissiSX1-1 Missionary SX1 M1,... Missionary SX1 F1,... Sex
MissiSX1-2 Missionary SX1 M2,... Missionary SX1 F2,... Sex
MissiSX1-3 Missionary SX1 M3,... Missionary SX1 F3,... Sex
MissiSX1-4 Missionary SX1 M4,... Missionary SX1 F4,... Sex
Ruff M1 Ruff M M1,... Ruff M F1,... Sex
Ruff M2 Ruff M M2,... Ruff M F2,... Sex
Ruff M3 Ruff M M3,... Ruff M F3,... Sex
Ruff M4 Ruff M M4,... Ruff M F4,... Sex
Ruff D1 Ruff D - M1,... Ruff D - F1,... Sex
Ruff D2 Ruff D - M2,... Ruff D - F2,... Sex
Ruff D3 Ruff D - M3,... Ruff D - F3,... Sex
Ruff D4 Ruff D - M4,... Ruff D - F4,... Sex
SitBJ1 Sitting BJ M1,... Sitting BJ F1,... Foreplay
SitBJ2 Sitting BJ M2,... Sitting BJ F2,... Foreplay
SitBJ3 Sitting BJ M3,... Sitting BJ F3,... Foreplay
SitBJ4 Sitting BJ M4,... Sitting BJ F4,... Foreplay
WallSex1 Wall Sex (Front) M1,... Wall Sex (Front) F1,... Sex
WallSex2 Wall Sex (Front) M2,... Wall Sex (Front) F2,... Sex
WallSex3 Wall Sex (Front) M3,... Wall Sex (Front) F3,... Sex
WallSex4 Wall Sex (Front) M4,... Wall Sex (Front) F4,... Sex

Vista Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
2 Chicks 02 VMD2CHICKS02 VFD2CHICKS02 Freestyle
2 Chicks 05 VMD2CHICKS05 VFD2CHICKS05 Freestyle
2 Chicks 09 VMD2CHICKS09 VFD2CHICKS09 Freestyle
2 Chicks 12 VMD2CHICKS12 VFD2CHICKS12 Freestyle
2 Chicks 14 VMD2CHICKS14 VFD2CHICKS14 Freestyle
2 Chicks 17 VMD2CHICKS17 VFD2CHICKS17 Freestyle
2 Chicks 20 VMD2CHICKS20 VFD2CHICKS20 Freestyle
2 Chicks 21 VMD2CHICKS21 VFD2CHICKS21 Freestyle
2 Chicks 24 VMD2CHICKS24 VFD2CHICKS24 Freestyle
2 Chicks 32 VMD2CHICKS32 VFD2CHICKS32 Freestyle
2 Chicks 34 VMD2CHICKS34 VFD2CHICKS34 Freestyle
2 Chicks 35 VMD2CHICKS35 VFD2CHICKS35 Freestyle
2 Chicks 36 VMD2CHICKS36 VFD2CHICKS36 Freestyle
2 Chicks 39 VMD2CHICKS39 VFD2CHICKS39 Freestyle
2 Chicks 41 VMD2CHICKS41 VFD2CHICKS41 Freestyle
2 Chicks 45 VMD2CHICKS45 VFD2CHICKS45 Freestyle
2 Chicks 46 VMD2CHICKS46 VFD2CHICKS46 Freestyle
Gasolina 1 VMDGASOLINA01 VFDGASOLINA01 Freestyle
Gasolina 2 VMDGASOLINA02 VFDGASOLINA02 Freestyle
Gasolina 3 VMDGASOLINA03 VFDGASOLINA03 Freestyle
Gasolina 4 VMDGASOLINA04 VFDGASOLINA04 Freestyle
Gasolina 5 VMDGASOLINA05 VFDGASOLINA05 Freestyle
Chillout 1 VMDCHILLOUT01 VFDCHILLOUT01 Freestyle
Chillout 2 VMDCHILLOUT02 VFDCHILLOUT02 Freestyle
Chillout 3 VMDCHILLOUT03 VFDCHILLOUT03 Freestyle
Chillout 4 VMDCHILLOUT04 VFDCHILLOUT04 Freestyle
Chillout 5 VMDCHILLOUT05 VFDCHILLOUT05 Freestyle
Clubbing 1 VMDCLUB01 VFDCLUB01 Freestyle
Clubbing 2 VMDCLUB02 VFDCLUB02 Freestyle
Clubbing 3 VMDCLUB03 VFDCLUB03 Freestyle
Clubbing 4 VMDCLUB04 VFDCLUB04 Freestyle
Clubbing 5 VMDCLUB05 VFDCLUB05 Freestyle

Warm Animations[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Lick 1-1 M1M M1F Foreplay
Lick 1-2 M2M,... M2F,... Foreplay
Fall in Love I CL1,... cl1,... Foreplay
Begin00 Begin00 M,... Begin00 F,... Foreplay
Begin01 Begin01 M,... Begin01 F,... Foreplay
Begin02 Begin02 M,... Begin02 F,... Foreplay
Begin03 Begin03 M,... Begin03 F,... Foreplay
Begin04 Begin04 M,... Begin04 F,... Foreplay
Begin05 Begin05 M,... Begin05 F,... Foreplay
Begin06 Begin06 M,... Begin06 F,... Foreplay
Begin07 Begin07 M,... Begin07 F,... Sex
Begin08 Begin08 M,... Begin08 F,... Sex
Begin09 Begin09 M,... Begin09 F,... Sex
Cl67 cl67,... CL67,... Sex
Miss01 Miss01 M,... Miss01 F,... Sex
Miss02 Miss02 M,... Miss02 F,... Sex
Miss03 Miss03 M,... Miss03 F,... Sex
Miss04 Miss04 M,... Miss04 F,... Sex
Miss05 Miss05 M,... Miss05 F,... Sex
Miss06 Miss06 M,... Miss06 F,... Sex
Miss07 Miss07 M,... Miss07 F,... Sex
Miss08 Miss08 M,... Miss08 F,... Sex
Miss09 Miss09 M,... Miss09 F,... Sex
Cl69 cl69,... CL69,... Sex
SoulMate1 SM01M SM01F Slow
SoulMate2 SM02M SM02F Slow
SoulMate3 SM03M SM03F Slow
SoulMate4 SM04M SM04F Slow
SoulMate5 SM05M SM05F Slow
SoulMate6 SM06M,... SM06F,... Slow
SoulMate7 SM07M SM07F Slow
SoulMate8 SM08M SM08F Slow
SoulMate9 SM09M SM09F Slow
SoulMate10 SM10M SM10F Slow
MoonLight1 ML1M ML1F Cuddle
MoonLight2 ML2M ML2F Cuddle
MoonLight3 ML3M ML3F Cuddle
MoonLight4 ML4M ML4F Cuddle
MoonLight5 ML5M ML5F Cuddle

WaterWorks[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
SlowAMation slowdance-m slowdance-f Slow

X-Clusives Erotic[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
Arch Deluxe archM1 archF1 Sex
AttitudeAdjustment StandingSpankM1 StandingSpankF1 Discipline
Bang It Deep kangashuf kangashuf 1 Sex
Bitch Bangin harder harder 1 Sex
Boob Screw boobfuckM1 boobfuckF1 Sex
Bumper Boobies boobfightF1 boobfightF2 Foreplay
DoggyInterlude DoggyLongM1,... DoggyLongF1,... Sex
Forced Lick SubStart,... DominatrixStart,... Sex
Kangaroo Shuffle kangashuf kangashuf 1 Sex
Knee Grind legtoyF1 legtoyF2 Foreplay
Legs Up legsupM1 legsupF1 Sex
LockDown CCM3,... CCF3,... Sex
Mission Basic missionbasicM1 missionbasicF1 Sex
Mushroom Tattoo dicksmackM1 dicksmackF1 Sex
Oral-Gasm drivethruM1 drivethruF1 Sex
Private Dancer ballherM1 ballherF1 Sex
SweetSitKiss sweetkiss sweetkiss 1 Kiss
Tastee Kake skypieM1 skypieF1 Sex
Teepee teepee teepee 1 Sex
Tit Time boobbobM1 boobbobF1 Foreplay
Vice-Grip FaceJumpM1 FaceJumpF1 Sex
XTremelyBad AbusedM1,... AbusedF1,... Discipline
FingerLickinGood FingerLickingGoodM1 FingerLickingGoodF1 Foreplay
JustLickIt BoobsM3A,... BoobsF3A,... Foreplay
TitFuck&Suck TitFuckM1,... TitFuckF1,... Foreplay,Chair
SmokinCrack SmokinCrackM1,... SmokinCrackF1,... Sex
TeePee teepee,... teepee 1,... Sex
FuckerFace FuckerFaceM1,... FuckerFaceF1,... Sex
LegGlider LegGliderM1,... LegGliderF1,... Sex
FoldedDeck FoldedDeckChairM1,... FoldedDeckChairF1,... Sex
DoMeHarder MissionaryHardM1,... MissionaryHardF1,... Sex
AsianCG AsianCowgirlM1,... AsianCowgirlF1,... Sex
ClitN'Slit DoggyLongM1,... DoggyLongF1,... Sex
DeepDoggy DoggyLongM3,... DoggyLongF3,... Sex
DeepPenetr DoggyHardM1,... DoggyHardF1,... Sex
AcrobatSex AcrobatSexM1,... AcrobatSexF1,... Sex

X-Clusives Romance[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
So In Love CouchCuddleM3 CouchCuddleF3 Cuddle
Sweet Nothings NewKissM1 NewKissF1 Cuddle
Sweet Serenity KneelingCuddleM1 KneelingCuddleF1 Cuddle
Tender Kisses CuddleM1 CuddleF1 Cuddle
TermsOfEndearment xLayingKissM1 xLayingKissF1 Cuddle
WrappedAttention LayingKissM1 LayingKissF1 Cuddle
AdoringYou lovekissga,... lovekissg,... Cuddle
Forever Yours StandingKissesM1 StandingKissesF1 Cuddle
Luscious Lip Lock xLayingKissM2 xLayingKissF2 Cuddle
EverlastingLove MagicKissesM1,... MagicKissesF1,... Cuddle
Love Storry RomanceM1,... RomanceF1,... Cuddle
MomentInTime intimem1,... intimef1,... Cuddle
VampireKiss VampiresKissM1,... VampiresKissF1,... Cuddle
URBeautiful LayTogetherM1,... LayTogetherF1,... Cuddle
Falling4You snugglem1,... snugglef1,... Cuddle
ToldYou reclinem1,... reclinedf1,... Cuddle,Chair
UltimateKiss LongCuddleAnimM1,... LongCuddleAnimF1,... Cuddle,Chair
InMoonlight SwayM1 SwayF1 Slow
BackupOnIt DanceFloorGrindM1short DanceFloorGrindF1short Freestyle
SmileWithYou SerenityM1,... SerenityF1,... Cuddle
LoveTogether RelaxingTogetherM1,... RelaxingTogetherF1,... Cuddle
SoInLove CouchCuddleM3,... CouchCuddleF3,... Cuddle

Yaya Creaciones[Send to me]

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
YPose2 Couple Pose 2 M,... Couple Pose 2 F,... Cuddle
YPose3 Couple Pose 3 M,... Couple Pose 3 F,... Cuddle
Wall Kiss 2 Wall Kiss 2 M,... Wall Kiss 2 F,... Cuddle
PoseFriend2 Pose Friend 2 M,... Pose Friend 2 F,... Cuddle
SitKiss1 Soft Sit Kiss 1 M,... Soft Sit Kiss 1 F,... Cuddle,Chair
SitKiss3 Soft Sit Kiss 3M,... Soft Sit Kiss 3F,... Cuddle,Chair

You&Me Animation[Send to me]

by: Jan Juergens

NameMale AnimationFemale AnimationTags
YM Slow slow2_m slow2_f Slow
LoveBirds cuddle_m,... cuddle_f,... Cuddle
Fisting aa,... doggie-fem-beging,... Foreplay
WashHisChest Shower_M,... DJ_washbackstand,... Cuddle
Footsie solo (playself),... Masturbate 2 Female,... Foreplay

If your dances/poses is not listed, please IM Cecilia Zheng for making/update the Configuration Card.